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Thread: 5' 10" 320 lbs. 39% Body Fat - Help

  1. #1
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    5' 10" 320 lbs. 39% Body Fat - Help

    I am awful at dieting and I love to lift. I bench almost 300 lbs. and Squat 425 lbs. I have to drop weight fast. I used to weigh 184 lbs. in High School and now my lean mass is more than that.

    Two problems, I am frequently broke so groceries need to be cheap, I only like certain vegetables, and my blood pressure runs super high, like 200/120.

    I see my doctor soon to get back on blood pressure control medicine, but I had considered some cutting AAS and an ECA stack, but they told me it is dangerous above 15% body fat.

    So, please, help me with a diet and workout plans where I can shred the fat FAST. I am willing to work my ass off, but the diet has to be sustainable.

    I currently lift 5x5 StrongLifts and do 33 minutes of Elliptical Wed./Fri./Sun. I enjoy my workout if I could tweak it some. Maybe do 5x8.

  2. #2
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    I should also mention I did CKD with some success. Went from 350 to 312 in 3 months between that and workouts. I just worry about what supplements to take to protect my brain and liver.

  3. #3
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    How bad is your diet now too ,ain't aim that weight and bodyfat? How much junk food? How much sugar? How much fat?

    Are you medicated for your hypertension?

    Why 33 mins cardio? Up it to 40-60minutes 5 or 6 times a week.

  4. #4
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    Maybe change Cardio to HIIT (Tabata works well) so you can spend less time on it and burn more?


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg
    Maybe change Cardio to HIIT (Tabata works well) so you can spend less time on it and burn more?

    With blood pressure that high I wouldn't recommend HIIT. I also wouldn't recommend lifting in the manner he does. And all overhead work should be stopped until the hypertension issue is resolved.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    With blood pressure that high I wouldn't recommend HIIT. I also wouldn't recommend lifting in the manner he does. And all overhead work should be stopped until the hypertension issue is resolved.
    Apologies, missed the High Blood pressure part :-(


  7. #7
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    If you actually figure out your TDEE and what you need to do to be where you want to be you will have a much easier time than just upping cardio or cutting back on snacks. Keep track on somewhere free and easy like MyFitnessPal. Buy 1,000 pound bag of chicken and avoid wheat for a while. Your blood sugar is probably not able to self regulate very well either so easing yourself into an Intermittent Fasting schedule might do wonders for you. Lots of ways to meet your goals but keeping track of macros and calories will help you learn how you got where you are and how to change it.

  8. #8
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    I wish there was somewhere I could go to learn my TDEE that wasn't extremely costly. I don't even know of anywhere here that does it, let alone what it costs.

  9. #9
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    It's about 2500-3000 cals.

    You must be eating a ballpark of 5000cals to be the weight you are.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    With blood pressure that high I wouldn't recommend HIIT. I also wouldn't recommend lifting in the manner he does. And all overhead work should be stopped until the hypertension issue is resolved.
    I agree. Slow boring cardio is what you need. I am doing this now every morning for 40 mins. And stop over eating.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3 View Post
    I wish there was somewhere I could go to learn my TDEE that wasn't extremely costly. I don't even know of anywhere here that does it, let alone what it costs.
    I'm feeling generous today so I'll give it to you for free.....

    TDEE is your lean body mass x 15. So if you're 320 and 39% bodyfat that means your lean body mass is 195lbs x 15 = 2928. So you're TDEE is around 2928 calories per day assuming all the information you gave is accurate. From there it's over your TDEE-you gain weight, eat under your TDEE-you lose weight. Shoot for a 500 calorie deficit. So try to consume around 2400 calories per day. This will drop roughly 1lb a week of Bodyfat.

    As far as your macro's.....I would start at about....

