I've been trying to do my own thing for years, with small bouts of success and a lot of failure.
Recently, I tried the extremely low fat, high carb trenbolone approach. It just made me fatter, go figure. I've always been sensitive to carbs, i'm not sure why but it's time to just do what works.
In the past, I.F. or extremely low carb have been the only approaches that work for me.
I don't function well on extremely low carb, so I am opting for I.F. with a something around a 50% protein, 25% fat, 25% carb split.
Current stats:
195lbs, 15% bf, 5'9"
About a month and a half ago I was sitting at 183lbs 11% water tested.
On TRT due to primary failure
@ ~165lbs LBM, my calculated intake should be around 2475kcal for maintenance. I'm looking to drop 2lbs of fat per week, preferably a little more--
I don't mind dropping a little bit of muscle. Dropping back down to 10% is top priority, gaining muscle is a cakewalk for an endomorph such as myself. staying lean, however is not.
75mcg t3/day, starting a cycle of test prop, tren ace, mast prop. 525/525/525
.25-.5 adex EoD, Caber .5mg 2x/wk. 500mg ALA (250, 2x/day)
2 day on, 1day off lifting split, w\ AM fasted cardio w\ bcaa's 6 days a week. 30 min cardio following each lifting session.
Chest/Biceps - Refeed day+ 8iu slin pwo
Off - am cardio only
Shoulders, Calves, Abs
Back, Biceps
Off - am cardio only
Off - rest day
I'm looking for advice on how much I should aim to eat. I'm looking to preserve what I have, if not gain a little bit of muscle during this cut. Top priority is cutting, but running anabolics like this and running the IF approach, it's bound to happen if I don't cut my cals too low (I'm under that impression anyway...correct me if i'm wrong)
My maintenance would be 2475, I'm not sure how to factor in anabolics, I.F., and T3 into my intake to reach 2lbs/wk loss.
For now, i'm going to hop onto I.F. and hit 2000kcal/day and see how things go.
Any advice, constructive criticism, etc would be greatly appreciated.
My intention is to get my job back as a model.
I'm going to start an accountability log with weekly photo updates once I get a solid plan mapped out.
Food choices: Olive oil, chicken breast, oats, yams, broccoli, eggs, natural peanut butter, frozen cod, canned salmon
Salsa, hot sauce, cinnamon.
6 hr eating window:
Post lifting:
50g whey protein, 25g dextrose, 1/2 cup oats, 15g creatine, 15g glutamine.
Meal 1: 200g boiled chicken breast, 200g yams, 4 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oats
240c, 60g pro - 180c, 2g pro, 40g cho - 280c, 24g pro, 18g fat - 150c 27g cho, 3g fat, 5g pro = 850c, 91g pro, 21g fat, 67g cho
Meal 2: 6 eggwhites, 1tbsp olive oil, 1/2 c oats
= 144c 36g pro ---- 13g fat 120c --- 150c 3g fat 27g cho 5g pro = 415c / 41g pro, 27g cho, 16g fat
Meal 3: 200g chicken breast, 100g broccoli
60g protein, 240cal
2000cal, 250g protein, 95g carb, 38g fat
Let me know what you think
Thanks guys!