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Thread: Cutting up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Cutting up

    Alright can anyone suggest a diet for me to loose a little BF. I want to be a little more ripped before I start to gain. Right now Im about 12% so im just lookin to drop a little fat. I wanna see my bottom abs dammit. Haha any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You need to post on here what you are eating now so we can work out a diet without that info we have no idea !!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well your basics I guess chicken breast, egg whites, tuna, protein powder, broccoli, some green beans, pretty boring I guess. I usually do cardio about 2 times a week(every fourth day in my lifting routine) and run at least mon-thurs for about 10-15 min. I try to keep my carbs pretty low, but whats up? do I need more cardio? Oh yeah, this is probably one of my downfalls but Im in college so i drink on fridays and saturdays, I try to only drink hard liquer instead of beer but i will usuallly end up drinking a few beers too. The rest of the week I dont drink at all from Sunday to Thursday. Thanks

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