Hey guys, i'm a 19 year-old fitness model newbie. I'm looking for a way to gain mass, while not getting too much fat on, so when there is a competition , i can diet off fast. I am currently 83-84 kg with 178 cm. I i don't have much fat on, i'm about half-ripped. I eat about 3,5 g of protein / body weight ( like 300-350 ) and like 3 g / carbohydrate / body weight. (240-300) it varies.
I mostly eat chicken breast, turkey breast, sometimes beef, fish, and curd cheese, lactose free cheese, eggs. My Carbohydrates consist of Rice Cakes, Millet, rice, fruits, potatoes, and veggies. I take a spoon of Pumpkin oil and a spoon of len oil per day to cover my daily need of unsaturated fat.. Also, i cook with coconut butter.. i drink 3-4 protein shakes per day. After waking up, pre-workout 40 mins, post workout, and before sleeping. (casein) I take glutamin as well in my night protein shake, and in my post-workout shake. I usually eat 4-5 pieces of rice cakes with my shakes ... (except at the casein shake)... Any thoughts or advices to improve my "Diet"?