    Protein = 200g
    Carbs = 290g
    Fat = 50g


    Protein = 240g
    Carbs = 240g
    Fat = 55g

  12. #12
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Good thing is you say you're willing to work your ass off. While the gym (weight training) and cardio are good things your battle will be won or lost in the kitchen. Seems you've already put limits on the one thing that will help you the most. While not everyone likes everything when you say you like only certain vegetables what would those be? And what do you mean by a 'sustainable' diet? Hopefully the one slfmade gave you is what you had in mind because that one will work!

  13. #13
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    A diet I have been having luck with is carb backloading. It is essentially just regulating when and how much carbs you are taking in daily. the "Backloading" method specifically requires 0 carbs during your day, then "backload" your carbs (around 1g/lb of lean body mass) after the gym.
    Another thing I have found extremely helpful is a short juice "cleanse". I am no expert and certainly not a doctor so do some research on your own before trying a juice fast.
    But I have found that a 3-5 day juice fast (home juicing my own fruits and veggies) has if nothing else, showed me the difference between being hungry and craving food.
    there are multiple methods out there for juice fasting. some that include eating 1 or 2 food meals a day. I personally prefer the more hardcore approach of eating no meals at all during this.. no food! ever! for 3 days. just the juice..
    this has helped me to stop overeating a TON!

    I too am working on losing some excessive body fat... i'm 245lbs, ~21%bf about 6 months ago i was 260lbs and 28%bf

    good luck brother! you can do it!

  14. #14
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    I like spinach, avocado, asparagus, romaine lettuce, green beans, peas, water chestnuts, bean sprouts, baby corn, plus all the starchy junk.

    I honestly don't eat 5,000 calories. Is it possible I have a carb sensitivity? I do skip meals and eat at weird intervals. I had some success with Ketogenic diet. Would you not recommend that?

    After my BP is controlled, is my workout ineffective? I have made good strength gains which should translate to fat burn right?

    I will try your TDEE formula. I have had others that put it lower. Wish I knew it exactly. I derived BF% from the waist neck naval formula. I own a caliper but have trouble getting consistent pinches.

  15. #15
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    Tell us your bodyfat based on this

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-3524357089.jpg 
Views:	4200 
Size:	285.8 KB 
ID:	142273

    Do you count the calories that you eat? If not, how do you know you don't eat 5000? If you do, how many do you eat?

    Please list everything you ate on Saturday.

    Strength does, in now way, relate to fat burn. Calorie deficits do.

  16. #16
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    So you have a pretty good list of veggies going there. Sweet potato?

    LBM x 15 is a very good place to start from. It works well for a lot of people. But you do need to log what you eat and see how it works for you. Probably won't need more than a minor tune up to get you in prime shape.

    As for carb sesitivity I really don't know about that one... Someone else needs to jump in and take it from here.

  17. #17
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    Sweet potatoes are fine. I just figured I should avoid sugary starches.

    I know I don't eat 5000 calories because I don't eat much junk and I don't drink sugary drinks.

    When I was doing 2000 calories on keto, some days I found that I couldn't find enough calories with hitting my macros and my fiber without going over 26g carbs.

    Is there any reason I can't just continue Keto?

  18. #18
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    Based on that picture between 35 and 40 but closer to 35. But I measure at 39 :/

  19. #19
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    I figured Strength equaled muscle equaled more fat burn. Not necessarily?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3
    I figured Strength equaled muscle equaled more fat burn. Not necessarily?
    Strength reps don't necessarily build muscle.

    Can you answer my earlier post and list everything you ate on Saturday? Or list your current diet plan?
    Last edited by Back In Black; 08-01-2013 at 02:19 AM.

