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Thread: Need help on diet !!!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Need help on diet !!!!

    Ok so I started a post on me starting a cycle, It would be my first cycle i would have tried and I actually already have the stuff ordered. Looks like its gonna be sitting for a while. But the cycle was the beginner cycle here on the forum test e and dbol. But Titan recommended me to hold on it for a while till i get a good solid base down. I am new to this scene but not new to working out. I know food is a major part of this lifestyle and I need help getting on a good solid base plan. I am 23 205 lbs and 5'10". My goals are to bulk up mass wise then get good and cut. I workout at the gym 6 days a week and my work schedule i rotate nights and days every two weeks. I set up a fit day account and dont know how to use it really. My calorie budget is 3995, my TDEE is 3580, and my BMR is 2075.75. Here is a copy of my workout routine as well. Also I done a protein intake calculator said I need 320g a day.

    1. Chest (Bench Press, Incline Press, Pullovers: Easy curl bar)
    2. Back (Chin Ups: Goal 50 reps, Bent-Over Rows) (Power Training* Dead Lifts 3 sets 10,6,4 reps to failure)
    3. Ab Ripper X (Mondays)

    1. Shoulders (Barbell Clean and Press, Dumbbell Lateral Raises)
    2. Upper Arms (Standing Barbell Curves, Seated Dumbbell Curves, Narrow Grip Bench Press,
    Standing Triceps Extensions with Barbell)
    3. Forearms (Wrist Curls, Reverse Wrist Curls)
    4. Ab Ripper X (Fridays)

    1. Thighs (Squats, Lunges, Leg Curls)
    2. Calves (Standing Calf Raises: 5 sets of 15)
    3. Lower Back (Power Training* Dead Lifts 3 sets 10,6,4 reps to failure, Good Mornings 3 sets 10,8,6 reps to failure)
    4. Ab Ripper X (Wendsdays)

    I need all the help I can get guys, I dont know what my macros should be or anything. Just want to reach my goal one way or another and Im drived to do so.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71
    Ok so I started a post on me starting a cycle, It would be my first cycle i would have tried and I actually already have the stuff ordered. Looks like its gonna be sitting for a while. But the cycle was the beginner cycle here on the forum test e and dbol. But Titan recommended me to hold on it for a while till i get a good solid base down. I am new to this scene but not new to working out. I know food is a major part of this lifestyle and I need help getting on a good solid base plan. I am 23 205 lbs and 5'10". My goals are to bulk up mass wise then get good and cut. I workout at the gym 6 days a week and my work schedule i rotate nights and days every two weeks. I set up a fit day account and dont know how to use it really. My calorie budget is 3995, my TDEE is 3580, and my BMR is 2075.75. Here is a copy of my workout routine as well. Also I done a protein intake calculator said I need 320g a day.

    1. Chest (Bench Press, Incline Press, Pullovers: Easy curl bar)
    2. Back (Chin Ups: Goal 50 reps, Bent-Over Rows) (Power Training* Dead Lifts 3 sets 10,6,4 reps to failure)
    3. Ab Ripper X (Mondays)

    1. Shoulders (Barbell Clean and Press, Dumbbell Lateral Raises)
    2. Upper Arms (Standing Barbell Curves, Seated Dumbbell Curves, Narrow Grip Bench Press,
    Standing Triceps Extensions with Barbell)
    3. Forearms (Wrist Curls, Reverse Wrist Curls)
    4. Ab Ripper X (Fridays)

    1. Thighs (Squats, Lunges, Leg Curls)
    2. Calves (Standing Calf Raises: 5 sets of 15)
    3. Lower Back (Power Training* Dead Lifts 3 sets 10,6,4 reps to failure, Good Mornings 3 sets 10,8,6 reps to failure)
    4. Ab Ripper X (Wendsdays)

    I need all the help I can get guys, I dont know what my macros should be or anything. Just want to reach my goal one way or another and Im drived to do so.
    IMO I would change my workout to one major muscle a week or swap Tuesday/Friday and Wednesday/Saturday so ur primary/secondary muscles don't over lap. Ur muscles really need 72 hours recovery time.

    As far as the macro split, for bulking I like the 40/40/20 split.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    whats yor bodyfat %?

    a TDEE 3580 is high. alot of guys bulk at this number, meaning its excess cals for most guys.

    do you know your maintence cals? not calculated!! this will give you a better idea what cals you need to bulk up without adding too much fat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by digsy1983
    whats yor bodyfat %?

    a TDEE 3580 is high. alot of guys bulk at this number, meaning its excess cals for most guys.

    do you know your maintence cals? not calculated!! this will give you a better idea what cals you need to bulk up without adding too much fat.
    3580 might b a few hundred to high cuz I think he may have over estimated his energy expenditure but I think 3200 is about right for his age weight and height. However a bf estimate would be helpful to assess the type of bulk diet he needs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    yeah its a lot of cals, especiall when no cardio was mentioned either.

    3200 would be a good for bulking cals, prob somewhere around 2600-2700 for maintenace. but BF% would give better indication.

  6. #6
    As far as bf im honestly not sure last time i did a calculation it was 23% which aint good and as far as cardio i dont do a lot but i do some of the P90x workouts and run a couple miles every other day. As far as my workout program what yall guys suggest? I pulled out that workout from arnolds encylopedia i change up every 6 weeks i just added the ab ripper x in on the workouts there instead of his workout for abs cause felt like i needed more to do to my ab region.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by digsy1983
    yeah its a lot of cals, especiall when no cardio was mentioned either.

