Hey guys,
STATS 33 yo, 220lbs 15% bf. 6ft 1 in. GOAL is 10% bf with out sacrificing muscle gains.
Here's my diet, works really well. I'm happy with it.
Wake 10am 1/2 cp oats, 60gr protein (pro complex)
12pm 8 egg whites,
2pm 1/2 cup oats pro complex shake
3pm Gym or MMA 90 min session then PWO SHAKE with dextrose.
5:30 300gr chicken breast and 1/2 cup oats,
8:30 300 gr chicken breat and veggies
11:30 - midnight 8 egg whites
1am casein protein shake.
So what I need to know is on my MMA training days should I remove the PWO shake and oats after the training session ?? The MMA sessions are grueling, really high intensity.....
Goal is to get below 10% bf. sometimes I do the empty stomach walk first thing in the morning, have a green tea with lemon and walk for 45 min. But haven't been lately.