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Thread: Advice on cutting progress

  1. #1

    Advice on cutting progress

    I've read UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet... & Dieting 101: Cutting for starters and worked out that my;

    BMR = 1934
    TDEE (Very active) = 3337
    Age 35
    Height 183cm
    Body fat % is around 12%

    So for cutting I'll deficit 537 calories to even up the numbers to 2800.

    This is an example of what I ate today, some entries are obviously not spot on as products vary between countries and when you eat out it's hard to estimate meals. On a normal week for e.g I train Mon and Tues, jog on Wed, train Thurs Fri and have Sat off then start all over again. I've recently started doing 10 mins of cardio before training and 20 mins after, on my cardio only days I do about 50 mins of jogging which is around 600 calories. What do you guys think so far?

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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by magyar; 11-21-2012 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Welcome! the chart is so little it is hard to tell what you are eating. Could you please re- post in the actual thread so it is easier for everyone?

    And what about fasted cardio? ever do this? helps a lot.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Welcome! the chart is so little it is hard to tell what you are eating. Could you please re- post in the actual thread so it is easier for everyone?

    And what about fasted cardio? ever do this? helps a lot.
    I've split the picture in half so it should be more visible now.
    I've tried cardio without eating anything until afterwards a few times, I'm pretty sore in the morning when I wake up (from either weights or cardio the night before), I went for a 1 and 1/2 hour walk on Saturday, Fitness Tracker has said that I burned 520 calories, I struggle to jog in the mornings (lack of energy) without eating.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Looks good to me but there's one problem with your diet. Your carb level will but much too low. 171 is for someone who's already been on carb cycling. My advice, start from 250 and work your way down to 150 - 100. Try doing 3 days low carb and 1 day high otherwise you will be out of energy constantly. Also include at least 15 - 20g of fibre throughout the day otherwise you will constipate due to high level of protein intake. Also keep your vitamin B6.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sub_Zero View Post
    Looks good to me but there's one problem with your diet. Your carb level will but much too low. 171 is for someone who's already been on carb cycling. My advice, start from 250 and work your way down to 150 - 100. Try doing 3 days low carb and 1 day high otherwise you will be out of energy constantly. Also include at least 15 - 20g of fibre throughout the day otherwise you will constipate due to high level of protein intake. Also keep your vitamin B6.
    Yeah I have noticed that in the gym or during the day my legs and body in general feel a little tired, I've been struggling to try and get the carbs up without increasing fats, I would happily eat more veg but it doesn't really contribute to the overall carb total even though myfitnesspal says so and I do have to portion control. I've been doing this diet for just over a week, I've had to add the oats/weetbix again to increase carbs. Before this diet I was doing hxxp://scoobysworkshop dot com/advanced-fat-loss-carb-cycling/ , 3 days of low carb (chicken and veg) and high carb which was a lot of oats/weetbix but it got real monotonous, did it for 4 weeks. As for fibre I might need to get some tablets, but my Mr Hanky habbits are fine, visit 1-3 times a day! I'll look into Vit B6, cheers.

    This was my High Carb Day on Scooby's meal plan.

    High Carb Day
    Attachment 129429
    Attachment 129430

    Low Carb Day
    Attachment 129431
    Attachment 129432

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    It's a good plan... all you need now is patience bro... a lot of patience...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Sub_Zero View Post
    It's a good plan... all you need now is patience bro... a lot of patience...
    Cheers, it's thanks to Scooby, Lee Hayward and the cutting threads.

    I've noticed that in the last 2 days of eating the Oats/flax/WPI PLUS Cottage Cheese/Berries after 8pm, I've woken up from a deep sleep, not sure if that's a good thing as it generally makes me feel that I've overslept.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Bro... if I were you I would cut out carbs after 18:00 totally... keep it down to vegetables and egg whites... have protein shake before you go to bed. You should forget about fast acting carbs in evening, because they're energy which will turn into fat unless you use it. In terms of sleep... hmm... depens of how many hours you workout during the week and you rest time... What I do is tend have 7h sleep from Mon - Wed and then go into 8h of sleep during Thur - Fri... Remember your body will feel refilled after Sat and Sun, so during Mon - Tues you will need rest sleep and as your head towards Thur - Fri you will more depleted so you will need more rest. My advice, train heavy on Mon - Wed and light Thur - Fri.

  9. #9
    I can't as I get home around 18:00 from work or gym, I have my PWO WPI as soon as I get home then eat 30-60 mins later. I've noticed now that the last three nights of eating oats and cottage cheese, I wake up from deep sleep and takes a strong coffee or 1-2 hours to full snap out of that lethargic feeling. Going to measure my weight and BF% tonight and errrr do no more then 50 mins of cardio in the morning.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Off the bat

    - Way too much coffee (cortisol spike anyone?)... why not switch it up with some green tea
    - I don't recall skinless chicken having that much fat (even more than lamb?)... hmmmm
    - your carrot/pea mix is not ideally fibrous (assuming you boil or cook it somehow) ... kale, cabbages, celeries or green beans much better

    just my .02

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    Off the bat

    - Way too much coffee (cortisol spike anyone?)... why not switch it up with some green tea I know it contributes to weight loss but yeah I probably should cut down, at least they're not lattes! haha
    - I don't recall skinless chicken having that much fat (even more than lamb?)... hmmmm Yeah, I wouldn't mind finding out a more accurate nutritional content then myfitnesspal.
    - your carrot/pea mix is not ideally fibrous (assuming you boil or cook it somehow) ... kale, cabbages, celeries or green beans much better I was piggy backing off Scooby's recipes, I sometimes just have asparagus or broccoli or cauliflower, I only steamed and only up to 200gms unless if I'm really hungry.

    just my .02
    Thanks for the info.

    I did the hand machine (electronic) BF% test today, I've dropped down to 13.9% down from 15.6% since end of Oct and back then I was around 12-13% body fat when I did the pinch test, so I'll redo the pinch test next week.

  12. #12
    I've started doing cardio in the mornings, shaving off around 600-800 calories a day, struggling to reach macros, for e.g today.

    I've been around 87kg~ for the last 2 weeks, handheld BF% tested 13.9% but skin fold test should prove to be lower once I get that done. Weight lifting wise I can lift the same if not more kilos.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Any opinions? As for coffee drinking I've been reading that it assists in losing weight. I only drink black coffee.

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