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Thread: Chad's gonna get abs logbook

  1. #1
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    Chad's gonna get abs logbook

    I started this to help motivate me. I have been recently trying to cut for the last 5 weeks, and the progress seems to be very slow. I have dropped about 10 solid pounds, but my belly fat just wont reduce. Im down to size 34 pants from a 36, but I still see the same fat. I have researched to the point im tired of researching for moment. I have started cardio sessions after my workouts, twice a week this week. I have lowered fats, carbs, sugars, and TRIED to lower sodium. Just seem to be stuck in a rut. Hopefully things will change for the better as I experiment with diet/cardio/training.

    Todays workout was a semi-intense shoulder/tricep workout. Was pretty weak on the weights today, don't understand why, carb'd up before hand. Maybe bc I was tired and its the end of the week, I just don't know. After about 40 minutes in my pump started to finally...come into effect.. Really right now the only part of my body im halfway satisfied with is my back double bi shot. When im pumped, im semi-satisfied with the front double bi.

    My main goal is to cut to 12% or so before I start aas again, if then. If I do manage another cycle,(since January/February/March was basically a TRT cycle) my legs/abs will be my primary focus. I know they say abs are made in the kitchen but im beginning to wonder. Perhaps my main problem on lean bulking is just simply being ignorant of what my body needs to burn up my fat.
    Last edited by Cuz; 08-23-2013 at 08:46 PM.

  2. #2
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    Have u calculated ur diet out?

    Cardio twice per week is not a whole lot.. U may wanna increase

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Have u calculated ur diet out?

    Cardio twice per week is not a whole lot.. U may wanna increase
    problem is 405 is that I have tried too but cant get the same meal plans in everyday like I would like to. That is where the root of my problem is. I try to stay around 200 g protein non training and 225-250 training days. Carbs usually 350 ish...non training...400 ish training. Fats usually below 60. if I have more nuts that day maybe 75. Calories typical day is 2500-3000. My fat just isn't coming off. Do I need to run lower carbs. Just scared of no energy when im training?

    Ive just started cardio twice this week. Do I need to be doing cardio every other day?? Morning on empty stomach is no option as I start early for work. I do it post workout, usually all I can manage is 30 mins, at a moderately intensive level. I thought a steady paced cardio was better than shorter HIT cardio for burning fat. ?

    I can bulk no problem, just can figure out this cut. And I also do understand why my back is 10% and my front is 25%, messed up. Guess its just bad core training?

  4. #4
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    ur problems seem farily identifiable IMO..

    how many days per week are u training?

    u need to reduce carbs significantly..

    u need to increase cardio significantly..

    i would hit 5 hours cardio every week (7days)
    training day carbs around 250-300g
    non training day carbs around 50-100g all veggies NO STARCH..

    i would not train more than 3-4 days per week.. u are only trying to maintain and ur primary focus should be on fat burning (cardio and diet)..
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 07-20-2013 at 08:49 AM.

  5. #5
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    solid back muscles.
    will watch this.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    ur problems seem farily identifiable IMO..

    how many days per week are u training?

    u need to reduce carbs significantly..

    u need to increase cardio significantly..

    i would hit 5 hours cardio every week (7days)
    training day carbs around 250-300g
    non training day carbs around 50-100g all veggies NO STARCH..

    i would not train more than 3-4 days per week.. u are only trying to maintain and ur primary focus should be on fat burning (cardio and diet)..
    405 your killing me bro lol.

    Training days mon/wed/fri

    cardio days wed/sat

    that is current. ok, training day carbs at 250-300 would be ok, I can handle that np. Non training days at 50-100 will be a huge challenge for me to overcome, I mean a huge challenge but can be done.
    Basically I wll have to up my cardio to every day of the week, at 45 min. I don't think I can work up to an hour a session. This will also be a huge challenge.

    Its going to be tuff on those non training days to manage my cal intake. I am going to try to get as close to this as I can possible too. It wont get it perfect but maybe I will see something out of it. Thanks for the info man.

  7. #7
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    so this weekend has really sucked. no training, no cardio, and not perfect eating. A little bummed out right now. Ready for Monday and to get back to the gym.

    questioning myself if it is even worth trying to do without those little helpers. See what happens next week.

