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    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    53 been on TRT for 3 mths my diet is OK but no plan and boring I even skip meals

    I am shifting my weight around . Been on TRT 3 mths and 1 month shot up 15 lbs . by the end of the second mth when Testosterone started kicking in I was down to 245 now end of 3rd mth 240 lbs.

    02 Ran over by Truck in 02 and have mobility issues but can go to gym and train and sewe results.

    M issue is 2 things that I know diet effects love handles and belly that are shrinking slowly but I want faster & I as I stated am 53 and my chin is no Turky gobbler just not flat on my chin/jaw bone ?

    I skip meals and some daysonly eat 2 meals. I am on Oxyconone 10 mg every 4 hrs and still 24/7 pain + Celebrex + Xanax was on 8 mg at beginning os TRT now 3 mg a day .

    Diet or should I say goal for food intake . . . .sad

    No starches, no bread, no fried foods, No Dairy except Skim 0% fat milk and Almond mikk, 1 glass whole milk 3 x's a week no white pasta,2 gals of water a day , mornings Oatmeal, Oat cerael, Greek Yogaurt, Protien shake, sweet patatos, fish , chicken no red meat occosionally pork , complex carbs a meal worth of supplements DHEA, D3, Zinc, Magnesium, B12 injections, fish oil, omega 3's, saw Palmetto Grass, Milk Thistle, green codffee bean extract, And I don't know how to make all of this dull food appealing . I made a comment in another thread that I am starting to see vascularity starting at my hands and working up my arm,

    Taking TB-500 for pain
    HGH Frag 176-191 melts fat
    HCG for the boys
    Cialis 2 x 5 mg daily for vains and vascularity
    Liquidex keep E2 level down was at 66-
    MT-II - Tan in a bottle
    Testosterone Cypionate .20 every 3.5 days Script

    I am eating like a blind man throwing darts ? Help ? so screwed up I don't know where to start is there an 099 thread ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-06-2013 at 11:23 PM.

  2. #2
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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  3. #3
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    AHHH this is where I like to see ya bro!

    Well for starters read a few of the stickies above it will give you a fast overview on what you need to do ..

    Once you understand your TDEE and macro splits you could write up a small diet and we will be here to critique it for ya

  4. #4
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    AHHH this is where I like to see ya bro!

    Well for starters read a few of the stickies above it will give you a fast overview on what you need to do ..

    Once you understand your TDEE and macro splits you could write up a small diet and we will be here to critique it for ya
    Thank you so much man but it all looks like greek to me ? I feel retarted trying to figure out all the macro and have no idea what TDEE is . I have resolved that my issues lye in my diet not more supplements !

    Thanks I will read it again and see if I can sort it out. I am on a budget and live in GA. a healty diet is not even in the realm of thought for 95% of the state population ! I mean GA. is southern Fried and eating is a hobby in most house holds. That is like being an alcholic I have 0 , no support group !

    Oh a little minor detail (major) I didn't mention I am post Diabetic Type II Metobolic Syndrome now I go hypoglysimic at 100 I mean serious to the point of a white out and I run a normal sub temp of 97.5 all the time like clock work every phycial for 10 years since the wreak of 02 and major taurma + had 3 plemenury emblisims since 02 Blood clots to my lungs and I am still here. So it is plain to me to see the answer to my life and hope of seeing 60 lies in my diet and exercise TRT has done wonders for my mind and possibly got me out of the fog of existing and now the desire to live !.
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-07-2013 at 08:52 PM.

  5. #5
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    OK been reading stickys and from what I read I am a lost cause . . . . lol Not really but ...... I know from debating that the word But means "Oh Shit " from the person saying it ! But I have so many issues to tweak along with TRT !

    Bet I am going to hear the same thing I have told people .....come back when you don't have so many excuses ? But I see they are real reasons to me ?

    Sleep not balanced even remotly sometimes I don't even sleep and others I sleep 12 hrs
    Meds still messing with me a lot in spite of efforts to curb
    24/7 pain issues
    workouts not daily will be 3 days on 2 days off some times every other day I manage 4 in an 8 day period but no routine
    Due to blood clots in lungs several times I get winded very easy to the point of woofing to get air
    Don't know BF% but not obese
    6 ft 240 and wear a 38 waist no body builder 53 and no working out for 10 years until OCT. Carry weight good for 6ft short legs & hip implant no running allowed due for new hip No abs bt no beer gut smaller than most older men some people even say I look in good shape ?
    was Type II dibetic and now metobolic syndrome also DVT's and Plebitius in left lower extremity

    If I were giving me advise the 1st thing I would say is I need a good kick in the A _ _
    That has been tried and my brain shuts down and it is harder to get back in the groove again

    So where does a mixed bag like me begin oh and to top all this off I am 100& disabled and on limited funds and believe it or not as far as I know I am not mentally disabled just been kicked down so many times and it gets harder to get up every time ?

