Hey guys,
so heres my situation. I have been a novice PL for a couple years in highschool..but this year got a serious neck injury...and the 6 months I was out I gained ****ing 40/50 pounds of flab so now im at ****ing 30% Bf I lost a shit tonne of muscle...
so heres what I need help with!
I just got a pretty ****ing intense physcial job which i think will help with my weight loss + gym time (obvi)
but I need help with my nutrition.
I want to go through a keto based diet and get this fat suit off as quick as possible ( at least hit between 10/15) percent.
I want some help with the caloure calculation i should be eating to lose wait fast but not just leave me bones and flab.
Just for reference
215/217 pounds (which i love if it wasnt flab -.-)
like i said 30 percent body fat...
Also im 19 ( i have not done steriods or any gear :P) so I really dont give that much of a big deal of muscle loss espeacially cause of the bf cause i have 6 more years to get a solid base hopefully hit Genetic Potential and deciced to use gear
(workout plans would help to I manily did PL so I really only benched ,deadlifted and squatted...with mostly streches and some band work....)
P.s sorry about the huge ****ing story i Just want to get as much detail as possible