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Thread: Diet for first blast cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I am looking to start my 1st blast cycle in mid-February and looking for input to make sure I know how may cals and miro breakdown for max gain.

    Stats: 5’' 7 166lbs (12% bf)
    Goal: To gain as much mass as possible without adding a ton of fat.

    My current protocol is:
    Cypionate - 100mg a week
    Anastrozole – .25mg 2x a week.
    HCG - (250iu 2 times a week)
    Armour Thyroid - 60mg daily
    Vitamin D3 – 9,000iu
    Zocor – 5mg

    For my blast I am thinking about:
    Cypionate - 400mg a week
    Anastrozole – .25mg (EOD).
    HCG - (250iu 2 times a week)
    Armour Thyroid - 60mg daily
    Vitamin D3 – 9,000iu
    Zocor – 5mg

    What are your thoughts on how may cals I need a day and what type of breakdown should I be shooting for?

    Last edited by TMan96; 01-31-2013 at 08:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Are you on HRT currently and for how long?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf
    Are you on HRT currently and for how long?
    Yes, currently on HRT. See my post for current protocol. Been doing for about10 months.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Bumping one more time for input from any one^^^

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    welcome to the nutrition forum!

    at 166lbs 12%bf

    166 x .88(%LBM) = 146.08(lbs LBM)

    simple and best (IMO) rough maintenance formula: LBM x 15

    146.08 x 15 = 2191cals (call it 2200)

    u wanna bulk: 2200 + 500cals = 2700cals

    40/40/20 split (pro/carb/fat)
    270g pro
    270g carbs
    60g fat

    if u want to keep it a bit leaner u could reduce carbs to 150-200g on non training days with a little cardio.. (45mins)

    u could also run 40/45/15 split (pro/carb/fat)
    270g pro
    303g carbs
    45g fat

    pick one and post a diet hitting the macros..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    welcome to the nutrition forum!

    at 166lbs 12%bf

    166 x .88(%LBM) = 146.08(lbs LBM)

    simple and best (IMO) rough maintenance formula: LBM x 15

    146.08 x 15 = 2191cals (call it 2200)

    u wanna bulk: 2200 + 500cals = 2700cals

    40/40/20 split (pro/carb/fat)
    270g pro
    270g carbs
    60g fat

    if u want to keep it a bit leaner u could reduce carbs to 150-200g on non training days with a little cardio.. (45mins)

    u could also run 40/45/15 split (pro/carb/fat)
    270g pro
    303g carbs
    45g fat

    pick one and post a diet hitting the macros..
    Thanks for the input. That was exactly what I was looking for! I'll work on posting something over the weekend using these micros. I'll also post something over in the lifting section to make sure I have an optimal workout routine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ^^ good idea!

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