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Thread: Carb Cycling for a bulk .... Confusion!!!

  1. #1

    Carb Cycling for a bulk .... Confusion!!!

    Hey folks... been reading up on carb cycling as i am getting ready for my next bulk... apparently i didn't go too great last cycle in the fat department.

    my confusion is here.... my BMR is 1990 ... TDEE is 3,680

    Once i drop the carb on my low days, i should make up for it in the fat column and vice versa, correct?
    So let's say my high carb day goes like this (325g / 300g / 130g ) Pro/Carb/Fat
    Now my low carb day would be something like this (325g / 100g / 220g) Pro/Carb/Fat.... Question, isn't that a bit too much fat to make up for the low carbs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    hey romeo,
    your protein and fat should remain the same throught the plan, its the calorie from the carbs that change.

    you just reduce your cals according to reducing your carbs.

    post up your plan if your still not sure of anything ,

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by digsy1983 View Post
    hey romeo,
    your protein and fat should remain the same throught the plan, its the calorie from the carbs that change.

    you just reduce your cals according to reducing your carbs.

    post up your plan if your still not sure of anything ,
    appreciate the reply... read too many ways of carb cycling it's confusing me even more.

    preparing my diet for my 2nd cycle... everything else is setup, just gotta tweak my carbs since i am trying to make this as clean as possible.

    Any input as to how i should setup this? stats: 32, 5'7, 195, 14%bf, BMR 1990, TDEE 3186

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    i'm actually wondering the same thing!

    im currently doing the UD2.0 carb cycling diet by lyle mcdonald its a cutting diet on a 7 day cycle. but im trying to work out a good plan to use the base of the ud2.0 and stretch out the high carb period and then cut using the low carb period.

    i was thinking about trying a 21 day cycle
    14 days ranging from high to medium
    2 days medium to low
    5 low 50g crabs from veg.

    dont know if you've read the UD2.0 book, but its worth reading as he explains all the theory and science behind it!

    <<405>> has a carb cycling thread aswel, check that out!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why do you want to carb cycle specifically?

    I'd have your tdee at about 2600. Unless you have a physical job?

    Your scene is all I've the place tbh. Why not go with a straight forward 40/40/20 approach, save the guesswork and ruining your cycle by ending up at over 20% bf?

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