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Thread: Undereating? Please help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Undereating? Please help!

    2.7k Calories
    295g 43% carbs
    200g 30% protein
    80g 27% fat

    1) 8 eggs, 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1 cup whole milk

    2) 1/2 cup uncooked jasmine rice, 4 oz. chicken

    3) 1/2 cup uncooked jasmine rice, 4 oz. chicken

    4) 1 cup whole milk, 1 scoop whey protein

    5) 1/2 cup uncooked jasmine rice, 4 oz. chicken

    I have been losing weight on this diet! Not sure if it's water or what but I used to weigh in 170 first thing in the morning! I checked yesterday and it was 164.8! I need to be able to AT LEAST maintain 170 this is crazy! Granted I haven't been drinking as much water as before and stopped taking creatine but that's a lot of weight in the timespan of like 1-2 weeks! Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong I can't be freaking in the 160's I need to climb up is my metabolism really that fast that I eat almost 3k calories a day and don't even stay at 170?

    And to be realistic it's more like 6-8oz of chicken breast per meal not 4oz because I just weighed a 4oz piece and I eat almost 2x chicken breast per meal of what I weighed... so it's more like at least (considering 6oz.)

    2.9k calories
    295g carbs 41%
    241g protein 33%
    83g fat 26%

    Oh and also I haven't been to the gym for 2 weeks took some time off for personal reasons so I was just keeping my diet in check and since I'm not burning extra calories there I don't understand this at all............ I'm 5'10
    Last edited by brazuka; 07-31-2013 at 12:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    You don't need 240g protein!!! I am getting 225-250 and I am around 230lbm!! And growing!

    Do 1-1.2g per lean body mass of protein, and bump up your carbs!
    Last edited by Gaspaco; 07-31-2013 at 12:41 AM.

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