  21. #21
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    Being you just recently started trying to get back in shape if you getting stronger you are most likely putting on lbm under that fat which is really good being lifting weights burns bf for up to 24 hrs after working out and the more muscle the more fat burn. Where as cardio is only up to 8 hrs. I would up your cardio to at least 6 days a week try to work up to 45 min. Both of these will help lower your bp. I been where your at, you should read up on Intermittent fasting, it made a big difference for me plus made dieting easier. Defiantly let your dr get you on that medication, mine was running high and I started self medicating with cialis and now I'm pretty close to normal. Listen to these guys on diet, it's 80% of losing the weight. I was eating 60%p 20%c20%f and the fat just melted of of me. I think at your age eating equal amounts of carbs and protein isn't the way to go, but give it a try didn't work for me. Good luck, try alot good info there on IF

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3 View Post
    Sweet potatoes are fine. I just figured I should avoid sugary starches.

    I know I don't eat 5000 calories because I don't eat much junk and I don't drink sugary drinks.

    When I was doing 2000 calories on keto, some days I found that I couldn't find enough calories with hitting my macros and my fiber without going over 26g carbs.

    Is there any reason I can't just continue Keto?
    Fiber does not count against your carb macro. It is not digestable. If keto works for you I guess you can stay with it. I don't know much about it. Someone else can perhaps provide more guidance on it than I can. Sweet potatos are a wonderful way to get good carbs but perhaps they are taboo in the keto diet?

  23. #23
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    With a BP like that, you should be driving your ass to an emergency clinic to get medicated, not worrying about your diet or steroids or whatever. You are literally killing yourself by ignoring this. And no heavy lifting in your condition, as it places too much stress on your heart. You need to get your health in check and drop to a reasonable weight before worrying about performance or aesthetics. I see huge fat guys at the gym lifting heavy all the time and just sigh, as they're hurting their health much more than helping. The obese should stick to a calorie restricted diet and walking/slow spinning for exercise.

  24. #24
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    HOLY SMOKES!!! Don't know how I missed your blood pressure numbers but Bonaparte is right. You're killing yourself with that blood pressure. Get it fixed ASAP. Can't stress that enough.

  25. #25
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    He has neglected to answer most questions and comments about his health.

  26. #26
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    I am sorry you feel like I am not answering your questions. I am posting from the app and it takes a long time to post. As far as my diet goes, I couldn't tell you what I ate Saturday because I didn't record it. I can tell you that I had two Chick Filet Original sandwiches today and a third around lunch time and then for dinner, 3 average sized hot dogs with no condiments. I drank Pepsi Max, 2 20 oz bottles, and lots of water.

    I am in the process of trying to get to the doctor for the medicine, but I work a lot and have trouble finding the time. I won't go to the ER for something like this because it would financially strain us. I have taken your advice and stopped lifting for now. I will medicate my BP back to normal then get back to lifting and cardio.

    I appreciate the few suggestions you've given, but can we talk about a diet plan that I can prepare ahead of time? I listed the veggies I will eat and am open minded to all protein, the less costly, the better.

  27. #27
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    To clarify, I know my take today on food was bad. I don't have a good cupboard of quality groceries at the moment so I wanted to get an idea for a diet to shop for.

    By sustainable, I mean a diet that is realistic and one that I will want to stick to. Loved CKD but hated the side effects of the ketone bodies: ketone flu, smelly breath, smelly sweat, intense sugar cravings.

  28. #28
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    Lean protein sources - chicken and turkey breast, extra lean (5% fat) beef, pork loin, white fish, egg whites, low fat cottage cheese, whey powder, tuna

    Carb sources - brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, white potatoes, quinoa

    Veggies - any, just eat them! Particularly cruciferous and fibrous - broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, sprouts

    Healthy fats - fish oil, salmon, mackerel, avocado's

    With all due respect, unless you have a thyroid issue (and even then) your diet must be awful to be the bodyfat you are with your associated health issues.

    Visit your doctor and get your blood pressure issue in hand immediately. Have him check your thyroid too.

    There should be no 'off' days as you try and lose this weight. Your health is hanging in the balance, arguably your life with your blood pressure that high.

    Sorry if this sounds like I'm being a cvnt but this is tough love and your time and your job to turn this around. Plan out a diet that you can stick to, that normally includes carbs for most people so aim for something like

    250g protein
    250g carbs
    60g fats

    Get on an elliptical or a bike and go at a low intensity only for 40 minutes, 5 or 6 times a week until your blood pressure improves dramatically.

