meal 1
6 egg whites/ 1 pack oatmeal
meal 2
30 grams whey shake/ 6 oz tuna 1 tablespoon flax seed oil
meal 3
veggies/ 6 oz turkey
meal 4
30 grams whey shake/ 1 cup brown rice
meal 5
veggies/ 12 oz tuna/ 1 pack oatmeal 1 tablespoon olive oil
meal 6
30 grams whey shake
workout days increase pwo meal by 30 grams whey/ 50 grams carbs
Few questions as this is MY FIRST cutting diet I have ever tried. I have bulked to 220 , bf realistically around 17%
What can I expect with this, will I hold on to the muscle I have put on? I sure hope so. I will be adding cardio 2 days a week as well, which I haven't done so far. I have researched as much I can put up with researching, as I know that is a big deal to some. I agree its important, but sometimes you need feedback on your own personal diet. So please help. is this legit, is it enough carbs/ not enough? I just hope I don't shrink like a prune depriving my body of so many calories. I have not est the cals yet, im guessing 2000-2500?