    Is there help out there ? Oh don't get me wrong I was of the same mind set as probably 80% of the ppl reading this are think wussy stop your complaining and get on with your life. I was the person saying just that until I got to where I am now ? What make a human tick ? Do I diet or train or sleep or spend money I don't have this is a puzzel I hope that someone has an answer for ?

    Reading the diet stickies they are so far ahead of where I am in my life now I don't know what to fix 1st or attempt all at once ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-07-2013 at 08:44 PM.

  6. #6
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    bump please offer any suggestion ? I am new to this section of the forum and GB seems a lot more helpful than GD !

  7. #7
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Ill look at this after I eat! BRB

  8. #8
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    dont feel bad i live in WI and we drink beer in our cereal! dont follow the crowd unless you wanna look like them

    Tdee is you most important thing to know. TDEE = total daily energy expended. Lets say we figure your tdee to be 2800 calories ( ill show you how to figure this out later)

    well all this means is your body uses 2800 calories a day and it maintains its weight because you take in equal to what you use so you will neither grow nor shrink.

    if you eat consecutively under your tdee you will start to loose weight ( good or bad weight depends on your macros and if your anabolic ill go over this later)

    for a rule of thumb we use the number 500 to start with in reference to your tdee. 500 below Tdee is a good Cutting diet, 500 and up is a good bulking cycle. You bulk because you are eating more calories than you are useing.

    now lets say you start running this means your using more energy so in order to maintain your weight you must eat more calories. (this is why we run to loose weight because we are using more than we take in, in general) same goes for any activity as it is how we math out your tdee.

    as for macros. a good place to start is 40/40/20 depending on goals we can adjust that . this means out of your total calories 40% should be protein / 40% should be carbs / 20% should be fats. ( again this is all adjustable and just starting points) .

    now if your skipping meals and sleeping all over the place theres no way you can manage gains or losses as you have nothing to work off of to compare and adjust.

    Do you understands a lil more now?

    what you should do is find a way to make up 5-7 meals a day every 2.5 hours or so you should be eating.

    find some good foods and type them up in a fashion as I am trying to explain.

    If you need help or ideas let us know.

    90% of how we look is what we eat...

    ps man you got alot of shit wrong with you lol as in health.. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Thank you so much man but it all looks like greek to me ? I feel retarted trying to figure out all the macro and have no idea what TDEE is . I have resolved that my issues lye in my diet not more supplements !

    Thanks I will read it again and see if I can sort it out. I am on a budget and live in GA. a healty diet is not even in the realm of thought for 95% of the state population ! I mean GA. is southern Fried and eating is a hobby in most house holds. That is like being an alcholic I have 0 , no support group !

    Oh a little minor detail (major) I didn't mention I am post Diabetic Type II Metobolic Syndrome now I go hypoglysimic at 100 I mean serious to the point of a white out and I run a normal sub temp of 97.5 all the time like clock work every phycial for 10 years since the wreak of 02 and major taurma + had 3 plemenury emblisims since 02 Blood clots to my lungs and I am still here. So it is plain to me to see the answer to my life and hope of seeing 60 lies in my diet and exercise TRT has done wonders for my mind and possibly got me out of the fog of existing and now the desire to live !.

  9. #9
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    lol NO SHIT ! lol Thanks man for you reply ! i AM Dietibetic and have to keep super close watch on Carb intake and I was serious about Type II diabetis and I am metobolic Syndrom now and that was to keep from taking another med. I will say I did read the thread with all the youtube veidios and tried the carbs before work out and 50/50 Gator aid and a gal of water during work out and I used more weight and did more reps ! but my Glucose still shot up ? It so much like a catch 22 ! But I am not eating on a routine right now and eat possibly 3 times a day (I KNOW THIS IS BAD !)

    I have no workouT routine either due to travel issues and that will some not be an issue !