  29. #29
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    Voice of reason........don't diet!! change your eating habits and portion control, SHOW SOME SELF CONTROL. Its not a friggin mystery dude, stop making excuses and listen to that little voice inside that tells u the right thing to do. This is the best place to come to for factual and calculated diet control and direction, but YOU need to make the decision, my advise is don't come here for emotional support(lack of self control) and ask someone to hold your hand and tell you everything is going to be k. Man up and make the life change and you won't have to run a zillon miles to lose that fat ass.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Lean protein sources - chicken and turkey breast, extra lean (5% fat) beef, pork loin, white fish, egg whites, low fat cottage cheese, whey powder, tuna

    Carb sources - brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, white potatoes, quinoa

    Veggies - any, just eat them! Particularly cruciferous and fibrous - broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, sprouts

    Healthy fats - fish oil, salmon, mackerel, avocado's

    With all due respect, unless you have a thyroid issue (and even then) your diet must be awful to be the bodyfat you are with your associated health issues.

    Visit your doctor and get your blood pressure issue in hand immediately. Have him check your thyroid too.

    There should be no 'off' days as you try and lose this weight. Your health is hanging in the balance, arguably your life with your blood pressure that high.

    Sorry if this sounds like I'm being a cvnt but this is tough love and your time and your job to turn this around. Plan out a diet that you can stick to, that normally includes carbs for most people so aim for something like

    250g protein
    250g carbs
    60g fats

    Get on an elliptical or a bike and go at a low intensity only for 40 minutes, 5 or 6 times a week until your blood pressure improves dramatically.
    Thank you very much for the advice. You're not offending me. As far as my diet, I do overeat once in a while, maybe weekly or biweekly, I won't lie. But I think you might be right on the thyroid issue. I looked up the disorder, and I have a few of the symptoms. Hair loss, tendonitis/carpal tunnel pain, bowel issues, depression/anxiety, fatigue, and extreme thirst. I drink water like crazy, maybe 2 gallons a day, and sometimes I just cannot ever satiate my thirst.

    Question: Can I eat too many vegetables? If I feel the urge to pig out, can I just go through an entire bunch of asparagus?

  31. #31
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    Your 28 yrs old? a lot of those symptoms are also caused by being overweight in the first place! Go see your pcp and see if you have a thyroid issue by being properly tested and prescribed proper medication instead of asking strangers 13yr old question like can u over eat asparagus.

  32. #32
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    I didn't specifically ask you for your opinion and you haven't been one of the helpful people here, so if you don't like my question, feel free to stay away from my thread.

    I don't think I would be criticizing anyone for the maturity of there post until I could construct one that was comprised of basic, correct grammar.

    In case there was anyone who actually isn't here to troll, what I am asking with my "13 year old question", is overeating green vegetables just as bad as overeating junk? I understand the calories in/out and that if I am creating a surplus, that is bad, but if I get a craving, am I significantly better off with the veggies?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3 View Post
    I didn't specifically ask you for your opinion and you haven't been one of the helpful people here, so if you don't like my question, feel free to stay away from my thread.

    I don't think I would be criticizing anyone for the maturity of there post until I could construct one that was comprised of basic, correct grammar.

    In case there was anyone who actually isn't here to troll, what I am asking with my "13 year old question", is overeating green vegetables just as bad as overeating junk? I understand the calories in/out and that if I am creating a surplus, that is bad, but if I get a craving, am I significantly better off with the veggies?
    I thought it was common knowledge at 13, too much of anything is bad.................good luck with your excuses and attitude..........out

  34. #34
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    You'll struggle to overeat green veg to a point where you go over your calorie allowance.

    Get a test for diabetes too. Get all your tests ASAP.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3
    I didn't specifically ask you for your opinion and you haven't been one of the helpful people here, so if you don't like my question, feel free to stay away from my thread.

