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Thread: Cutting Already Low bf / Diet help plz!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA

    Cutting Already Low bf / Diet help plz!

    So, a little background. Just came off of a Test P/ Tren A/ Mast P cycle after 5 wks. AI may have been bunk and developed gyno. Currently running C-Bino'a Letro / Nolva gyno reversal for about 10days to great success. If that matters at all. Letro kills water retention it seems
    1.5 Cups plain Oatmeal with 1 scoop BSN Lean Dessert Protein for flavor.
    600cal 12.5g Fat/ 36g Protein/ 89g Carbs

    0900-1100 lifting. 60-90 min strength training. 30min elliptical. Generally 350-400cal burned cardio. 135-145 heart rate

    1100 Protein Shake. ON 100% Gold standard 2 scoops in water.
    250cal. 6g Fats/ 12g Carbs/ 48g Protein

    1230 snack usually out of boredom. 1 whole grain eng Muffin with PB and sugarfree jelly
    500~ Cal 18g fats/ 50g Carbs/ 20g Protein
    (I'm at work so I'm guessing at the meal. The rest are accurate)

    1530. 2 chicken breasts and 1.5 cups Broccoli
    450cal. 2g Fats/ 12g Carbs/ 46g Protein

    1730. Snack. Fiber 1 bar
    90cal. 2g Fats/ 12g Carbs/ 1g Protein

    2000. Dinner Egg beaters omelette.
    150cal. 0g Fat/ 0g Carbs/ 25g Protein

    Overall. 2,040 Calories. 40.5g Fat/ 175g Carbs/ 176g Protein.

    My calculated TDEE is right around 2400.
    I am 23. 6'0. And weigh in at 185-188lbs. Body fat is currently lowest its ever been. 9-10%

    I want to maintain or even lose some stubborn fat on my bottom 2 abs. Top 4 and obliques around them show through very well. I just want to take the next step and look a bit leaner.

    Supplements. I Take daily; Multi-Vitamin, 500mcg Chromium Picolinate+ 450mg (I think?) EGCG as per Austinites thread (no synephrine), 1 Liv52, occasionally Fish Oils.

    I know this is a lot lol. But I figured I would be a thourough as possible for y'all if I'm gonna ask for the help.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Also, about twice a week I replace my snack/ lunch with Large pasta bowl w/ several chicken breasts. Usually do this 2 days in a row on my days where I feel a body part/lift is lagging.

    I am also a caffiene addict if it means anything. And about once every 6-8 weeks I blast clen at 140mcg daily for 2 weeks. Just started that this week also.
    Last edited by ChiveOn; 07-13-2013 at 05:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    how many days per week do u do cardio? is it always pwo miss 30mins?? u say ur tdee is 2400, has ur fat loss stopped at 2000cals??

    looks like u have a couple options:

    1. increase cardio
    2. reduce carbs on non training days

    curious to ur answer about cardio.. i would try increasing cardio before reducing cals.. lets see how much ur doing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    I train 6 days a week. That includes 5 days of muscle group specific training, paired with 30min of the cardio on elliptical.
    The other one day is high intensity crossfit for 45min. Muscular endurance and high heart rate the entire time. I push until almost vomiting on this day.

    I guess my 30mib on the elliptical is pretty low intensity. Only 350cal burned usually.

    Should I start switching that 30min on the easy elliptical to a harder paced actual run?

    Also, training for the Corps in a few months I'm trying to incorporate my 40lb vest into a 5-10 mile hikes weekly. Maybe adding that in itself will help produce results I seem to be missing.

    It was just melting with the tren and I'm a bit disappointed I had to stop a few weeks early. But gyno management and my health are my main concern.

    Not perfect either. Occasionally ill catch myself eating a cookie or something that's shit for me. I know it doesn't help. But I haven't had a solid or even a respectable diet for more than a year so I'm working on it. Portion control isn't an issue. It's the boredom snack
    Last edited by ChiveOn; 07-13-2013 at 09:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Idk how to post better than a thumbnail but I hope this helps. Maybe my bf% isn't what I think it is
    I could win most improved over the last year or two lol. I used to drink 2-4 cases of beer a week. One full pizza to myself as a meal. And a box of Mac and cheese to myself daily. I've come a long way and I'm only about 15lbs lighter. But 100% different composition.
    It's always working toward perfection.
    Last edited by ChiveOn; 07-13-2013 at 10:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    youre looking pretty good man!

    about as lean as i got where u are lean but ur skin just seems to be a bit thick still and no matter what u do it doesnt want to get any thinner.. part of it may be water too.

    changing up cardio a bit isnt a bad idea. really IMO increasing weekly duration would be a good start as well as changing it up.. im not sure u need to be training 6days per week. ur eating at a deficit and that amount of volume could be detrimental. u only need to do enuff to maintain. after my last cut i realized i needed a fair amount less training volume than i once thought. at one point i was only training every 3rd day.. i cut to 9% and did not lose any strength and little LBM.. u could prob drop to a 4 day split and add longer cardio on the 2 days extra u have off. maybe throw in 2 sessions each of those days. like a 30min interval and 60min liss.. increase ur pwo cardio to 45mins. thatd be 3 extra hrs cardio between the 15mins each of ur 4 training days and the xtra 60mins each of ur new days off.

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