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Thread: *** DISCUSSION *** Milk - an optimal choice for PWO recovery?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    *** DISCUSSION *** Milk - an optimal choice for PWO recovery?

    Hi all, GB here. It's been a while since I've posted, life is keeping me busy. The other day, a friend (Twist) brought the following 2 studies to my attention, and I felt they were worthy to post here for debate.

    Let's keep it intelligent and respectful guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Milk, as long as it is fat free is a good choice for a PWO carb. It's a simple carb, yet healthy and provides fast absorption which is ideal for PWO recovery.

  3. #3
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    Some would argue that the relatively high sugar to protein ratio in milk makes it less than optimal, especially for people who are cutting.

    Then you have the other (ignorant IMO) people who will tell you milk makes you soft... you'll never build hard muscle relying on milk as a protein source, etc. which I find laughable since a lot of these same clowns swear by whey and casein shakes.

  4. #4
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    LoL. . . .

    I found that cutting without milk is damn near amazing. I cut while still having dairy as a part of my regular diet and I have never seen these kind of extreme results.

    Now, my concern goes to when I go back to a maintaining and/or bulking. Should I kick my dairy back in? - - - Still dunno

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    skim milk while taking slin is excellent in my experience.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Some would argue that the relatively high sugar to protein ratio in milk makes it less than optimal, especially for people who are cutting.

    Then you have the other (ignorant IMO) people who will tell you milk makes you soft... you'll never build hard muscle relying on milk as a protein source, etc. which I find laughable since a lot of these same clowns swear by whey and casein shakes.
    I would agree with this with cutting, but only if the person was mostly endo-morph type body or someone trying to get to a competition body fat percentage. Just my opinion on it. When I am cutting I will limit Milk to first thing in the morning and PWO meal only. I am also more of a meso-ecto type so I can get away with milk and fruit when cutting.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    LoL. . . .

    I found that cutting without milk is damn near amazing. I cut while still having dairy as a part of my regular diet and I have never seen these kind of extreme results.

    Now, my concern goes to when I go back to a maintaining and/or bulking. Should I kick my dairy back in? - - - Still dunno
    Ya good choice for you to cut milk out when cutting since I know your body type gains weight easy. Didn't you gain like 60lbs in a 10 week cycle? lol. But hellz ya put milk back in your diet when bulking! Great way for good healthy calories. Milk is good for you and no better way to get calcium in my opinion.

  8. #8
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    i cant comment from experience because since i started on this website i have worked under the assumption that dairy was a NONO when cutting. while i dont necessarily believe this to be the case conclusively i figd better to play it safe as i was very eager to get the fat off.

    i have also passed on this advice to others in the same boat as myself following the same logic. it would be interesting to try it out for myself.

    i would like to note i LOVE milk and up until last year drank 32-64oz per day with every meal i ate at home. i also do miss it! i grew up drinking milk with every meal.

    i didnt read every line of the study but am assuming they only documented diets of the participants within a certain time range before and after workout. if this is the case it would exempt any results being identified as conclusive IMO.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    Ya good choice for you to cut milk out when cutting since I know your body type gains weight easy. Didn't you gain like 60lbs in a 10 week cycle?

    60.5 pounds in 12-14 weeks.

    Out of that 12-16 is Lbm.

    Not the best of ideas I came up with. lol

    Lost exactly 40 as of today in under 3 months and the Lbm seems to be holding just fine.

    We'll see how this milk shit goes when I start my maintenance calls again. I just really don't want to blow up like a hot air balloon. But, I will just monitor it closely.

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