  8. #8
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    When I was cutting and on non training days I would skip breakfast. Caff and eph upon waking and then eat later in the afternoon. Was easier to keep the cals in line if you're doing some restricted eating

  9. #9
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    ^^^ Thats good advice.. I dont eat until 18:00 on nontraining days.. Thrn i get a big ass meal!

  10. #10
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    my first meal is always a shake, and sometimes with 1/2 cup oatmeal. This is usually at 7 oclock. should I stop?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    my first meal is always a shake, and sometimes with 1/2 cup oatmeal. This is usually at 7 oclock. should I stop?
    not necessarily.. fasting all day on non training days works for me. i restrict cals on those days and only eating from 1800-2200 makes it easier to eat a good meal and be satisfied without eating too many calories because i havent eaten all day. not to mention there are benefits to fasting.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    not necessarily.. fasting all day on non training days works for me. i restrict cals on those days and only eating from 1800-2200 makes it easier to eat a good meal and be satisfied without eating too many calories because i havent eaten all day. not to mention there are benefits to fasting.
    thanks man, I greatly appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. So when your cutting you fast most of the day eventually taking in 1800-2200. I know you cant be saying you fast all day right ..and maintain your muscles. 2000 cals a day is still not an easy task for me if im going to eat clean foods lean meats/veggies. Fasting in the morning works best for you correct? There is a lot I don't know about fasting and general bodybuilding, I have always had eat eat eat etched in my brained.

    As the days go, I seem to be seeing more seperations in my delts/ arms but my stomach is just stubborn. Now im believing it is hormone related but im going to try to do it natty first and not give in.

  13. #13
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    Wednesday, leg day, feeling really bad after 3 sets. tried to to back, give up after 20 mins no energy for some reason. Too little carbs?

    today 3( morn, prewo, bed) shakes whey, 2 bagels, 2 servings nuts, 2 grilled chicken sandwiches pwo, 8 liquid egg whites.

    today trained delts/ 20 min fast cardio.

    waist sitting at 35 1/2''. was down to almost 35'' yesterday evening. I think I may have dropped 1% possibly within the week, but probably wishful thinking. still sitting at 205.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    thanks man, I greatly appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. So when your cutting you fast most of the day eventually taking in 1800-2200. I know you cant be saying you fast all day right ..and maintain your muscles. 2000 cals a day is still not an easy task for me if im going to eat clean foods lean meats/veggies. Fasting in the morning works best for you correct? There is a lot I don't know about fasting and general bodybuilding, I have always had eat eat eat etched in my brained.
    i eat my last meal at 20:00-22:00 (8pm-10pm) and then not again until 18:00 (6pm) the following day on my NON TRAINING DAYS.. i go 20 or so hours without food every other day and have cut to 9% body fat doing so with very little loss of LBM and NO STRENGTH loss.. (clear enuff??)

    just because this works for me does not mean it is best for u.. it could be something to try though.. just like some people do better on low carbs than others..

    u want to build ur fast by increasing time weekly.. start with 6 hrs from waking so if u wake at 0600 (6am) dont eat until 1200.. then go to 1300, then 1400 , then 1500.. and thats 1pm, 2pm, 3pm...
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 07-25-2013 at 07:25 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    i eat my last meal at 20:00-22:00 (8pm-10pm) and then not again until 18:00 (6pm) the following day on my NON TRAINING DAYS.. i go 20 or so hours without food every other day and have cut to 9% body fat doing so with very little loss of LBM and NO STRENGTH loss.. (clear enuff??)

    just because this works for me does not mean it is best for u.. it could be something to try though.. just like some people do better on low carbs than others..

    u want to build ur fast by increasing time weekly.. start with 6 hrs from waking so if u wake at 0600 (6am) dont eat until 1200.. then go to 1300, then 1400 , then 1500.. and thats 1pm, 2pm, 3pm...
    thanks for keeping up 405 with my log. im understanding better now where your coming from. So you really cut your macros drastically id say lol on non training. You say you dropped to 9% bodyfat and kept all your muscle doing this. that's pretty amazing, did you do this with or without aas? Also, on training days. Did you really load up on cals/protein/carbs??

    today was 50 min cardio, weighed in at 202.8. Feel small, and I cant see any fat going away on my mid, like im just melting muscle right off. Little discouraged today to be honest. will train arms tomorrow, and im taking a tape, to see if im anywhere I was at 220. im out.

