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Thread: Diet Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Diet Help

    Hey guys, trying to get my diet in check, im trying to cut bodyfat down to about 12%.
    Stats are:
    6' 175lbs 16%bf training for over 6 years off and on, when I started out was only about 140lbs.

    From what I've calculated using the TDEE thread mine is 2955. But im not sure if that's right based on what ive seen from other places it seems really high.

    Diet is as follows:
    Meal 1- 4 eggs & 8oz of ground turkey 600/66/4/34
    Meal 2- 5oz chicken & protein shake 248/49/3/4
    Meal 3- 8oz chicken & 4oz veggies 308/44/18/5
    Meal 4- 5oz chicken & protein shake 248/49/3/4
    Preworkout drink 40/-/9/-
    Meal 5- Protein shake & banana 215/25/32/1
    Meal 6- 8oz chicken & 4oz veggies 308/44/18/5
    Total Macros= Cals-1967/Pro-277/Carb-87/Fat-53

    I just cut out milk from my diet from what I have seen on here, I go in the am and do cardio and then back in the pm to do weight lifting Monday thru Friday. Cardio consists of HIIT cardio everyother day and LISS cardio the other days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Your TDEE is probably closer to 2200. Might want to reconsider the 2955.
    Drop down to 1 shake a day, and eat some food. Why are you eating chicken and a protein shake in same meal? I dont get that. You have no carbs in your diet except vegetables, IMO I don't like doing that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    First of welcome to the board....second how long have uve been consistently eating like this? CJ is righ ur maintenance cals arr around 2200 and ur just under that so u should be seeing some kind of benifit from the reason I asked how long uve been eating this way....u maaaaaay want to drop another 100 or so cals if u e stagnant for a while

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    also maybe tweekin ur macros a little bit carbs/fats

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Thanks for the advice CJ, If you don't mind me asking, how did you come up with 2200? Is there a different way to figure it out? I was doing the low carbs as a way to burn fat, I've heard great things from keeping your carbs around 20%. The reason for the chicken and protein shake was just to get more protein without adding in too much fat and carbs.

    Thanks Cancer, I just started this diet this week so it hasn't been for a while. Just want to cut down about 4-5% bf. So you think I should drop cals down some more?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    No point in dropping cals until you see how your progress goes...stick with it for 2 weeks, if no results, readjust. No point in eating less if you don't have to. Just looking at your meal plan makes me hungry! lol, I need carbs or I get super cranky.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Gotcha thanks, I don't know if I could eat less, this first week has been a little rough with it as is.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    You always feeling hungry and tired or what ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    No point in dropping cals until you see how your progress goes...stick with it for 2 weeks, if no results, readjust. No point in eating less if you don't have to. Just looking at your meal plan makes me hungry! lol, I need carbs or I get super cranky.
    this....uve just started....and based on what u put as total cals for the day....ur already under maintenance so stick with that and u should see change if not drop to about 500 under maintenance....jeez 4-5% are u competing?

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    CJ- No I have plenty of energy, im just used to eating a lot more

    Cancer- Thanks im gona keep it the same and see how it goes for about 2 weeks and then adjust if need be, and no not competing I didn't mean drop to 4-5%bf I meant drop 4-5% from what im at now lol

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by atom View Post
    CJ- No I have plenty of energy, im just used to eating a lot more

    Cancer- Thanks im gona keep it the same and see how it goes for about 2 weeks and then adjust if need be, and no not competing I didn't mean drop to 4-5%bf I meant drop 4-5% from what im at now lol
    aahh....sounds good....keep us posted

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

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