Hey everyone. i wrote a post earlier about recommendations for using roids, everyone is telling me, its all in by diet. So here i am , I want to get started on a proper diet and get results. As of right now I dont have much of one. I work out every morning after work ( yes Night Shift, as a Oil and Gas Plant) I do the insanity workout. It works great. I sweat allot. I don't lift any weights, I'm more of a crossfit type of workout guy. Maybe I should lift weights, anyway After my 30-45 High intense Cardo workout, I usually have just eggs whites, with yogurt and 2% milk. And fruit. Then sleep for 6 hrs, then have a meal for supper that is usually rice and veggies, with fish, or chicken, sometime 1 pcs of pork or small steak. with s Spinach salad with dressing. then while at work I take yogurt, and rice, and sometime a peanut butter sandwich.
So that's what I usually eat in a run of a day. any suggestions on how to change it to make a difference. I look fwd to your suggestions.