I have read and re read all the stickies and videos. However, I am still completely lost. I have been working out for awhile but not serious until this summer. I want to make the best out of myself and abilities
First a little info
175lbs approx 15%bf(bulking now)'
I am working on BLSS program for the next few months
Heres the deal. I am terrible at counting my macros everyday. Between college, work, and parties. I have a hard time finding readily available food, and when I do I never know what is in it. I have no problem eating the same thing multiple times a day and everyday, because simplicity in my life right now is key...
Does anyone have some ideas for me? I've read so much information and it is all spinning in my head right now..
I love chicken, rice, pasta, bread, and get all the lean beef burgers, steaks, and sausage I can eat for free(bonus of a girlfriends family that raises Certified premium black angus

I like the idea of pre cooked rice and chicken meals. Mostly because I can cook it all up at the beginning of the week or day.
Please help out a complete newbie to nutrition.