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Thread: Help for my female friend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Help for my female friend

    I finally got my friend (female) to get a membership to a gym to start loosing weight.

    My problem is she is starting from scratch, she knows nothing about anything. Which is fine we all start somewhere. But I'm not sure what to tell her as far as diet. I'm not sure if my diet would be suitable for a female. Also I’m not sure what supplements to tell her to start taking. Everything I know and take is for me, and i'm not sure that woulb be healthy or benifitail for a woman.

    Also I have this formula for finding your optimal heart rate for weight loss:

    220 - age = MHR (maximum heart rate)
    MHR - RHR (resting heart rate) = HRR (Heart rate reserves)
    HRR x .60 + RHR = x
    HRR x .80 + RHR = y
    Thus you would need to keep your heart rate between x and y for you Optimal cardio respiratory training zone.

    Is this formula true for women as well?

    Is there any good websites or books I could suggest to her for a beginner female?

    I just don’t want to start giving her wrong advice.

    If this post makes no sense then let me know and I will try and clarify.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I know Bert has been here before and she found some useful info.

    Here are a few others. Tell her to read as much as possible.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Try Primo, Ms Figure, Chempink or any of our knowledgeable female members. Maybe post this in the "Ask the opposite sex" forum.

    Good Luck bro,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    well i'm going to bump this. If i dont get anymore responses i'm going to try moving it to the ask the other sex section.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Women genrally require less cals in their diet and this means protein,fat,carbs.A womens diet can roughly be figured out on a guys just take into consideration she is not as big as you and unless she wants to be a heavy weight she does,nt need to eat as much

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Hi there have you viewed this thread

    Ms Figure

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    In addition to reading, watching and talking to people who have a good amount of experience, she should spend some money on a good certified or degreed training. A month of personal training will give her the foundation of proper (goal oriented) training, and ensure exercise form is correct. She needs to tell the trainer that she wants to learn as much as possible in that month so they'll spend enough time explainng and not just training.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yes I read over that post. It was very informative. I think I have gotten a good workout and cardio routine setup for her and I'm going to recommend to her my diet just adjusted for her needed calories. I'm sure it will be good enough for her to get started anyways.

    Maybe I'll look into buying her a month with a personal trainer for Christmas!

    We will see what happens, I have given her the means to achieve a better body but in the end it will be up to her to find the dedication necessary to accomplish her goals.

    Again thank for all the help! And if anybody knows of any good books or anything I can recommend for her let me know.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Big D

    First off you are only as good as the proper food that you put in your body, right? I would personally recommend getting the Protien Counter. It is a drag at first looking up everything that you are presently eating finding out what the caloric intake of it is but after awhile you will get very preficent at estimateing the proper amounts. I would also recommend a good BB book. (Anything from Arnolds collection will do) The reason behind this is not necessarliy learn the finner aspects of BB but there are useually whole sections deticated with pictures on how to do certain excerises. There are begginer routines as well as diets however I would tend to cater a diet to her specific needs than to try to experimament with a timplate diet out of a book. Just a thought for you to check out when you are in the book store the next time.


    PS I can't believe that I did not mention a good reciepe book. There are many that cater to low carbs, low fat, high protien ect. that are very helpful in changing one's cooking habits as well. Many times what one has been brought up to belkieve all their life is a healthy way of cooking is not necessarily the case.

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