Hey guys ,

Weight = 200 pounds/90 kilos
Bf% = 14%
Age = 25+

Currently I am maintaining my body weight at around 88 to 90 kilos, i compete in the 93 kilos class. The last time I calculated my Tdee I entered moderately active and and maintained my calories at aprrox 3500 calories. ( this was wrong as I was expending more energy, but I still maintain my Bw round thr), I am maintaining the same weight for over 6 months now and i still want to do so. My current macro split is 250 carbs, 250 protein and 150 fats. On training days i might go up till 350 carbs. I am trying to revamp my diet, becuz i got used to the same thing. My recalculated tdee is 3900 calories approx ( i entered extremely active here) , becuz I am. My question is for power lifting would i benefit more from fats or carbs for energy? what would be my macro split? high fats, high protein, moderate carbs?