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Thread: Question for everyone!! Serious qeustion though...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    At the foodbar!

    Question for everyone!! Serious qeustion though...

    alrighty... So I am on a lean bulk right now cycling my carbs in order to keep bf down. My question is: I always take 2 scoops of whey iso & a banana post wo, and I have been hearing from many sources that "a carb is a carb" so I am thinking that tomorrow is my high carb day I might replace my banana with a Low-Fat brown sugar cinnamon poptart. Before I get yelled at for this, I am going to have 1 pastry which the macros are: 200 Cals,3g fat, 37g carbs, 15g sugar... The banana's macros are: 120~Cals,0g fat, 30g carbs, 15g Sugar. If I can fit this poptart into my daily macro-nutrients do you guys think it would harm me in my goals at all? Just curious maybe start a little discussion about this topic!!

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Funny Live. Short answer to ur question as it relates to not gaining body fat: no it shouldnt harm ur goals IMO.

    However i would like to note it is thinking like this that can get u into trouble. Obviously a banana is gonna be better for u than a poptart. I would not recommend making a habit of eating poptarts pwo all the time. If done in moderation and not as a rule most things can be eaten without incident.

    I would like to note a poptart is not a clean food. A banana is.. enjoy ur poptart dude!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Funny Live. Short answer to ur question as it relates to not gaining body fat: no it shouldnt harm ur goals IMO.

    However i would like to note it is thinking like this that can get u into trouble. Obviously a banana is gonna be better for u than a poptart. I would not recommend making a habit of eating poptarts pwo all the time. If done in moderation and not as a rule most things can be eaten without incident.

    I would like to note a poptart is not a clean food. A banana is.. enjoy ur poptart dude!
    I totally agree. This kind of "justification" is a very slippery slope; however, if you are disciplined enough (be honest here) and can reign yourself in, then yeah..enjoy your poptart bro!! Lol.
    Last edited by OdinsOtherSon; 11-25-2012 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #4
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    Believe me guys I understand ur statements completely. I have gone from 285lbs FAT to now 185lbs and I am in the best shape of my life, I actually have not had a sweet/cheat meal in over 3 years... Lol kinda intense. But I will only ingest these bad boys on my scheduled high carb days- Back, and leg day.

    Thanks for the replies!!

  5. #5
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LiveFitBeFit View Post
    Believe me guys I understand ur statements completely. I have gone from 285lbs FAT to now 185lbs and I am in the best shape of my life, I actually have not had a sweet/cheat meal in over 3 years... Lol kinda intense. But I will only ingest these bad boys on my scheduled high carb days- Back, and leg day.

    Thanks for the replies!!
    If I were you and it'd been 3 friggin yrs since I had any cheat food at all, when I ate that poptart you're talking about I wouldn't quit till the whole damn box was empty...then I'd be on the hunt for the next bit of junk I could find! I've not denied myself for that long, but I have denied myself and honestly I just set myself up for big trouble every time. But, you know you better than anyone! Good luck Bro!!

  6. #6
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    I am highly disciplined though and know/experienced the terrible effects that foods like these can do to the body. Anyways imma give it a go tomorrw!!

  7. #7
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    Thanks my man I appreciate the response! But yeah its been a long time. I'm still young "22" but I am dedicated. Just thought I should write this up and see what ya'll think! Haha. But anyways as long as I hit my macros for the day I should be alright!

  8. #8
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by LiveFitBeFit View Post
    and I have been hearing from many sources that "a carb is a carb"
    Not sure who your sources are, but I don't agree with this AT ALL. I used to be anal about carb choices. I would advise people to stay away from white potatoes, rice, etc. in favor of sweet potato, brown rice, etc. Nowadays, I don't make much of a distinction. I stick more along the lines of 'if you can kill it, grow it, or pick it, it's fair game'. So in that regard, I do believe 'a carb is a carb'. Clearly, this does not apply to pop-tarts and the like - highly processed crap with zero nutritional value. Empty carbs as it were.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiveFitBeFit
    Believe me guys I understand ur statements completely. I have gone from 285lbs FAT to now 185lbs and I am in the best shape of my life, I actually have not had a sweet/cheat meal in over 3 years... Lol kinda intense. But I will only ingest these bad boys on my scheduled high carb days- Back, and leg day.

    Thanks for the replies!!
    That's awesome man. You did a complete 180 and have added so many benefits to your life. Not to mention you did it while still incredibly young.

  10. #10
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    Thought i'd share my experience with these delightful pastries... It was unbelievable lol.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Not sure who your sources are, but I don't agree with this AT ALL. I used to be anal about carb choices. I would advise people to stay away from white potatoes, rice, etc. in favor of sweet potato, brown rice, etc. Nowadays, I don't make much of a distinction. I stick more along the lines of 'if you can kill it, grow it, or pick it, it's fair game'. So in that regard, I do believe 'a carb is a carb'. Clearly, this does not apply to pop-tarts and the like - highly processed crap with zero nutritional value. Empty carbs as it were.
    i remember that idiots thread! hahahaha

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    If this theory is so idiotic then how do natural pros like Robbie Sardinia and Alberto Nunez eat this "junk" during their prep and they somehow get into better shape than half the people on this forum? No harm intended to anyone because I am not one to judge others physiques, but I'm just saying they eat this way and come into contest l

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