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  1. #1
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    Newbie From Ireland Looking For Diet Advice

    Hi joined the site a year ago but havent used it much and lack of knowledge has been putting me off trainning , Im from Dublin, Ireland , 20 years old , weighing 268 lbs , 73 inches tall , bf 25% (aprox) will be checked again soon, i know a small bit about nutrition , im looking to put a diet together that allows me to build muscle and loose weight at the same time , ive started lifting 5-6 days a week , using a low fat , high protein diet (not couting calories or anything just watching what im eaing) , but i want to perfect my diet so im getting the most from my trainning , im guesing planning your diet begins with getting my TDEE (how)? or BMR , im just wondering could i get the basics about nutrition so i can put together a diet, how many calories should i be consuming each day , what way should i plan my macros? when should i be eating ,
    I suppose il start with that , thanks in advance to who ever helps out

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyzer View Post
    Hi joined the site a year ago but havent used it much and lack of knowledge has been putting me off trainning , Im from Dublin, Ireland , 20 years old , weighing 268 lbs , 73 inches tall , bf 25% (aprox) will be checked again soon, i know a small bit about nutrition , im looking to put a diet together that allows me to build muscle and loose weight at the same time , ive started lifting 5-6 days a week , using a low fat , high protein diet (not couting calories or anything just watching what im eaing) , but i want to perfect my diet so im getting the most from my trainning , im guesing planning your diet begins with getting my TDEE (how)? or BMR , im just wondering could i get the basics about nutrition so i can put together a diet, how many calories should i be consuming each day , what way should i plan my macros? when should i be eating ,
    I suppose il start with that , thanks in advance to who ever helps out
    Always remember the sticky's!!

    Personally, at 25% bodyfat I wouldn't even be thinking about building muscle right now, I'd work to reduce bodyfat down to an appreciable number ( < 15%) and start lean bulking with a 'clean slate'.

    You can read my cutting sticky here:

    If you choose not to take my advice re: cutting, lean bulking would probably be your next obvious choice:*#.UUoI2xeG2So

  3. #3
    -KJ-'s Avatar
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    ^^^^ Take his advice.. anyway leaning out would make you appear 'bigger'

  4. #4
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    thanks for your reply . i do know lowering your bf before building muscle but is it not possible to gain muscle while still losing weight . a friend of mine said i can train with him (weight lifting ) not cardio . he said he started lifting at a high body fat percentage and the weight dropped off him then when he built enough muscle he started to cut . he said he will help me as much as he can in the gym when hes training . if i was gonna go down this route what should my macros be ? 40 protein 40 carb and 20 fat ?

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyzer View Post
    thanks for your reply . i do know lowering your bf before building muscle but is it not possible to gain muscle while still losing weight . a friend of mine said i can train with him (weight lifting ) not cardio . he said he started lifting at a high body fat percentage and the weight dropped off him then when he built enough muscle he started to cut . he said he will help me as much as he can in the gym when hes training . if i was gonna go down this route what should my macros be ? 40 protein 40 carb and 20 fat ?
    If you're a complete newb to training and dieting, yes. Newbs do seem to make 'impossible' body transformations... doing what seasoned vets could only dream of... making gains while losing bodyfat. The fat almost seems to magically 'turn into' muscle.

    If that's you, then yes - enjoy it while it lasts, lol! On that note - I wouldn't make much of it right now. Lift heavy and eat right. You should still be eating to lose bodyfat though. Try to work out your TDEE and I'll help you from that point.

  6. #6
    -KJ-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyzer View Post
    thanks for your reply . i do know lowering your bf before building muscle but is it not possible to gain muscle while still losing weight . a friend of mine said i can train with him (weight lifting ) not cardio . he said he started lifting at a high body fat percentage and the weight dropped off him then when he built enough muscle he started to cut . he said he will help me as much as he can in the gym when hes training . if i was gonna go down this route what should my macros be ? 40 protein 40 carb and 20 fat ?
    It can be done but at a very slow rate and can be discouraging when starting out as ive found out many times before... made me go off par all together which is why i went off about my business and done a straight cut until know. you will look 'bigger' when you cut down.
    I do anyway but i know ive lost a little LBM but a lot more fat.

    and to cut and build at the same time isnt as simple as a 40/40/20 pro/carb/fat split.

    I reccomend read the stickies tonight. Cutting 101.. Learn how to diet and GBs cutting sticky and then come back with a full diet and a decision on where you wanna start.
    we will all help out but you gotta do the work.

    Good Luck bro

  7. #7
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    cheers for all the help . il check them all out tonight and il be back

  8. #8
    -KJ-'s Avatar
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    do it will make more sense when you go through them

  9. #9
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    Hi guys , my BMR is 2551 and my TDEE is 4400 at 6-7 hours trainning per week , 7 hours + is 4847 cals,

    i used this calculator

    20 years old
    Height 75 inches
    weight 268 lbs
    Goal : build muscle lose weight
    macros 40% pro 45% carb 15% fat
    7 hours + exercise
    8 meals.

    is this calculator accurate in anyway ,
    if so only prob is i dont know how to put the meals together

  10. #10
    cj111's Avatar
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    Based on 25% BF your TDEE would be closer to 3000. And if you want to drop weight youre going to want less than that, I wouldn't use those online calculators Ive seen some pretty bogus numbers.
    If you ate 4847 cals, my god man, you will be going in the wrong direction! Those calculators don't take into consideration if someone is 268 pounds of muscle, or fat. That's why I wouldn't trust them.