  16. #16
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    ^^ i cut to 9% and lost very little (i lost some) LBM and really no strength..

    i was running TRT dose test except i think maybe 2 weeks i upped it to 300mg.. i also ran mod grf and ghrp-2 and L Carnitine.. im running all the same things now..

    training days was around:

    350-400g pro
    350-400g carbs
    70-80g fat

    non training:
    150-200g pro
    50g carbs (veg mainly)
    40-80g fat

  17. #17
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    ok, non training days basically 1.5-2 servings of carbs. and about bodyweight protein. I really think im not taking in enough protein on training days and my natty test is whats holding me back right now. Test may be just an excuse but when I done the sust cycle back in winter at only 250 eow I saw extremely good gains. I know, I hadn't found this forum until after my cycle. I just cant train nothing like I could when I was on the low does sust. the strength I had on power exercise like bench and deadlift were insane and size gains were steady also. I held onto the gains for about 3 solid months, ive cut 14 true pounds in about 8 weeks time.

    Today I super set arms. Havent lost much if any strength in arms. Ive lost 1/4 on them since the cut started. The "were" my best bodypart, pretty well evenly built no except for calves. about an hour and half after workout I taped em at 17 1/4. Quads were at 25".

    Believe I will rest on Sunday, joints are killin me.

  18. #18
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    Tuesdays chest
    Wednesday leg day
    Thursday delt day

    Missed arms/back this week. hectic week. BUT, Thursday I set new prs in the gym on delt day. I waited to train until 7-8 oclock and was a lot stronger and had a lot of endurance. Felt really good. Eat clean for the most part this week, only had time for one cardio session Monday.

    Actually gained couple pounds this week, but I upped my cals on training days. Probably came from lower body or just water. Still no major supps used.

  19. #19
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    Diet was the toughest part for me. The only real solution I could come up with was to remember when I was hungry that meant I was burning fat. Don't know if that helps much... I had one big advantgage over you though in that I can do fasted cardio every morning. I think fasted makes a difference but not sure how much. Also, I am on my second cycle of the Austinite Fat Burn Stack. It works! And it has not given me any sides that I am aware of.

    Most of all - keep at it! I'd go days with no change and then BAM! I'd drop 2 or 3 pounds in a day or two and then the platuea woud start all over again. Some days weight would go up even though I was religious about my calories and training. The body is a fickle thing sometimes. Just like a woman (sorry to all the women I just insulted).
    Last edited by Brazensol; 08-04-2013 at 06:02 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    ^^ i cut to 9% and lost very little (i lost some) LBM and really no strength..

    i was running TRT dose test except i think maybe 2 weeks i upped it to 300mg.. i also ran mod grf and ghrp-2 and L Carnitine.. im running all the same things now..

    training days was around:

    350-400g pro
    350-400g carbs
    70-80g fat

    non training:
    150-200g pro
    50g carbs (veg mainly)
    40-80g fat
    Temporary if I may? Did that two week of 300mgs test have any benefit? I hope I was not out of line chadcuz1985 but I was very curious...
    Last edited by Brazensol; 08-04-2013 at 06:06 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Temporary if I may? Did that two week of 300mgs test have any benefit? I hope I was not out of line chadcuz1985 but I was very curious...
    braz I don't mind you asking anything in my log, I learn from what people say in here that's why I am here. I am noob on dieting so I need all the info I can get. I have managed to do pretty good on I would say "C" grade diet so im trying to get to the "A+" diet and see how far I can take myself. Ask away brother, oh and btw, from what I have done 300mg a week would make a lot of difference, at least in me not that it matters.

  22. #22
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    Thanks! I appreciate it. I always figured as long as we are learning something then it's all good!

  23. #23
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    well hell, what can I say. I feel like shit right now. Been a while since I logged.
    Started cycle in extreme pain from pip in both glutes. Can barely sit down. A little head aches, little stomach problems nothing severe but the pip is kinda hard to deal with. Wil have to find another injection site or this cycle wont make it 12 weeks. Its just too painful..cant deal with it. Im trying to refrain from taking pain killers but I am having to give in.

    split this week was sunday, delts Monday off, tues chest, wedn was legs, thurs was back. Not noticeable changes that I can see. People still praise me at least once every other day it seems.

