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Thread: help calculating calorie intake + supplements

  1. #1

    help calculating calorie intake + supplements

    I want to do a bulk up soon.
    Im 196 and want to be 210.
    my profile looks like this

    age - 20
    height - 6 foot 6
    weight - 196
    bf - around 11% last time i checked

    former college basketball player. still try to play on a regular basis, but im not doing near the cardio im used to.

    I need help coming up with a diet plan where im eating enough to add serious size.
    As far as supplements go im looking at creatine and russian bear for protein and calories.
    any help would be awesome

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    mike welcome man!

    a good rule of thumb for starting maintenance cals IMO = (LBM x 15)
    for u this would be (174.44 x 15) = 2616cals

    from here u would establish a caloric surplus ranging from 350-500cals (depending how aggressive u wanna be).

    keep in mind (LBM x 15) is only a starting place and chances are u will have to tweak it based on progress. i prefer this formula cuz it errs to the side of too little cals vs too many which is better IMO. id much rather have to add cals than subtract them and lose unwanted body fat!

    u can also read the stickies: 1. how to bulk 2. dieting 101: cutting (which i think u will find beneficial even though u want to bulk because, in conjunction with the bulking sticky, itll give u more of a complete view of diet before u start).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    hey mike!

    any diet plan needs to be developed around your daily calorie needs. too many cals and youll gain too much fat and too few and youll not gain anything apart from cutting your bodyfat or muscle mass.

    you can work out your TDEE with a simple formula, LBM x 15.
    this gives you your maintenance calories. add 300-500 more for bulking (adding muscle).

    there's some very infornative threads marked important at the top of the nutrition forum page.
    read these for starters.
    unoffical how to bulk
    Compiled Nutritional and Diet Information
    (also a thread to explain what TDEE is, but the formaula has been updated to LBM x 15)

    when youve read these, develop a diet plan and post it up for review. the more work you do, the more poeple will help.

    good luck man and any problems just post up!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    damn, 405 can type fast!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    You're getting old Digsy!

    On a serious note, you've just had two great answers above. Good luck buddy!

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