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Thread: need ideas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Lightbulb need ideas

    ok so for those of you who dont know, im currently an apprentice baker, almost finished my 3 year apprenticeship.

    anyways one of my last assignments i gotta do is new product development, so basically i gotta come up with a new product for a bakery, it can be sweet, savory, or healthy... i really wanna make something that i can eat so i've ruled out sweet, so was thinking something thats carb/protein, or just carbs..
    my 1st thought was oat bread, but after a quick google search, that wouldn't exactly be new, my next thought was sweet potato bread, and after another quick google search.... again its already been done.....

    hmm... maybe a savory product, like chicken and avocado and maybe cottage cheese pockets.. maybe like eg: roll out a piece of wholemeal dough and then fill it with chicken, avocado and cottage cheese, then fold it over to make a sort of pastie pocket thing.... that wouldn't be able to sit on the shelf tho.. would have to be kept hot or cold (thats ok tho, the assignment sheet doesn't say it has to be able to be kept on the shelf) although if kept cold the bread would stale quickly...

    anyways anyone got any good ideas???

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    hmmm. can you do something sweet with stevia rather then sugar so it is still lower in carbs. the other thing you can do is steal the protein ice cream from the recipe forum and make a slight modification using your skills as a 3 year pastry chef....but WHATEVER u do, please do share with your online friend, pretty please

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Sorry....I stopped reading at "apprentice baker". Now I'm hungry for cake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    hmmm. can you do something sweet with stevia rather then sugar so it is still lower in carbs. the other thing you can do is steal the protein ice cream from the recipe forum and make a slight modification using your skills as a 3 year pastry chef....but WHATEVER u do, please do share with your online friend, pretty please
    good idea, imma visit the recipe section and see what i can steal ty

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Sorry....I stopped reading at "apprentice baker". Now I'm hungry for cake.
    chocolate protein cake, by austinite:

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Got a few questions and maybe I can help.
    Is this a "one time" project or something that might be made on a regular basis?
    Is the bakery a stand alone bakery, where you can go in, has tables, or carry out or bakery that just serves retail outlets?
    Does it serve lunch items? deli, soups Panara bakery type place?
    Type of bakery, mostly sweets or mix of breads, muffins, donuts ect?
    Is your chef, old school? new school? mix?

    Theres a bunch of ways you can go, you and I know that theres nothing "new" in our world BUT you can improve or tweak something that already exists. Find an item everyone likes and tweak it the way you like BUT make it taste as though you NEVER changed it, dont let anyone know what you did until AFTER they try it. example, you want to make chocolate chip nut bread, use a low/zero calorie sweetener, carob chips, either bake or sautee your walnuts to bring out more flavor (you use less which saves on cost) is it healthy? no, but it is healthiER than normal! Sounds easy but you know that changing something as simple as using a sugar substitute can be very complicated to get right. Most ppl that go into a bakery arent looking at something healthy, the trick is dont let them think they are when in fact they are.

    If you go savory, thats great, I LOVE piroshki type items. Handhelds are great for sit downs or on the go, you can use whole wheat dough (I use that for pizza some times) you can make a filling of chix, broccoli, 1/2mottz 1/2cottage, oregano, garlic, s&p ect, this is not totally healthy but again its healthiER.

    Also if it is going to be considered as a retail item, think like your chef/boss would: is it a star? (star= low producton cost, high margin/profit, high customer acceptability) can it be easily produced, is it cost effective, can you do it with the equipment you have on hand, can you buy the ingredients in bulk. You might own a bakery yourself someday so you will think about these type of things.

    This might seem like a bunch of mumbo jumbo crap and might be over thought a little, but I always break sh*t down and then go from there. Sorry if its junk and shit you cant use.

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