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Thread: Cat 1 PSMF

  1. #1
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Cat 1 PSMF

    Just been reading Lyle McDonald's rapid fat loss book. Wondering if anyone has tried his psmf plan that fit into the category 1 and their results.

  2. #2
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Never heard of it. I am reading about carb back loading right now

  3. #3
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Pretty much a crash diet where u just eat protein for a short period if time followed by a refeed. Puts u in an extreme deficit and u feed prior to metabolic slowdown

  4. #4
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    ive read (and used) Ultimate Diet 2.0 and Stubborn Fat Solution but not Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

  5. #5
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    ive read (and used) Ultimate Diet 2.0 and Stubborn Fat Solution but not Rapid Fat Loss Handbook
    I wanna read ud2, what kind of diet is it? Don't have to get down to the nitty gritty, just a general outline would b cool. Lol

  6. #6
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    What are you trying to achieve out of this m8?

    If your looking to mini cut then maybe you could do it for a week or so to kick off a mini cut....

    However I'm beginning to realise that most extreme approaches that people use are simply not required at all.... If people were more consistent with simply counting macros and watching there weight there really is no need for these extreme diets....

    RFH is extreme.... So is UD2....

    Ud2 is basically a weekly depletion type program.... Where you PSMF for a period and then take in a shit load of carbs over a short period....

    So back to my first question.... Why are u interested in this? Because I don't think any extreme measures are actually required at all to achieve what most people want....
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  7. #7
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    I think it's more curiosity then anything really lol

    I'm at prolly 13%bf right now. I'd like to b 10% come July 18. And i think is obtainable with just a simple deficit. I was just wondering if anyone has tried it and how much muscle mass they lost. Seems like a recipe for loss off muscle mass to me.

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I think it's more curiosity then anything really lol

    I'm at prolly 13%bf right now. I'd like to b 10% come July 18. And i think is obtainable with just a simple deficit. I was just wondering if anyone has tried it and how much muscle mass they lost. Seems like a recipe for loss off muscle mass to me.
    At 13% I personally wouldn't do it.... Above 15 maybe... But 13 is a bit low IMO....

    Just drop your fats low and carbs a little.... And add extra cardio sessions....
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  9. #9
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    Like I said, I was just curious more then anything. I just read that book and I remembered u saying u did it. Just curious how it worked.

    I'll prolly just continue the carb cycle I'm doing. Been trying to add cardio but fvck me I hate it lol

  10. #10
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    base hit the nail on the head with ud 2.. its fun cuz i got to eat 1300g carbs (not a typo) for my refeed. i plateaued around 11-12% though.. i think that high refeed killed my ability to get any leaner but it was fun LOL

    ur 13%now? i couldve sworn the last pic i saw of u (couple months ago) u were leaner and running strong on ur keto style diet?? now ur eating carbs again?? what happened?

  11. #11
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    base hit the nail on the head with ud 2.. its fun cuz i got to eat 1300g carbs (not a typo) for my refeed. i plateaued around 11-12% though.. i think that high refeed killed my ability to get any leaner but it was fun LOL

    ur 13%now? i couldve sworn the last pic i saw of u (couple months ago) u were leaner and running strong on ur keto style diet?? now ur eating carbs again?? what happened?
    I think I've always been around 13%. Idk maybe I'm less, I've had people tell me I'm leaner then 13%. I'm just hard on myself maybe. But I really feel like I'm around 13%. And I started eating carbs again because I'm in a deficit now to try and maintain some energy since I'm not eating over 4000 calories a day. And it's not carbs all the time, just every wed and sat really.

  12. #12
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-3844129338.jpg 
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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	139808

    First one is flexed of course lol what don't think

  13. #13
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    ehh 10-12 IMO.. of course 13% on me looks more chubby than u currently look..

    u look solid man.. the good thing about where ur at is a 6-8 week serious cut and u could be ripped.. where ur at now is a great maintenance bf% and typically where i like to stay for the reason u gave above..

    ill post mine at 9.9 (BOD POD) for comparison..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cat 1 PSMF-dec-10-1.jpg  

  14. #14
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    ehh 10-12 IMO.. of course 13% on me looks more chubby than u currently look..

    u look solid man.. the good thing about where ur at is a 6-8 week serious cut and u could be ripped.. where ur at now is a great maintenance bf% and typically where i like to stay for the reason u gave above..

    ill post mine at 9.9 (BOD POD) for comparison..
    Meh, more like 20%, from dan's eyes! Bahahaha!

  15. #15
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Just curious as to what u say. But pretend I'm a noob. And I said I wanna get as low as bf as possible in 6 weeks. You'd say?

    228 this morning prefood or water
    Pic was taken this morning as well

  16. #16
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Just curious as to what u say. But pretend I'm a noob. And I said I wanna get as low as bf as possible in 6 weeks. You'd say?

