Thread: Fasting for 36hours
12-17-2012, 10:31 PM #1
Fasting for 36hours
So i am curttly on cycle. On test c400/week and tren 50mg eod. My hunger is going threw the roof last too weeks and i been litterly eating everything in site my abs where really starting to pop and at the same time my bf is staying about the same due to my diet falling off cause the way i been eating like shit. so to put it all in check and take control of mentally and to get everything on point im fasting for 36 hours. Only drinking water. I been on test 3 weeks and tren 2. I have not worked out cause I was recovering from surgery BUT starting tomorrow ill be back in the gym after sitting home for 1 month and 3 weeks. So im really happ to hit the gym test levels are up strength should be all there and on tren so im g2g. After 36 hours my mental focus well be in check and ill be more in control and well start a clean diet. What you guys think?
Must add: I had a double hernia surgery thats why i was out for a while SMH.
12-17-2012, 10:36 PM #2
I think after 36 hours I'd eat the butt hole off a camel in heat...
12-17-2012, 10:46 PM #3
I think the fast is not wise, especially considering you are recovering from a surgery and about to hit up the gym. It is better to remain injury free than worry about a diet falling off, which is easily fixable and does not require drastic measures. Simply put, eat.
12-17-2012, 11:07 PM #4
12-17-2012, 11:30 PM #5
Why did you start running gear so soon ? Why didn't you wait a few weeks after you properly recovered then start ??? Maybe I'm wrong ?
12-18-2012, 06:38 AM #6
12-18-2012, 08:15 AM #7
Nothing wrong with fasting. although as mentioned before, during recovery, you'd probably be better off eating and fueling said recovery process.
12-18-2012, 08:19 AM #8
He's had his 6 weeks recovery time suggested by his doctor. If he's givin the clear he should be good.
12-18-2012, 11:41 AM #9
i ran my Test cyp 3 weeks ago. I stay on test @ 250 all year. so for me to bump it to 400 was to get it my levels where i wanted it. reason why I ran tren for 2 weeks thus far was to basically give my system a kick start to everything now i been recovered for 6 weeks im ready to go all out at the gym. 6 weeks was max recovery i could of worked out at 4 weeks rest but dr said with my amount of activity 6 weeks would be best bet.
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