While on a cutting diet, lifting and doing cardio 4-5 times a week would you guys still have your post workout shake or not? Just trying to cut calories where I can....
While on a cutting diet, lifting and doing cardio 4-5 times a week would you guys still have your post workout shake or not? Just trying to cut calories where I can....
When cutting I like to eat the same type of foods as bulking/maintaining, also the same amount of times a day. All that really changes is the amount per serving..... So if you do a shake any other time still hit the shake.
pwo shake I live and die by it, would always take one,just my .02
I've always gone by the rule: as long as you get your macros in.. But it's just been a habit of mine that ill get a shake post workout no matter than I'm bulking or cutting
- Freddie
I havent had a PWO shake in about a year or so .. As a matter of fact not just a pwo shake but protein shake in general
Only use em to supplement so I usually have normal shake portion n half the water.
Then go eat ;-)
Helll yes! Get it son!! And throw some PB in it yummmmmm
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100% vote yes CUT or BULK phase
cut cals in carbs after this and between sleep.
Maybe throw in a few low carb days on days off to lessen the weekly take in.
how much do you weigh and whats your bf%, cals shouldn't need to be cut so much that its hard to find places to cut them from.
eating the right amount in the correct macro on top of cardio is all one needs for tools, shake or food either way
In a cut phase we try and maintain LBM not gain or loose, even though we do loose we try to maintain as much as possible. dont pull protein
Whole foods , not a fan of shakes
6 egg whites
3-4 oz ground beef
5 cups hashbrowns
5 fat free fig newtons
Yeh I think it was ltn that got me to the way of thinking.
Just eat the same amount n add more cardio to drop bf% so far I'm still gaining muscle and losing bf%. Bit by bit my abs are working there way thru. Long way off to perfect. But. Do we ever see ourselves as perfect or keep setting goals haha.
I've stopped buying protein powder. Milk, peanut butter , and oats make a great tasting shake with good consistency. You can vary the ingredients to adjust calories ie skim milk, 1, 2 or 4%. Omit pb. Has very little fat just oats in skim milk but good protein and carbs.
Don't tell anyone but I put chocolate syrup in it too lol. Takes like a peanut butter cup smoothie.
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