    228 this morning prefood or water
    Pic was taken this morning as well
    if ur talking to me (this is a crude example off the top of my head based on my experience) i would suggest a 3 day carb cycle with days 1,2 no carbs and very low cals (LBM dependant initially)

    training day around 3000cals and 300g carbs ..

    both day types would taper down and u would also increase cardio to 90 mins on non training days split into 1 x 60mins and 1 x 30 mins with HIIT mixed into it ..

    at ur lowest ud look something like:

    training days:
    2500 cals
    200g carbs

    non training days 800-1000cals veggie carbs only..

    needless to say elevated test is a must here and it is a miserable experience but very effective.

    calorie amounts would vary from person to person but this is an example of the style. fasting is recommended for non training days as 800-1000 cals doesnt go very far. diet on those days would basically be beef or chicken and green veggie only..

    id also say this diet is better worked into a bit more gradually.. by the end of it the hunger has accumulated and food is constantly on ur mind as well as weird emotions, depression .. LOL.. it is not pleasant..

    u could even possibly consider adding an additional non training day so u only have 2 training days per week upper/lower split heavy weight low volume.. it is this diet that caused me to understand the necessity for a cutting "cycle"..

    id also like to say i would not recommend this to a noob (for the record)

  17. #17
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Lol yeah I was talking to you.

    No need to worry about my test levels lol or tren levels bahahaha

    For the most part that's what I've been doing.

    Less the 20g sun mon tue fri sat
    Like 150g thur sun

    But my cals are at 500 below tdee on high days and close to 1000 on low days.

    Been weight training everyday still and trying to do cardio 45 minutes like 4 times a week.

    Also taking t3

  18. #18
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    training should be fueled (carbs) IMO.. also, IMO u would fare better to train like a guy trying to MAINTAIN LBM and not GAIN LBM. im not saying u arent but without seeing ur workout i have found upper/lower split (bench, shoulder press, row, dead, lat) (squat, leg extension, leg curl, standing calves) low volume (2 work sets 5 reps), heavy with big compound lifts to be sufficient for maintaining LBM. this will free u up to spend more time doing what burns cals and fat (cardio).. if ur stalled basically u need to reduce cals and/or increase cardio.. i would start with the latter first..

    this is also not meant to be run for a long time.

    u say ur "trying" to do cardio 4 x per week which tells me ur not succeeding (LOL).. the extent of how lean u get depends on ur willingness to go to extreme measures which may mean a LOT more cardio.

    personally id expect u to be leaner doing what ur doing especially with T3 involved. how long have u been doing this? also how much fat are u eating on carb and no carb days??

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    training should be fueled (carbs) IMO.. also, IMO u would fare better to train like a guy trying to MAINTAIN LBM and not GAIN LBM. im not saying u arent but without seeing ur workout i have found upper/lower split low volume, heavy with big compound lifts to be sufficient for maintaining LBM. this will free u up to spend more time doing what burns cals and fat (cardio).. if ur stalled basically u need to reduce cals and/or increase cardio.. i would start with the latter first..

    this is also not meant to be run for a long time.

    u say ur "trying" to do cardio 4 x per week which tells me ur not succeeding (LOL).. the extent of how lean u get depends on ur willingness to go to extreme measures which may mean a LOT more cardio.

    personally id expect u to be leaner doing what ur doing especially with T3 involved. how long have u been doing this? also how much fat are u eating on carb and no carb days??
    Lol that would b a correct assumption. I try to get it in after my workout. I lift hard and heavy. Low volume. It's so hard for me to lift like a girl lol

    I've only been in a deficit for a week or two.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Lol that would b a correct assumption. I try to get it in after my workout. I lift hard and heavy. Low volume. It's so hard for me to lift like a girl lol

    I've only been in a deficit for a week or two.
    what do u mean?? im not suggesting u lift like a girl, but doing high volume (a bunch of sets) and isolation exercises while cutting and not for contest prep IMO is unnecessary. when i cut to 9% i was in and out of the gym on training days in 45-50mins.. i NEVER did PWO cardio either, left training days to preserve LBM which means: carbs, close to maintenance cals, no cardio..

    non training days were for losing fat: heavy cardio, extreme deficit, fasting, no carbs..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---

    what do u mean?? im not suggesting u lift like a girl, but doing high volume (a bunch of sets) and isolation exercises while cutting and not for contest prep IMO is unnecessary. when i cut to 9% i was in and out of the gym on training days in 45-50mins.. i NEVER did PWO cardio either, left training days to preserve LBM which means: carbs, close to maintenance cals, no cardio..

    non training days were for losing fat: heavy cardio, extreme deficit, fasting, no carbs..
    I mean to not go in and blast a muscle group to failure. I do a low volume. Usually a warm up then 1 or two working sets to failure of about 4-6 reps. 3-5 exercises depending on the muscle group. Usually in and out in 45-50 minutes.

    I've tried an upper/lower split and I hate it. I feel like I get nothing from it. But I guess it's my train of thought and I'm not really supposed to get anything from it except keep them active.

    But I get where ur coming from

  22. #22
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I mean to not go in and blast a muscle group to failure. I do a low volume. Usually a warm up then 1 or two working sets to failure of about 4-6 reps. 3-5 exercises depending on the muscle group. Usually in and out in 45-50 minutes.

    I've tried an upper/lower split and I hate it. I feel like I get nothing from it. But I guess it's my train of thought and I'm not really supposed to get anything from it except keep them active.

    But I get where ur coming from
    sometimes WE can be our biggest obstacle think about it, ur cutting, ur eating at a major deficit, ur NOT gaining LBM so why lift like ur trying to? get in, damage the muscle enuff to stimulate it, get out and recover.. ur goal is lose fat and maintain LBM.. u wouldnt do a lot of cardio when ur bulking, u wouldnt lift light weight high volume (aka: training like ur cutting) so why would u train like ur bulking when ur cutting??

    keep in mind i a not suggesting training heavy is bad for cutting, but to the contrary i train heavy ALWAYS.. the difference is the failure and isolation movements..

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