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Thread: Please critique my diet!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Please critique my diet!

    I would appreciate it if you guys could check my diet and give me some pointers. This is a typical day on my bulk diet which I just got off about a month ago. Usually I only have one shake a day but this day was different for some reason. I am 6'5 and weigh 240 if that matters.

    Meal 1 P C F Cal
    Nitrotech Shake 40 6 3 220
    3 cups dry oatmeal 30 162 18 900

    8 oz chicken 64 0 5 320
    1.5 potatoes 7 76 0 330
    2 cup corn 8 60 4 260
    1 white bread 2 12 1 65

    Nitrotech Shake 40 6 3 220
    2 cups dry oatmeal 20 108 12 600
    3 bananas 3 81 3 315

    Meal 4
    8 oz chicken 64 0 5 320
    3 cups pasta 21 120 3 591
    1 cup sauce 8 22 4 160

    Meal 5
    1 can tuna 30 2 0 130
    4 pices whole wheat 8 44 4 240
    1 tbsp mayo 0 0 11 100
    1 piece cheese 6 1 9 105
    16oz OJ 3 50 0 227

    This left me with 354g Protein; 750g Carbs; 85g fat; 5103 calories

    I have been following the idea to get a 3:1 ratio of carbs-to-protein before training and a 4:1 ratio after training. I did no cardio.

    Now I am cutting up and have changing to this diet:

    Meal 1 P C F Cal
    Nitrotech Shake 40 6 3 220
    2 bananas 2 54 2 210

    Meal 2
    1 can tuna 30 2 0 130
    4 pieces whole wheat 8 44 4 240
    3 yogurts 39 51 0 360
    1 tbsp mayo 0 0 11 100
    1 piece cheese 6 1 9 105

    Meal 3
    Nitrotech Shake 40 6 3 220
    2 cups dry oatmeal 20 108 12 600
    3 bananas 3 81 3 315

    Meal 4
    8 oz steak 66 0 11 373
    2 cup pasta 14 80 2 394
    1 cup sauce 8 22 4 160

    Meal 5
    8 oz steak 66 0 11 373

    This left me with 342g Protein; 455g Carbs; 75g fat; 3800 calories

    I am following the same as before with 3:1 ratio preworkout and 4:1 ratio postworkout. I also am trying to set my daily carbs at 2g's per pound of bodyweight daily as I have read. I am doing 3 days of cardio a week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Holly shit you are cutting with a lot of calories, I hope you have a very high metabolism. What is your maintance calories and what is your BF%.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I read that to get my daily maintenance calories I should multiply my bodyweight by 13:
    240 * 13 = 3120 calories
    And to add 200 for every 1/2 hour of weight training and 300 for every half hour of cardio.

    I believe my metabolism is fast because I dont put on fat easily and never had. I kicked my carbs so high when bulking because I wanted to grow. 2 years ago I weighed 195lbs and now I'm 240 so I guess it worked. My bodyfat in those pics is around 13-14 i at 11 now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I know I need to cut my calories down some but dont know whether to cut protein or carbs or what. Should I be trying to get 2g per pound of bodyweight.

    Thanks for the help!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Well if your metabolism is fast then you are fine (you lucky prick ) You know your body better than anyone on the board so if that number works then that is fine. But you are trying to cut why are you taking your maintance cals the 3120 and adding more cals for cardio the point of doing cardio is to burn cals!! You would be in the same place if you just ate your maintance cals and didn't do cardio (besides the health ben of cardio) I would drop the extra cals you have added in for cardio and do your cardio in the AM on an empty stomach. I would try dropping your protein down to about 1.5 or so and you carbs to 300 and see what that does for you. It is hard for me to give you advice because your body is the opposite of mine, I have a slow metabolism and you have a fast one, so if something I say doesn't work to good change it, I might just be wrong.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    you're wrong. you multiply your body weight by 12 and thats how many calories you're suppose to eat in order to drop 2lbs of Fat per week. multiply it by 15 in order to keep your current body weight. multiply it by 20 to gain 2lbs per week...

    also, if you're wanting to cut up - drop your calories and your carbs and keep the protein intake high. maybe 100g of Carbs per week for you since you're so fucking tall. lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Originally posted by Domestic
    you're wrong. you multiply your body weight by 12 and thats how many calories you're suppose to eat in order to drop 2lbs of Fat per week. multiply it by 15 in order to keep your current body weight. multiply it by 20 to gain 2lbs per week...

    also, if you're wanting to cut up - drop your calories and your carbs and keep the <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> intake high. maybe 100g of Carbs per week for you since you're so fucking tall. lol
    How is that formula supposed to work for everyone?? Everyones body, genetics, metabolism, type of foods eaten are different.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Thanks for the advice....i might try to drop my carbs to 400 or 350 and drop my protein a little too. Its hard cause I'm hungry all the time but you guys obviously know that feeling.

    As for cardio, I already do it when I wake up on an empty stomach. I'm losing weight already and its only been 4 weeks but I just was trying to get others advice. I'm trying to be where I want to be in 8 more weeks.

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