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Thread: when to eat carbs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    when to eat carbs

    whats the best time to consume your carbs if your trying to still create some type of Anabolic environment but at the same time dropping bf?

    would it be more beneficial as a before workout after workout type of thing? this it what I was thinking but at the same time would eating carbs after your workout/cardio halt the fat burning process?

    im trying to stay away from carb cycling because the line of work that im would be physically and for that matter mentally brutal...


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  2. #2
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    oh and sorry if this a repost but I looked in a couple threads but didnt see where it addressed the particular question

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  3. #3
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    Fit them wherever works for you best. If that's pre training or post training them so be it. Maybe it would be split between them both. Or all before bed.

    How many g's are we talking about?

  4. #4
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    When I'm cutting, I focus all of my starchy carbs around my workout window (i.e. pre and post), thus leaving the remainder of the day/night to primarily rely on fat stores. Just my personal preference.

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Carb timing is not directly going to make a difference to fat loss... However consuming the bulk of your carbs pre and intra workout will improve performance in the gym which will burn more calories and help you to maintain more LBM due to maintaining poundage on the bar....

    So IMO consume them pre workout and intra workout....
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  6. #6
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    when cutting i eat all starchy carbs pre workout.. it works well for me..

  7. #7
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Just about everything I have read and found indicates before/during/after as best time for carbs. Wait... that's pretty much all day! Let me clarify that to a few hours on either side of, and during, your workout. Keep a log and see what works best for you. One thing I am trying is casein protein before bedtime to see if it will help preserve lbm. Problem is I'm not much in the mood for a shake right before bed.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Fit them wherever works for you best. If that's pre training or post training them so be it. Maybe it would be split between them both. Or all before bed.

    How many g's are we talking about?
    ah man im about to get blasted lol....I've never really counted the macro splits...I just eat.. and make sure im eating what im supposed to be eating
    I tried it before and couldn't ever remember to log what I ate...or tried to find the macros for what I was going to eat and the app I had never really list my food

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    When I'm cutting, I focus all of my starchy carbs around my workout window (i.e. pre and post), thus leaving the remainder of the day/night to primarily rely on fat stores. Just my personal preference.
    this is what I had in mind, but I read that eating carbs after cardio stops the fat burning process..any validity to that?

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Carb timing is not directly going to make a difference to fat loss... However consuming the bulk of your carbs pre and intra workout will improve performance in the gym which will burn more calories and help you to maintain more LBM due to maintaining poundage on the bar....

    So IMO consume them pre workout and intra workout....
    this is my main goal is to maintain the LBM that I have and maybe even add a little too....ideally I dont want to sacrifice it for the sake of losing bf

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    when cutting i eat all starchy carbs pre workout.. it works well for me..
    this is the idea I was working with but wasnt sure if I should workout depleted to burn fat or get my carbs in then..then limit them in other meals

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Just about everything I have read and found indicates before/during/after as best time for carbs. Wait... that's pretty much all day! Let me clarify that to a few hours on either side of, and during, your workout. Keep a log and see what works best for you. One thing I am trying is casein protein before bedtime to see if it will help preserve lbm. Problem is I'm not much in the mood for a shake right before bed.
    yeh I think im goin to try it out

    appreciate it fellas

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cancer82 View Post
    this is what I had in mind, but I read that eating carbs after cardio stops the fat burning process..any validity to that?
    Meh, I'm mixed on this one, but it's a valid question.

    From a strict calorie standpoint, you take in what you take in, and you burn what you burn, regardless of when. If you're doing PWO cardio, chances are you're already fed (pre workout meal), so having a PWO meal (after pwo cardio) isn't going to make any difference.

    Conversely, if you do fasted cardio particularly in the am, eating afterwards is a good idea IMO, to combat elevated cortisol and potential LBM loss.

    Personally, I don't think eating (carbs or otherwise) post-cardio will have any appreciable effect on the cardio 'afterburn'... just thinking out loud here, lol

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    Meh, I'm mixed on this one, but it's a valid question.

    From a strict calorie standpoint, you take in what you take in, and you burn what you burn, regardless of when. If you're doing PWO cardio, chances are you're already fed (pre workout meal), so having a PWO meal (after pwo cardio) isn't going to make any difference.

    Conversely, if you do fasted cardio particularly in the am, eating afterwards is a good idea IMO, to combat elevated cortisol and potential LBM loss.

    Personally, I don't think eating (carbs or otherwise) post-cardio will have any appreciable effect on the cardio 'afterburn'... just thinking out loud here, lol
    yeh I can see the logic in that....never really thought of it like that..thanks

    damn why didn't that ever cross my mind....oh now im just thinking out loud lol

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  11. #11
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    Newbie questioning in.... after being told that you're supposed to carb-load before big athletic events for energy (old school) most my life, what is the ideal pre-athletic event fueling regimen? Considering its a high-intensity 60 minute sport. Do you carb load the night before, hours before, or... ?

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I eat carbs when I'm hungry. So every 20 minutes!

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  13. #13
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I eat carbs when I'm hungry. So every 20 minutes!

    Keep that metabolic fire burning

    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heels View Post
    Newbie questioning in.... after being told that you're supposed to carb-load before big athletic events for energy (old school) most my life, what is the ideal pre-athletic event fueling regimen? Considering its a high-intensity 60 minute sport. Do you carb load the night before, hours before, or... ?
    I'd carb load a few hours prior, lots of complex carbs, then I'd probably go with a good dose of simple carbs right before, along with some fats (nuts, etc... think trail mix) to 'sustain' energy.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heels View Post
    Newbie questioning in.... after being told that you're supposed to carb-load before big athletic events for energy (old school) most my life, what is the ideal pre-athletic event fueling regimen? Considering its a high-intensity 60 minute sport. Do you carb load the night before, hours before, or... ?
    Kinda depends on the sport. I did road cycling and in this type of sport for short events after 12 noon a early same day preload with complex carbs, then during event replacement with simple carbs (gel packs) work fine. I would think this would still apply to most stamina type high school sports although the need to replenish during the event will not be as great as even a short bicycle race is a multi hour event.

  16. #16
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    I eat carbs in the morning (high carbs) so my brain doesn't wander off and i cant stay focused and then maintain low...very low carbs as i'm working and right about 2 hours before workout i eat carbs like oatmeal or sometimes ill eat 6 oreos and then pre workout followed by the gym, after gym ill eat carbs from steak, lightly breaded chicken breast and brown rice.

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