Food Cals Fat Carb Pro
Peanut Butter 500 40 23 15
Chobani 370 0 54 40
Apple Slices 200 0 45 0
Meal 1070 40 122 55
6whole/2whites 450 29 3 48
Meal 450 29 3 48
Curry Chicken 400 5 5 44
Meal 400 5 5 44
Curry Chicken 400 5 5 44
Meal 400 5 5 44
Tuna 300 5 0 65
Mayo 135 12 6 0
Protein Shake 110 1 5 20
Cottage Cheese 200 5 10 28
Olive oil 240 28 0 0
Meal 985 51 21 113
Totals 3305 130 156 304
sorry how it comes out but im 6'5 240 ish at the time. Just finished a bulk now trying to get rid of all this midsection quickly. PCT starts in 3 weeks where i will be running igf des also. I really cut my cals and carbs and trying to lean out quick. Been lifting heavy still and will to hold onto muscle while i cut. Just started doing 30-60 minutes of cardio sometimes hiit sometimes slow pace on the bike after my workouts, and days off i do like 2-3 days of 2 hours of cardio just starting this week.