Alright boy and girls....After bulking for the last 12 weeks it's finally time for me to start a cut. I'm pretty excited cause I don't like my bF being this high but after this most recent bulk I feel that by the time I get down to ~12% BF or so I'll be looking the best I ever have.
Current Stats:
Age: 31
Height: 5'9
Weight: 218lbs
Bodyfat: ~20%
Based on these figures I'm getting a TDEE of ~2600 calories a day. Is this what the rest of you are getting?
My primary goal of this cut will be to maintain as much LBM as possible while dropping to ~12%BF. 10% would be great, but 12% is the goal. The secondary goal will be to prime for my next cycle which is probably gonna be Prop/NPP/Var. Still trying to decide between the NPP and Tren, but this'll be my first time with a 19nor so I'm leaning more to NPP.
Diet: I would hope that most of you know that I'm knowledgeable enough to calculate macro's and pick good food choices so I'm gonna simplify this by showing macro splits. If any of you guys have any questions feel free to ask.
Weeks 1-2 - A simple 40/40/20 split at 2100 calories - Will be a 500 calorie deficit.
Weeks 3-4 - I'm gonna run the same macro split and same calories but run it I.F. style.
Weeks 5-12 - I'll start a carb cycle in a High/Mod/Mod/Mod/Low/Low/Low format but also ran in a I.F. style.
My thought process on this is to slowly work myself back into it. Going from an 800 calorie/day surplus to a 500 deficit is gonna be pretty rough
Workout Routine:
If been running the PHAT program for the last 6 weeks or so and I'm loving it. I'll continue to do this throughout the cut. Here's the split.
Mon. - Upper Body Power Day
Tues. - Lower Body Power Day
Wed. - REST
Thurs - Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy
Friday - Lower Body Hypertrophy
Saturday - Chest and Arms Hypertrophy
Sunday - REST
Cardio -
Weeks 1-2 - 45 min fasted cardio/5 days a week
Weeks 3-4 - 60 min fasted cardio/5 days a week
Weeks 5-12 - 60 min fasted cardio/5 days a week plus 20 min PWO HIIT/3 days a week
Supplements - in addition to the standard multi vitamin, BCAA's, and omega 3,6,9; I'll also be running an ECA Stack for the first 4 weeks (mainly to help with appetite suppression) and I'll take a couple weeks off before starting clen/keto for the final 6 weeks
That pretty much should do it.
Here's some pics of me yesterday at ~20%BF.
cutstartingpic2 by slfmade1, on Flickr
Cutstartingpic1 by slfmade1, on Flickr
cutstartingpic3 by slfmade1, on Flickr[/QUOTE]
P.S. I'll be updating with Pics every 2 weeks.