    Seemed to almost tear my right bicep up wednseday but was fine Thursday. Back however still hurts from the heavy deads. Upped protein intake this week, carbs still the same/fats same. Hope to get some pain meds in me soon this shit sucks.

    Till next time.

  24. #24
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    Did you post your cycle on another board? If not what are you running?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    405 your killing me bro lol.

    Training days mon/wed/fri

    cardio days wed/sat

    that is current. ok, training day carbs at 250-300 would be ok, I can handle that np. Non training days at 50-100 will be a huge challenge for me to overcome, I mean a huge challenge but can be done.
    Basically I wll have to up my cardio to every day of the week, at 45 min. I don't think I can work up to an hour a session. This will also be a huge challenge.

    Its going to be tuff on those non training days to manage my cal intake. I am going to try to get as close to this as I can possible too. It wont get it perfect but maybe I will see something out of it. Thanks for the info man.
    2 cardio days is a warm up for most. If your dieting and going through that hassle then bump cardio to 5x a week for 45+ lower intensity

  26. #26
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    Cycle as follows
    600 mg test E every week for 12 weeks
    anavar 50 ed for 4 weeks haven't started it yet
    .25 arimidex eod for 14 weeks
    pct, got clomid/nolva on hand to run 4 weeks, 12 days after last injection.

    still trying to obtain hcg to run 250iu a week.

    By the far the most painful gear I have ever used (hulklabs) , I miss my Galenika and Organon days of several years back. Things have changed a lot with these UGLs, don't even compare to what I used to be able to get. Really sucks to be quite honest.

    As everyone is sayting, I will start cardio next week M,T, T,F after a workout. I always take pwo shake after my workout usually 60 g whey, before I get on the bike/treadmill and I don't really know if I should do this or not to be honest. I cant even train Friday or today feeling so ruff.

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    20 days into cycle. Weight is up almost 12 lbs. Waist is still setting at 35 flexed. I have increased calories and carbs and protein and kept my fats down. Yes I know im not running a calorie deficit anymore I just couldn't take it, im trying to stay the same bodyfat I was and bulk on up another 15lbs or so. I felt the strength Friday on chest day I think.

    Decline bench 2nd set repped 225 27 times went to failure. Then went on up to 355 and hick up'd on that haha. Saturday was arm day. quick and a sweet superset workout. got home and taped those babies out at 18'' obviously still had some pump in me from doing both bi's and tri's but I was still syked about it.

    Been on 600mg a week for 20 days now, but had to skip an injection due to a problem that second week. Libido is up and down, moods seem to change some quite a bit. Really hope this stuff starts kicking in hard as I think I can startfeeling the strength so far.

    Been on the var for 8 days now and really cant tell much to be honest wishing I had waited to end of cycle to start it. Do seem to be a bit more vascular but I think that's from Austinites vascularity stack. Still no crazy veins in my chest or delts yet. Little tired feeling today and temps up a bit. About to go drink some more water.

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    well here are we are 29 days into cycle. I can see major improvents in delts back, and traps. Maybe just a little chest. My delts are getting so damn big that they are making my arms look like shit in the back double bicep poses even all for that matter. My arms are setting just shy of 18" walking around glad im growing, but I also want to stay proportionate. I could easily put 2 inches on my arms and still would look good with my delts the way they set now.

    My damn joints are hindering my arm development...that and its also really damn hard to get 20 inch guns, especially within a year. if I see 19 I will turn back flips. That is stay the same BF of course.

    Diet is my main problem right now not training, aside from joint paint. I can train all day long but im still having trouble stffing thousands of clean calories down my throat day in and day out its really hard. Just thought id update. Not concerned with weight, but just the look. Its all about the "look"

    Chest/ triceps tonight

    4 sets decline
    4 sets flat all barbell
    3 sets Pec dec
    2 sets decline hammer strength

    3 sets dumbbell overhead extensions
    2 sets skullcrushers ( joints couldn't take it)
    1 set dips (again joints)
    4 sets close grip bench
    2 sets tape presses

    Hell maybe im overworking them but I figured I could up volume when on gear. Still learning, feel free to comment in this thread, I don't get much responses out of you guys.

