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Thread: Gluten-free team represent!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Gluten-free team represent!

    Title says it all. I've been gluten-free for a while now and I love it. I'm not a celiac or anything, but I decided to give it a shot to see if any of the typical gas/bloating I experienced with a very high starchy carb intake would subside, and it surely did. Also, that feeling of lethargy I'd often experience after eating an overly high carb meal is pretty much a thing of the past. Not to say that if you go gluten-free you can eat like a pig and never feel gassy or lethargic, but it certainly seems to have helped in my case. From a bodybuilding/fat loss standpoint, nothing changed for me. Still, many people who do suffer from varying degrees of gluten intolerance notice they have a much easier time packing on LBM (and fat) when they go gluten-free, as their bodies are actually able to digest and absorb the starches properly.

    Who else has made the shift and noticed a better feeling of overall well-being? Any good recipes or products? Anyone who actually noticed they did better with gluten?

    Note: I do cheat very rarely. Still, if you're willing to shell out slightly more $, there's basically a high quality alternative for everything.

  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Title says it all. I've been gluten-free for a while now and I love it. I'm not a celiac or anything, but I decided to give it a shot to see if any of the typical gas/bloating I experienced with a very high starchy carb intake would subside, and it surely did. Also, that feeling of lethargy I'd often experience after eating an overly high carb meal is pretty much a thing of the past. Not to say that if you go gluten-free you can eat like a pig and never feel gassy or lethargic, but it certainly seems to have helped in my case. From a bodybuilding/fat loss standpoint, nothing changed for me. Still, many people who do suffer from varying degrees of gluten intolerance notice they have a much easier time packing on LBM (and fat) when they go gluten-free, as their bodies are actually able to digest and absorb the starches properly.

    Who else has made the shift and noticed a better feeling of overall well-being? Any good recipes or products? Anyone who actually noticed they did better with gluten?

    Note: I do cheat very rarely. Still, if you're willing to shell out slightly more $, there's basically a high quality alternative for everything.

    Welcome back

    I have NOT made the switch yet. I was tested for Celiac Disease and doc discovered I have the marker for Chrohn's and have acid reflux (yet another indicator of digestive issues). I have had "digestive track" issues since I was a little "girly", only to become WORST.

    I have NOT completely eliminated gluten YET, but have cut way back on bread/pasta from where I once was when I was having my WORST symptoms

    Re: recipes / products, I surely can't make any recommendations. AWESOME Baked goods are difficult to find but urban legend is mixing the various gluten free flours is the secret to a moister homemade baked goods.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post

    Welcome back

    I have NOT made the switch yet. I was tested for Celiac Disease and doc discovered I have the marker for Chrohn's and have acid reflux (yet another indicator of digestive issues). I have had "digestive track" issues since I was a little "girly", only to become WORST.

    I have NOT completely eliminated gluten YET, but have cut way back on bread/pasta from where I once was when I was having my WORST symptoms

    Re: recipes / products, I surely can't make any recommendations. AWESOME Baked goods are difficult to find but urban legend is mixing the various gluten free flours is the secret to a moister homemade baked goods.
    Glad to see you still putting in work, GGR!

    I use a quinoa pasta and I like it even better than the real stuff. It's actually one of my favorite meals. So good that, while I try not to eat mammals, I occasionally treat myself to some lean ground beef bolognese with sharp parmesan with it. I've also heard good things about the corn-based noodles as they're supposed to be completely indistinguishable from flour ones, but I try not to eat much corn.

    Breads are another story -- you're not going to find a french baguette that's gluten-free, for example, and that saddens me ;(

    On the baking front, my favorite stuff to make has always been cheesecake and flourless chocolate cake and I rarely crave anything else (unless it's ice cream). Anyway, I haven't messed around with the flour blends too much to see what's best, so I really look forward to some info on that front.

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