  11. #11
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    cheers dude lucky i didnt go by that then , i just want to start trainning but this whole diet thing is holding me back , no point in putting all the work in the gym if i dont know what to eat you know

  12. #12
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    edited it saying im 25% bf and its saying my tdee is just under 4000

  13. #13
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    Don't go by that calculator, like I mentioned you're probably in the ballpark of 3000 cal a day, not 4000.
    What do you eat in a typical day? I wouldn't get so amped up on a diet right now, I bet if you cut a whack of shit out of your daily eating, and started eating better, you would lose weight..25% is pretty high. You could lose weight just looking at a treadmill.

    What do you eat in a typical day? From when you wake up until you go to bed.

  14. #14
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Based on 25% BF your TDEE would be closer to 3000. And if you want to drop weight youre going to want less than that, I wouldn't use those online calculators Ive seen some pretty bogus numbers.
    If you ate 4847 cals, my god man, you will be going in the wrong direction! Those calculators don't take into consideration if someone is 268 pounds of muscle, or fat. That's why I wouldn't trust them.
    ^^ this.

    I also have you pegged at around 3000 for TDEE. At 25% bodyfat, it shouldn't be hard for you to drop down to around 15% or so. Just eat at a slight deficit (or even at TDEE) and do lots of cardio. Train in the 8-15 rep range IMO... higher volume, short rest periods, etc. Make sensible food choices (there are plenty of diets posted in this section where you can 'borrow' ideas from) and the fat will come off. No point in complicating things at a relatively high BF, just be consistent with your diet, training, and especially cardio - and you will see results.

  15. #15
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    thanks a mill guys . so around 3000 cals. what should my macros be at ?

  16. #16
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    Start with 40/40/20.. just make sure youre eating good complex carbs,vegetables,fruit. No pop chips and that shit man, you could drop a ton of weight just changing foods you eat. If you don't know what a complex carb is or good protein sources just say so, I could list a bunch of things you could go buy to eat that wont bore you to death.

  17. #17
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Start with 40/40/20.. just make sure youre eating good complex carbs,vegetables,fruit. No pop chips and that shit man, you could drop a ton of weight just changing foods you eat. If you don't know what a complex carb is or good protein sources just say so, I could list a bunch of things you could go buy to eat that wont bore you to death.
    Would u mind listing a few things if you get the time man . Aprieciate all the replies by the way

  18. #18
    cj111's Avatar
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    Well, Ill just tell you what I eat on a daily basis...
    Protein - Chicken, ground beef95%, pork tenderloin, canned salmon, canned tuna, dry curd cottage cheese, 1% cottage cheese, low fat cheese, whey protein,fat/sugar free greek yogurt, steak from time to time, smoked salmon here and there, that's all I can think of at the moment for my main proteins...

    Carbs - Quinoa, oatmeal, sweet potato, beans(black,kidney,white kidney,chick peas,legums...all kinds,,plus they are good protein source), flax bread occasionally. Realistically, those are my only carb sources, except the odd carbs in other things. They are cheap, and easy to prepare.

    Fats - Almonds, ground flax, natty PB, almond butter, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, sunflower seeds, Avocados, Olive oil for cooking/coconut oil

    Vegetabes - Broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, KALE, carrots, red onion, mushrooms,garlic,beats,green beans, frozen peas. Ill eat other vegetables, I usually buy these though.

    Fruits - I don't eat a lot of fruit really, except mixed berries in my oatmeal. The odd banana in my PWO shake...I'm not a huge fan of fruit cause of the high calories Id rather eat other things, personal preference.

    Ill drink milk in my PWO shake, other than that I drink 5-6 Litres of water a day..or coffee/tea

    Trying to think what else is in my cupboard...not much really! I pretty much eat the same shit everyday, and I love it, cause grocery shopping is a breeze. Hope this helped man, and good luck
    Last edited by cj111; 03-29-2013 at 08:13 PM.

  19. #19
    spyzer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Well, Ill just tell you what I eat on a daily basis...
    Protein - Chicken, ground beef95%, pork tenderloin, canned salmon, canned tuna, dry curd cottage cheese, 1% cottage cheese, low fat cheese, whey protein,fat/sugar free greek yogurt, steak from time to time, smoked salmon here and there, that's all I can think of at the moment for my main proteins...

    Carbs - Quinoa, oatmeal, sweet potato, beans(black,kidney,white kidney,chick peas,legums...all kinds,,plus they are good protein source), flax bread occasionally. Realistically, those are my only carb sources, except the odd carbs in other things. They are cheap, and easy to prepare.

    Fats - Almonds, ground flax, natty PB, almond butter, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, sunflower seeds, Avocados, Olive oil for cooking/coconut oil

    Vegetabes - Broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, KALE, carrots, red onion, mushrooms,garlic,beats,green beans, frozen peas. Ill eat other vegetables, I usually buy these though.

    Fruits - I don't eat a lot of fruit really, except mixed berries in my oatmeal. The odd banana in my PWO shake...I'm not a huge fan of fruit cause of the high calories Id rather eat other things, personal preference.

    Ill drink milk in my PWO shake, other than that I drink 5-6 Litres of water a day..or coffee/tea

    Trying to think what else is in my cupboard...not much really! I pretty much eat the same shit everyday, and I love it, cause grocery shopping is a breeze. Hope this helped man, and good luck
    wow man thanks a mill for your time.
    so basicly around a 3000cal diet using these foods. macros. 40pro 40 carb 20 fat . now the tricky part ive never got with dieting is how to plan each meal have u any tips .

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