  29. #29
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    Chicken All Day
    Good read...I have been keeping up with you. Great job.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Good read...I have been keeping up with you. Great job.
    Thanks man

  31. #31
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    off day today. Keeping carbs low because I can tell im getting fatter. 34's pants are really tight on me now.

    A little fun today with the arms, I decided to measure them. Day 32 in cycle, relaxed at side 17" and cold flexed at hair over 17.5. that's 3/4 on relaxed and tad over half inch flexed. I have to say im satisfied so far.

    Would be awesome if is seen 1/2 per month. I have high hopes lol.

    As far as pants go I think my rear is getting bigger. Believe im still around 15%. I flexed today in a bathroom with florescent lighting and I could see my seratus moving as I flexed my abs lifting my shirt up.

    Pretty much a lifestyle for me now, not a hobby. I want to get serious. I really really want to up it to 900mg a week but I know I don't need to. anyway, off tomorrow, think Ill lift sunday.

  32. #32
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    well lets try this shit again, week 7 Monday. Total daily cals 3585, fats low below 45g, protein high 250g carbs even higher. All clean. at least most days are. Monday was chest and tries, felt a bit weak maybe bc I only had 1600 cals going into the workout I don't know. Size might be slowly getting bigger I think. Still test only 2 pins a week at 300mg. Just acne is bothering me some. Everything else seems ok, I just want more mass and hardness. Today will be back day. Quick bathroom pic I took last evening.

    Attachment 144510

  33. #33
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    Chicken All Day
    Good job man. Keep it up.
    Was almost ready to do my first cycle and started reading everyone's post seems like a lot of people has problems with a cycle. Your PIP must have been pretty painful to almost quit. Good job tho. Have any pics of before?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Good job man. Keep it up.
    Was almost ready to do my first cycle and started reading everyone's post seems like a lot of people has problems with a cycle. Your PIP must have been pretty painful to almost quit. Good job tho. Have any pics of before?
    yeah bro lol this stuff is very painful I don't want to use it anymore unless its last resort. I would be pinning more if I could stand it but it just hurts to bad. But in the end its all worth it. Ive been out of the game for awhile and what I used to be able to get was quality stuff, not the case anymore.

    BeforeAttachment 144562 AFTER 6 weeksAttachment 144563

    Forearm beforeAttachment 144564 forearm couple weeks afterAttachment 144565 another forearm while in cycle Attachment 144566
    Last edited by Cuz; 10-02-2013 at 09:12 AM.

  35. #35
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    im so sore today I could barely get out of my bed this morning. No training today. Hopefully at least 3000 clean calories today.

  36. #36
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    Damn big difference man. Seems like your in s lot of pain. Is a test only cycle like this. It would be my first .thanks

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Damn big difference man. Seems like your in s lot of pain. Is a test only cycle like this. It would be my first .thanks
    The reason I am in so much pain is because its a UGL. Its not pharm grade. It has a high Benzoyl alcohol content in it, which makes the stuff sterile but on the downside puts you through a lot of pain.

    I have tried heating it up, injecting slowly, and steady but still hurts. And the virgin muscle is a myth for me, hurts just as bad as my first injection. Really a pain in the ass literally. But then again, that's the price you pay with UGL gear because I cant get the Pharmacy grade stuff anymore.

    I have used pharmacy grade stuff years ago when customs were not as bad as they are now, and the shits smooth as silk unlike this homemade batch I have now. Going to try and research a little more next time and try to find some quality gear. If this is your first cycle make sure you do all the research and have all your q's answered before you start.

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    Back today sucked. No energy and just wasn't in the zone for some reason. I have days like that. I did finally smile when I looked in the mirror today, you know..when you're starting to look good in a relaxed position. Its definitely a start to what im looking for, that bodybuilding look that only the pro's got. Im on a journey, wish I didn't have to come off gear lol

    Attachment 144798

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    Leg tomorrow dammit im so pumped up right now I could get under this computer desk and squat dis mofo! LOL, im killing legs, and I may even post wheel pics.
    Been a light eating day, less than 3500 im sure. Tommorow ill kick it back to 4000+

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