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Thread: am i dieting right ? ...

  1. #1

    am i dieting right ? ...

    hi guys i just wanted to hear your opinions about my diet

    all i hear is eat big to get big right ?

    and that you can go as far as 2 grams of proteine / body weight so i started eating like an animal

    i weight 185 pounds so i need 370 g protine for maximum result

    - Meal 1 : 10 large egg whites , 2 cups of oats and 10 table spoons of skimmed milk : 98 g proteine , 166 g carbs , 17 g fat

    - Meal 2 : steak 350 grams ( with 2 teaspoons olive oil ) , 5 egg whites , half cup of rice , 1 cup of yogurt , vegetables = 107 g proteine , 93 g carbs , 30 g fat

    - third meal : chicken breast + potatoes : 60 g proteine , 45 g carbs , 13 g fat

    - 4th meal : lentils and beans : 60 g proteine , 130 g carbs

    - last meal tuna and salade : 30 g proteine

    so i was wondering can my body digest 100 gram of proteine at the first 2 meals ? ...

    cz ive been hearing that the body only can digest 30g wich mean that i have to eat about 11 meals a day :| :P


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    what is ur bf%??

    what r the total cals and macros??

  3. #3
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I've read multiple places that somewhere between 30g and 40g is the magic number for protein. I have been trying to stick to that (before I was taking in more) and, if nothing else, it hasn't hurt my progress. Of course, I'm just switching over from a cutting phase to a lean gain phase so time will tell.

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