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Thread: Clean Bulk Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Clean Bulk Diet

    Hey guys I'm gonna write out what I'm currently eating at week at the start of week 6 of my Test E cycle. I've slowly increased calories as the Test has kicked in and I've been sitting on this diet for the past 2 of the 5 weeks.

    I need to increase calories as I'm stalling with the weight gain and haven't gained at all over the last week.

    Where do you think I should increase my calories? From Protein, Carbs or Fats?

    Meal 1

    200g oats (2 cups)
    300ml egg whites
    30g wpc
    p74 c110 f17

    Meal 2 11am

    200g grilled chicken breast
    150g broccoli
    15g almonds
    p60 c0 f15

    Meal 3 2pm
    200g grilled chicken breast
    150g broccoli
    15g almonds
    p60 c0 f15

    Meal 4 5pm (pre workout)
    140g tuna
    180g oats
    30 wpc
    p80 c80 f21

    Meal 5 8pm (pwo)
    50g wpc
    84g dextrose
    p40 c80 f0

    Meal 6 9.30pm
    200g chicken or beef
    Garden salad
    p60 c0 f10

    Meal 7 11pm
    50 casien
    15g natural almond or peanut butter
    4g fish oil
    p40 c0 f12

    p414 c270 f88
    Total calories 3528

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    STL area
    Why not increase them all.. I'm far from a expert but I'd think if your not gaining you must be burning what your eating so up it evenly.. Again I'm very new to this and I could be way off..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hi Boxa,

    Diet looks good to me, but im no expert either. Hopefully 405, or someone with similar experience, will chime in.

    wpc = ? (whey protein ?)

    Why the dextrose pwo?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Mostly-fat View Post
    Why not increase them all.. I'm far from a expert but I'd think if your not gaining you must be burning what your eating so up it evenly.. Again I'm very new to this and I could be way off..
    Yea I was gonna bring more calories into certain meals but not sure which.. Thinking meal 2,3 and 6.

    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Hi Boxa,

    Diet looks good to me, but im no expert either. Hopefully 405, or someone with similar experience, will chime in.

    wpc = ? (whey protein ?)

    Why the dextrose pwo?
    WPC is whey bro I tried the oats and I like dextrose because it won't fill me up as much so I can eat the next meal after I get home and shower. With oats I was still full for like 3 hours lol

    I wonder if I increase my cals that fats will start becoming too high. Maybe I should drop almonds during the day and go for rice or something instead. What you reckon bro?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    No need to up protein or fat higher than they are. I'd bump carbs up, maybe even just do it in increments say 50 grams now then 50 grams in a week's time and so on.

    270g carbs isn't really too high on a bulk, and add AAS to the mix and you could go alot higher. I personally wouldn't go over 500 g tho!

    Just my 0.2.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Agree with above.

    And i also think your idea of adding cals to meals 2, 3, and 6, is a good idea too. You obviously need to increase your caloric intake, and your original idea appears sound to me bro.

    Again, im no pro. And my goals are different. As long as im symmetrical and i look fit, im happy. My diet is pretty good but could certainly use some tweaking. But im doing ok and have no complaints.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 12-03-2012 at 09:21 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Thanks for the input guys!

    I'll through in more carbs as of week 6 (next week).

    It's Sat of week 5 and this week weight has gone up and Test is really starting to kick in weighed 85.5kgs the last 2 days

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