I started this to help motivate me. I have been recently trying to cut for the last 5 weeks, and the progress seems to be very slow. I have dropped about 10 solid pounds, but my belly fat just wont reduce. Im down to size 34 pants from a 36, but I still see the same fat. I have researched to the point im tired of researching for moment. I have started cardio sessions after my workouts, twice a week this week. I have lowered fats, carbs, sugars, and TRIED to lower sodium. Just seem to be stuck in a rut. Hopefully things will change for the better as I experiment with diet/cardio/training.
Todays workout was a semi-intense shoulder/tricep workout. Was pretty weak on the weights today, don't understand why, carb'd up before hand. Maybe bc I was tired and its the end of the week, I just don't know. After about 40 minutes in my pump started to finally...come into effect.. Really right now the only part of my body im halfway satisfied with is my back double bi shot. When im pumped, im semi-satisfied with the front double bi.
My main goal is to cut to 12% or so before I start aas again, if then. If I do manage another cycle,(since January/February/March was basically a TRT cycle) my legs/abs will be my primary focus. I know they say abs are made in the kitchen but im beginning to wonder. Perhaps my main problem on lean bulking is just simply being ignorant of what my body needs to burn up my fat.