    I don't think I would be criticizing anyone for the maturity of there post until I could construct one that was comprised of basic, correct grammar.

    In case there was anyone who actually isn't here to troll, what I am asking with my "13 year old question", is overeating green vegetables just as bad as overeating junk? I understand the calories in/out and that if I am creating a surplus, that is bad, but if I get a craving, am I significantly better off with the veggies?
    Simple answer to this ? Is yes, you would be better of eating a vegetable than eating a bag of Doritos. But get to you Dr and get your health in check.

  36. #36
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    Got it on the Dr. It is my number one priority. Should I not continue to discuss this with you guys until I have? Continuing to ask questions is not my alternative to going to the doctor, I will be going. As far as blood sugar, my father in law is a diabetic so I have tested before, about two months ago. He said my reading was normal. I don't recall what it was. I will do it again if you want, for those if you who are cooperating with me.

    I appreciate the tough love but abuse isn't going to be tolerated. I can tell the difference and everyone else should be able to, too. I came here for help. If anyone doesn't want to help me, I totally respect that. Just don't post.

  37. #37
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    Stop eating hot dogs. Stop eating fast food. Completely. I did, and the change has been dramatic. Stop drinking soda. Juices, tea, water, skim milk, fresh veggies and fruits, lean meats, and eggs should be all you have in your fridge.

    Stay away from prepared, processed foods. They are made to bring profit to the maker. There full of fat and fillers to make you feel full but youre not getting nutrients. Any that remain have been processed and cooked out.

  38. #38
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    Listen to java, he has been there to along with me. If your willing to try you can do it. Most your health problems are most likely associated to your weight. I was at 308 18 months ago, I'm now at 245/20% bf but like java I have only been out shape since 2008 due to starting to drive truck. Before that I was 225/10-15% bf. you can lose the weight but you need to get on bp medicine till you do lose it then you will most likely be able to come off them. You have to change your eating habits, that's number 1. And you need to continue exercising.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Listen to java, he has been there to along with me. If your willing to try you can do it. Most your health problems are most likely associated to your weight. I was at 308 18 months ago, I'm now at 245/20% bf but like java I have only been out shape since 2008 due to starting to drive truck. Before that I was 225/10-15% bf. you can lose the weight but you need to get on bp medicine till you do lose it then you will most likely be able to come off them. You have to change your eating habits, that's number 1. And you need to continue exercising.
    Thanks for the advice guys. How do I now for sure which foods are processed, and which aren't? I know a lot of them are dead giveaways like the hot dogs. Should I be expecting not to consume anything I haven't prepared from raw ingredients, then?

    Cooking can be a real pain in the ass, on my schedule, but I'm sure my wife would be willing to help me. With my blood pressure, is the cardio going to be dangerous? I had planned to try 45 minutes on an Elliptical at the starting resistance, but if being in that 150 heart range is going to be dangerous, I'll wait for the medicine before I start. I will be going to the grocery store tomorrow to shop for good food.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3 View Post
    Thanks for the advice guys. How do I now for sure which foods are processed, and which aren't? I know a lot of them are dead giveaways like the hot dogs. Should I be expecting not to consume anything I haven't prepared from raw ingredients, then?

    Cooking can be a real pain in the ass, on my schedule, but I'm sure my wife would be willing to help me. With my blood pressure, is the cardio going to be dangerous? I had planned to try 45 minutes on an Elliptical at the starting resistance, but if being in that 150 heart range is going to be dangerous, I'll wait for the medicine before I start. I will be going to the grocery store tomorrow to shop for good food.
    Bingo. Processed foods are anything prepared and packaged for sale. You need top cook fresh vegetables, fresh meats, cook. That's what you have to do!

    With your blood pressure, I think it would be wise if you consult with your doc before doing any training.
    Last edited by Java Man; 08-04-2013 at 12:54 AM.

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