So my diet is based on a carb backloading approach and I'm just looking for some opinions on what I'm doing wrong/right.
Daily it looks about like this:
Breakfast 6am: 1/2 cup whole eggs, about 4oz lean turkey sausage
Macro: 22/1/5
Lunch noon: 1 large chicken breast (about 4oz)
Macro: 27/0/17
Gym 4pm*
Dinner 6pm: 4oz beef steak, about 7 asparagus spears, baked sweet potato with butter and 1tsp brown sugar.
Macro: 22/49/11
Total calories for the day are at about 1000 which is pretty low for me. But I am cutting and at about 3100 TDEE
I have been planning on adding some broccoli with my chicken at lunch for some more vegetables during the day.
Any thoughts are appreciated! I know my calories are low! Although I'm never really feeling hungry throughout the day.
And for those who want to know here are my stats.
26yrs old
5'10" tall