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Thread: LTN lean mass in 8 weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    LTN lean mass in 8 weeks

    190lbs 12% bf
    Rough maintainance 2500

    Anabolic( cycle is listed in q&a prop/tren/var)

    Looking for an obtainable weight gain number I should reach for. The goal here is to maintain bf% and reach the highest gain of lean mass one could achieve?

    I don't want to set a goal of say 15lbs and 25% be fat, if I have to lower the number to make sure gains are pure muscle I will.

    Target calories I would guess would have to be about 500 to 600 over maintanace to see 2lbs per week? Is two lbs per week a far stretch? Should I drop that to maybe 1.5 due to my actual goal?

    Also I've been on a 40/40/20 split and 50/30/20. I've only been knowledgeable in dieting and macros for about a year now so I really haven't had a huge time investment in what I react best to. I'm being as honest as I can

    Could I get your opinion on a macro split for my goal? A target cal amount. And a target goal in pounds?

    I will then revamp diet accordingly

    Thank you guys in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I have read gbrice sticky on lean gains

    He suggests 40/45/15

    Start at 500

    Seems pretty close to what I am thinking
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 02-22-2013 at 09:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Should I not set a weight goal amount as a unit of measure? Should I just eat in the said fashion and it is what it is?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Try something for a week and see what happens man... You're over thinking things

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    how do you even know this is accurate ? 190lbs 12% bf

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    My weight and bf%??

    I guess I may be misunderstanding

    You mean how do I check my bf%

    Calipers , and 7 years of being on this site I've seen thousands of pics of threads: "guess my bf%" I could be off plus or minus one but really didn't need much help in that area.. mainly just a target cal amount n starting macros..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Try something for a week and see what happens man... You're over thinking things
    Your probably right dude!! Lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Diet forum
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    My weight and bf%??

    I guess I may be misunderstanding

    You mean how do I check my bf%

    Calipers , and 7 years of being on this site I've seen thousands of pics of threads: "guess my bf%" I could be off plus or minus one but really didn't need much help in that area.. mainly just a target cal amount n starting macros..

    are you joking? u say you have been on this site forever , yet knowing your lbm isn't important? how else can you set up your goals. YOU need to step back from the idea of doing gear and re think things out and try dieting for 3 months before using the drugs.

    with out your LBM u cant set you calorie intake goals, and as for macros every person is different. Gotta find what works for you. not have other people set up a program for you

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I am really lost as to what your talking about bro, maybe you are misunderstanding me or I am misunderstanding you.

    You asked : how do you even know this is accurate ? 190lbs 12% bf

    I responded i know how to calculate bf% which I thought was your question.

    as for LBM 190lbs at 12% is 167.2lbs LBM

    167 x 15 = 2500 calories ( WHICH IS WHAT I POSTED )

    please let me know what you think I dont know or what I am confused about??

    When did i say not knowing my LBM is not important? of course I know my LBM how else did i come up with 2500 cals?

    Either way talk a lil more respectful before blasting everyone as if they were a newb..even if i didnt know how to calc LBM you could simply state how to, or lead one to finding the answers they seek, as this is what this site is for to help others.

    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    are you joking? u say you have been on this site forever , yet knowing your lbm isn't important? how else can you set up your goals. YOU need to step back from the idea of doing gear and re think things out and try dieting for 3 months before using the drugs.

    with out your LBM u cant set you calorie intake goals, and as for macros every person is different. Gotta find what works for you. not have other people set up a program for you
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 02-25-2013 at 07:38 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Diet forum
    You got ur lbm from calipers?

    did you take in brain matter, organ matter and bone density?? id say your lbm is way off mate. and for someone that wants to gain lbm, you need to be deadly on your measurements/stats/etc,

    instead of buying gear, go get a bodypod test. its not rocket science, and since you are already over thinking things why not do it right You can think im a prick or a troll all you want, but bottom line is get accurate tests done. just assuming and hoping others will take you by the hand and give you the info u wanna hear. Remember anyone can sign up to a forum and give advise. Why not seek the truth yourself. Go get a dxa scan or body pod. get the correct info and start from there. ANd come to the reality that lbm body recomp takes months/years. wont happen in 6-15 weeks. No one else is choosing to cime in and assist you and for good reason, so take my advice start from the basics.

    proper scan

    diet in check

    follow said diet for 3 months, reviewing and "slightly modifying every 3 weeks."

    keep a log

    if you are discipline to follow that diet for the full 3 months

    get a new body pod reading

    start gear then, and then only and you will have better gains.

    Im taking the time to help you cause you are a long term member who should know better, if you didnt before you do now. Guessing lbm and then just using a multiplication formula that works for 405 might not work for you. At the end of the tests and such the numbers you have now to the numbers you will get could be similar , as close to 50-100 calories difference, but for lbm that is huge margin.

    U need to eat as close to maintenance as possible taking in cardio and weight training expenditure of calories and then only increasing calories at a rate of maybe 50-75 kcal surplus to start, and see how you're looking in the mirror. take photos every day and ditch the scales and calipers, look in the mirror and look at the pics form yesterday, a week ago and see and follow teh changes in your body, especially in the stomach area, lions teeth and fat on the back of your legs.

    Lastly still not using scales, keeping a log of your lifts. is your strength the same, going up or going down. if you can increase lifts every week or bi weekly as little as .57kg you are doing well, if you are losing strength - you are losing muscle mass, if you are staying the same but cant increase the weight you have to increase the food intake a bit more, not by much again another 50 calories daily to start and see how you go.

    Oh and carbs, yes carbs (dry carb load, brain function and recovery ... just to name a few) are huge in LBM gain body recomp. Your height and weight roughly aim for 120-200g carbs a day, and u can go less on none training days if you are not doing any training and aim for 50-120g carbs, * with teh exception if you take a day off after you train leg day then feel free to eat like a mofu. Your CNS will thank you for this. SO as you can see this is already leading into the area of carb cycling. Another topic for another time.

    diet > gear

    diet + gear = anabolic
    Last edited by mockery; 02-25-2013 at 03:56 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bro, i think we got off on the wrong foot as I think we both maybe misunderstood a little.

    I agree x15 which 405 preaches by is only a rough calculation and could be entirely off, which indeed it is because I know exactly where i maintain weight/measurements. and it is actually higher than what 2500 calories. So i know its not accurate.

    I only state this so i didnt get 500 posts as to ( figure out yout tdee and blah blah and post a diet) i just posted a simple formula so i didnt get a bunch of posts regarding that, I didnt even want to get into the subject of my maintenance calories because Ive been told I cant hold where i do. No one knows my activity level or how many calories i use per day besides me. And how can phelps hold at 12000 calories( not sure if thats a rumor) well because he uses that much. So i do understand it is not perfect.

    From personal experience I log everyday lifts, log everyday cals in the exact macro, and take monthly measurements to be sure of this. I never have done a bodpod but I will consider it to see if I am close to where I think I am.

    I have been doing lean body recomp for about 3 years so i understand it takes a long time. I have not stopped making great progress but they have seemed to slow down as I get close and closer to the physic i desire. Thus why I m trying to dial things in a little better with a little advice from more experienced guys.

    On another note, apologies if I came off as prick as I was a little confused by your initial question. From my point of view I only seen it as a silly question based on how it was proposed. I didnt not understand you were talking about LBM. I thought you were just asking how i knew my bf%

    lastly thanks for your advice and the time you took to give it...

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