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Thread: When is the best time to incorporate Fasting?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island

    When is the best time to incorporate Fasting?

    Hello all,

    Right now I'm on a bulking routine. I have read some positive opinions on fasting for detoxifying the body. They don't indicate when the best time to do the fast however.

    Should I wait until my cutting routine? I plan on only doing it for only 1 week with slow transition from day to day and then gradual return to normal.

    Anyways if you have performed a fast or can give me any input as to when the best time to add one in, that would be helpful.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South

    I would recommend checking out lean gains dot com. There is tons of articles to read that will have some answers for those questions.

    When I was fasting, i would fast for about 16hrs and then get all my macros/food in within 8hrs.

  3. #3
    Another vote for leangains here. I just eat between the hours of 5-9pm and that's it...when on the diet anyway.

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