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Thread: Hello Guys ! Please help me with my Diet :) (Fat free bulking)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Hello Guys ! Please help me with my Diet :) (Fat free bulking)

    Hey guys, i'm a 19 year-old fitness model newbie. I'm looking for a way to gain mass, while not getting too much fat on, so when there is a competition , i can diet off fast. I am currently 83-84 kg with 178 cm. I i don't have much fat on, i'm about half-ripped. I eat about 3,5 g of protein / body weight ( like 300-350 ) and like 3 g / carbohydrate / body weight. (240-300) it varies.
    I mostly eat chicken breast, turkey breast, sometimes beef, fish, and curd cheese, lactose free cheese, eggs. My Carbohydrates consist of Rice Cakes, Millet, rice, fruits, potatoes, and veggies. I take a spoon of Pumpkin oil and a spoon of len oil per day to cover my daily need of unsaturated fat.. Also, i cook with coconut butter.. i drink 3-4 protein shakes per day. After waking up, pre-workout 40 mins, post workout, and before sleeping. (casein) I take glutamin as well in my night protein shake, and in my post-workout shake. I usually eat 4-5 pieces of rice cakes with my shakes ... (except at the casein shake)... Any thoughts or advices to improve my "Diet"?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The South
    I believe you are referring to a 'lean bulk,' correct? Need a bit more information to help you. What is your bf%? "Half-ripped" is very ambiguous. Also, how much fat is in your diet, and from which sources? Need your total calories and TDEE.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Yep, Lean bulk, sorry. My body fat is around 15% , i'm okay with it atm, i don't look fat. I just wanna get muscle mass without increasing my body fat. Umm... there is not much fat in my diet.. Only fat i eat is from what i cook (coconut butter) , 1 spoon of len oil, 1 spoon of pumpkin seed oil... also, i pour olive oil on my salad.... i think i take around 60-70 grams of fat daily, considering that there is fat in the curd cheese and some in my protein turmixes and rice cakes as well..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hey man!

    4shakes a day is too much IMO! Do 2 max!

    If you wanna do lean bulk go 500kcal above TDEE.

    30/50/20 split of macros p/c/f

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I think i'm even above 3000 kcal =D and when do you suggest on drinking that 2 shakes? post workout (for sure) and after waking up, or before sleeping?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by vatix
    I think i'm even above 3000 kcal =D and when do you suggest on drinking that 2 shakes? post workout (for sure) and after waking up, or before sleeping?
    I have only one shake and thats pre workout, because mine meals have enough proteins to fit my macros.

    When you drink the 2nd one is up to you. Doesn't really matter.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Hey man!

    4shakes a day is too much IMO! Do 2 max!

    If you wanna do lean bulk go 500kcal above TDEE.

    30/50/20 split of macros p/c/f
    Great post man! I agree with you! Taught me a few things too.

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