    I will accept aqny help that you are tempered to offer ! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH ! I WILL DO AS ADVISED BECAUSE I AM LOST ! I do know God though ! I think all Marines Know God because they have seen hell ! I am double disabled Marines and ran over by a truck in 02 ! If you and me can figure ouT how to fix me I will be more than grateful I will owe you my life !

    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    dont feel bad i live in WI and we drink beer in our cereal! dont follow the crowd unless you wanna look like them

    Tdee is you most important thing to know. TDEE = total daily energy expended. Lets say we figure your tdee to be 2800 calories ( ill show you how to figure this out later)

    well all this means is your body uses 2800 calories a day and it maintains its weight because you take in equal to what you use so you will neither grow nor shrink.

    if you eat consecutively under your tdee you will start to loose weight ( good or bad weight depends on your macros and if your anabolic ill go over this later)

    for a rule of thumb we use the number 500 to start with in reference to your tdee. 500 below Tdee is a good Cutting diet, 500 and up is a good bulking cycle. You bulk because you are eating more calories than you are useing.

    now lets say you start running this means your using more energy so in order to maintain your weight you must eat more calories. (this is why we run to loose weight because we are using more than we take in, in general) same goes for any activity as it is how we math out your tdee.

    as for macros. a good place to start is 40/40/20 depending on goals we can adjust that . this means out of your total calories 40% should be protein / 40% should be carbs / 20% should be fats. ( again this is all adjustable and just starting points) .

    now if your skipping meals and sleeping all over the place theres no way you can manage gains or losses as you have nothing to work off of to compare and adjust.

    Do you understands a lil more now?

    what you should do is find a way to make up 5-7 meals a day every 2.5 hours or so you should be eating.

    find some good foods and type them up in a fashion as I am trying to explain.

    If you need help or ideas let us know.

    90% of how we look is what we eat...

    ps man you got alot of shit wrong with you lol as in health.. LOL

  10. #10
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Let's start with working on food bro. I'll hit you up Monday when I am buy a computer.

    After food you need to make a life style change and make sure the gym is a priority.

    These 2 things alone will yield more results than any peptide or aas available

    You will start to feel good inside , boosted confidence and an overall sense if well being

    The mind controls a lot more than we think I
    Of and just a better sense of well being will put a huge change on all your probes bro

    Let's establish a diet that fits around your schedule. You will have to force yourself to eat and make changes. You won't change unless you make change..

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    PS you owe us nothing, that's what were here for!

  12. #12
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Hey larger got app on my iPhone now ! See an old dog can learn new tricks ! I have been giving your recommendation a lot of thought and I know you said you would get back to me on Monday . Just a thought that is more for me than most people ? I must get back to a regular sleep routine ! I have no purpose required for me to go to sleep at a certain time or wake any certain time so share your thoughts ! I need to have a target time to be asleep and set an alarm for early am wake and get moving and be productive in some way ? Wether it is preparing food or an early trip to gym or some home cardio ? That and food would go hand in hand ! THOUGHTS ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-09-2013 at 03:55 PM.

  13. #13
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Yes get on a schedule for sleep and eating.. being all over the place will not help.

    if your day consists of you having free time all day. eat a good 3-4 meals even before the gym. this would mean afternoon is most optimal. Best time to workout is
    i think between hours 6-8 after waking. ( just what Ive read)

  14. #14
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Thanks again man I posted meals for today in pm and breakfast tomorrow and that is where I start screwing up ! No body eats the same thing everyday and I am not well versed on opitions ?

    Sleep is getting to be more routine and got a shoulder injury Torn rotator Cuff and used to much weight Sat (Took Sunday off and only Cardio today


    meal 1 8:00 was oat nut cereal skim milk Oat toast wioth mush mellon and . . .lol 3 strawberries

    Meal 2 11 :00 between church and Sunday school a big hand full of almonds

    meal 3 4:00 letus and tomato real lemon whole squeezed on tomatos and greens spinich and tuna 40 gram protein shake

    meal 4 8:00 celery with PB and Boile 6 oz chicken and 40 gram protein shake skim milk

    this was Sunday and I pm'd Monday so I am already running out of ideas on what to eat

    Tues for Pre workout I plan to eat 1 hour before workout and have romon Noodels shrimp flavor and Yoguart after workout always have minium of 1.5 gals of water a day !

    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Yes get on a schedule for sleep and eating.. being all over the place will not help.

    if your day consists of you having free time all day. eat a good 3-4 meals even before the gym. this would mean afternoon is most optimal. Best time to workout is
    i think between hours 6-8 after waking. ( just what Ive read)

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