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Thread: Check Out This Cutting Diet.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Exclamation Check Out This Cutting Diet.

    Breakfast = 7:30am
    4 egg beaters
    4oz hormel bacon
    2 1/2 cup water
    Super Vitamin Pak
    1 peice heathly choice sausage
    2oz smoked turkey breast

    8:00am - 11:00am = 1 cup of water every 30mins

    Lunch = 11:30am
    1 peice of skinless / boneless chicken
    3oz turkey breast
    1oz cheeder cheese
    1 diet Mt. Dew

    12:00pm - 1:00pm = 1 cup of water every 30mins

    Pre-Work Out = 1:30pm
    1 Xenadrine
    5oz Honey Ham
    1 serving ISO Pure
    1 can Diet Snapple

    Work Out = 2:00pm - 5:15pm

    Post-Work Out = 5:30pm
    1 peice of skinless / boneless chicken
    2oz turkey breast
    2oz honey ham
    1oz cheeder cheese
    1 diet Mt. Dew

    6:00pm - 8:00pm = 1 cup water ever 30mins

    Snack = 7:00pm
    3oz heathly choice ground beef

    Dinner = 8:30pm
    1 peice skinless / boneless chicken
    2oz Turkey Breast
    1oz Cheeder Cheese
    1tbsp Peanut Butter
    1 diet Mt. Dew

    9:00pm - 11:00pm = 1 cup water every 30mins

    10:30 = 1 serving ISO Pure
    11:15pm = Bed Time

    Calories = 2022
    Carbs = 26
    Proteins = 362
    Fats = 63

    this is the best / cheapest diet plan that i have yet to design. the Honey Ham & Smoke Turkey Breast is deli meat and the chicken, you can get 1lb for about $8.00 or so. it has extremely low carbs, high in protein and keeps you full. should make for a great cutting diet eh?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Deli meat isn't that good to include in a cutting diet (or any diet IMO) It has been processed with fillers, preservatives, and sodium. Not what you want when cutting!! Also the price for chix isn't good I get my chix breasts for 2.50lb with little fat on them. Post workout should also be some form of whey/ simple sugar. Even when cutting (unless you are doing keto, which if you are trying to your fat is too low and protein too high). One good thing about your diet is you are not relying on too many shakes.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i would have to disagree with you on this one Pain. it is a LAW that they have to put the nutritonal facts on all food products being sold.. Smoked Turkey has 5grams of Protein reguardless of fillers and shit. and it has less then 1/2 gram of Sodium so it won't cause you to retain water. and besides, i sweat alot while working out.

    i do agree with you on the fats thing though. i'm going to try & get another 20 - 30g of fats in my diet. i was thinking more peanut butter but it has too many carbs. Butter is always a good choice - lots of fats & no carbs. concerns for potentional heart problems though with the butter thing.

    Bow Flex users eat a diet similar to this. they eat around 1600 - 1800 calories. which is why they loose 10 - 50lbs in 6 weeks time. i personally like my diet since it has low low calories - carbs... and will fill me up.

    this diet is only temporary until i burn off the excess fat that i want. then i will start eating my normal diet of 3500 calories with 390g of Protenis and about 250g of Carbs and low Fats.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    I still disagree, processed food is never good!! But happy to see you agree with the fat issue, if you are worried about the carbs get the best fat sources there is IMO, FLAX oil. All EFA and no carbs. That should be perfect for you. Also there are other nut butters that have less carbs (or there carbs are more fiber) Look into almond and macadamia nuts. Good stuff.

    Good Luck,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    I would get rid of the cheese, deli meats and soda. If you want a low carb diet then just do a keto.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Northern VA
    u dont need a low carb diet to lose the fat

    i have been on a 150-200g carb diet and went from 16-10%BF

    the timing of your meals is more important than anything...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    Originally posted by yellows2k
    u dont need a low carb diet to lose the fat

    i have been on a 150-200g carb diet and went from 16-10%BF

    te timing of your meals is more important than anything...
    I never suggested a low carb diet. By looking at what he is eating he is going that route. I have done a low carb diet in the past and will never do another one again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    yeah i also disagree its a good diet, not low enough carbs to go into keto, (just my exp) not everyones, that would mean your body would be utilising protein as energy (not the most effective) before glucose which you wouldnt have much of anyway, so ur main source of energy is your muscle, also just noted that even though u may think ur getting into keto at that amount of carbs, maybe you are even using ala i dont know but all that diet soda stops me from going into ketosis cos of the citric acid in it!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yea, the diet that i'm on is low carb. about 26g per day. every heard of the Atkins diet? well it has scientific evidence backing it now so i decided to give it a try for a few weeks. my cousin dropped his carbs to about 20g per day and has lost 16lbs in 2 weeks. and he doesn't work out or do any cardio.

    Low Carbs - High Proteins - High Fats

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Yes we have all heard of atkins but we are telling you that you need to up your fats and lower your protein to go into KETO, the whole point of atkins. Atkins is good for regular people, but anyone interested in bodybuilding will like straight KETO and CKT (or TKD) diets better than Atkins. That is my .02. BTW, there was just a study done that showed atkins showed better weight loss for people doing a diet for 6 months (as compared to a "regular" diet consisting of the same cals) but after 6 months both diets showed the same results.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    domestic, bro, how come ur name sounds like a source? anyway, asking if we have heard of atkins is like asking Ronnie if he heard about that new compound that makes u huge called testosterone!

    imho opinion, your diet is not good, i merely offered my opinion as you seem so taken with it, maybe u r mate lost 16lb but the big questions is 16lb of what?

    ATkins, keto is based on fat intake turning fat to ketones then using them as energy. As i suggested earlier, I would doubt you are achieving that, but if you think you are, buy some ketostix and be sure. If you want suggestions what to do, then you need to state ur goals more or are you just posting ur diet for some other reason?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    by the way for ketosis you would need to have approx 1400 of ur 2000 kals coming from fat per day


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