    3200 would be a good for bulking cals, prob somewhere around 2600-2700 for maintenace. but BF% would give better indication.
    Nah, he works out 6 days a week, and judging by his workouts he's in there for at least an hour(we will assume .55 for his activity level. His tdee(total daily energy expenditure) should b around 3200 which is maintenance. He should b bulking at 3700 cals and cutting at 2700.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71
    As far as bf im honestly not sure last time i did a calculation it was 23% which aint good and as far as cardio i dont do a lot but i do some of the P90x workouts and run a couple miles every other day. As far as my workout program what yall guys suggest? I pulled out that workout from arnolds encylopedia i change up every 6 weeks i just added the ab ripper x in on the workouts there instead of his workout for abs cause felt like i needed more to do to my ab region.
    23% huh? U mind posting a picture?

  9. #9
    No dont mind at all will have to be in a little bit on my phone in the back woods now working on a truck will do as soon as i get home

  10. #10
    Click image for larger version. 

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Don't take this the wrong way, but it doesn't look like you have a lot of muscle mass. If it were me in your shoes I would personally work on getting my bf down to 17-15%. Reason being when you bulk up you have a tendency to gain bf, and u really just don't need that at this moment. You could easily end up with high 20 bf, granted your lbm would b higher too, but I think you would be inclined to stay motivated if you kept your bf sub 20's even in bulking.

    With proper diet and training you could get to 17% fairly quick. Then have a good clean caloric surplus and work on muscle mass

  12. #12
    I know I dont have a lot of mass which is what I want to build more than anything then cut up. I am wanting to lose the gut I do have most of my muscle is in my legs they are solid but I want a toned up chest and arms and lose this gut Im wanting to bulk up quick and look good ive been on off working out and can never stick to it due to just life issues. But i am more motivated than ever and one reason I wanted to start the cycle was to help see results faster to help keep more motivated and to keep busting ass

  13. #13
    anybody here that could like possibly mentor me and help me reach my goals? and assist with a diet?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71
    I know I dont have a lot of mass which is what I want to build more than anything then cut up. I am wanting to lose the gut I do have most of my muscle is in my legs they are solid but I want a toned up chest and arms and lose this gut Im wanting to bulk up quick and look good ive been on off working out and can never stick to it due to just life issues. But i am more motivated than ever and one reason I wanted to start the cycle was to help see results faster to help keep more motivated and to keep busting ass
    Well if you're reading the boards then you're aware of the health risks of aas with such high body fat?

  15. #15
    Yes but honestly wouldnt have thought one cycle would hurt me not looking to do it forever just to get me built up to help self esteem and stay motivated try my best to keep the gains after first cycle then go from there...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71
    Yes but honestly wouldnt have thought one cycle would hurt me not looking to do it forever just to get me built up to help self esteem and stay motivated try my best to keep the gains after first cycle then go from there...
    Bro, you have this wrong.

    1. No one ever does ONE cycle.
    2. You could just as easily hurt yourself on one cycle as you could 10 cycles
    3. Mass comes from nutrition. Period. If you don't eat you will NOT gain. Off cycle you will lose gains if you haven't already learned how and when to eat. It's as simple as that.
    4. Gear isn't going give you self esteem dude. If you feel you need steroids to feel good about yourself, that is the wrong reason to be taking them.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    The general view on here seems to be a good diet and exercise program can get you down to 12% BF without too many problems. And as for bulking, its normally cut down to aprx 12% BF then bulk Upto 15% and cut again if you feel the need. But a good diet has to be loaded to.achieve any goals and also to keep any gains you've made.
    Last edited by digsy1983; 10-28-2012 at 09:46 AM.

  18. #18
    ok guys thanks I ordered my bf caliper today and will be here tuesday. Ill let yall know for sure what it is when i get it. Also on my diet would be ok to take some clen ?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    If you're set on cutting clen could help, but make sure you research it b4! A few side effects like profuse sweating and gitters.

    For your BF% clen isn't needed imo. Your body should freely give up some bodyfat until you reach about 15%, then it's a bit more reluctant to. This is when things like carb cycling and stuff like clen are better utilized.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71
    ok guys thanks I ordered my bf caliper today and will be here tuesday. Ill let yall know for sure what it is when i get it. Also on my diet would be ok to take some clen ?
    Your looking at it all wrong guy. Get your diet in check, that means a well balanced diet that will put your body in the optimal environment do cutting or bulking. Diet should be a way of life not a fad. Once you've gotten to the point to where your body is stuck at a walk then you can look to drugs to help. Because aas or clen won't do sh1t for you if ur diet and training is not in check. Baby's a process, and u r no where close to even considering the use of anything other then OTC supplements. U need to get ur diet, training and will power in check first.

  21. #21
    i understand. thanks. I have redone my bmr and tdee this morning. bmr is 2061.39 and tdee is 3195.15 ive lost few pounds past few days weigh 201.8

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71
    i understand. thanks. I have redone my bmr and tdee this morning. bmr is 2061.39 and tdee is 3195.15 ive lost few pounds past few days weigh 201.8
    Redo it every week, drop ur cals 500 below tdee if cutting, surplus 500 if bulking. Log it all so you know your progress, don't just go by the scale because even if your losing bf, u may still gain lbm. Go by bf and lbm to track ur progress.

    Will power is the hardest obstacle.

  23. #23
    thanks guys

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