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Thread: Diet help (first post)

  1. #1

    Diet help (first post)

    I'm brand new to all of this training stuff by myself I'm 21, 5'8 195 at 21%BF roughly,
    And just like everyone else I want to be down to atleast 10%, body recomposition I think it's called? Anyways would love some advice on diet plan with a set schedule of mon-fri 9-5 work schedule

  2. #2
    Also looking to gain as much muscle as I can

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    80% of bodybuilding is Diet. The most anabolic item you can put in your body is food. A 6-pack is made in the kitchen, not the gym.

    Now with all that being said, you need to understand that if your diet isn't in check, you can lift weights all day long and will not see results.

    I would not start weight training by coming up with a complex routine. Focus on three body parts only. Chest, Back, and legs. Chest...flat bench, Back...pull-ups or lat pull down, and weigh squats. That's it! When you work those muscle groups, the will work other muscles that are compliment. For example, chest movements will work anterior delts and triceps.

    Again, focus, focus, and focus on your diet. With a bf% of 21% you need to shed bodyfat before you see results. Don't get discouraged, just focus on your diet!

    As far as diet goes, there are a lot of great posts regarding diet in this forum. Just read and do your homework. The one eye opener for me was creating a diet diary. Literally, put on paper, eat in one day. Post it on here and we will help adjust your food intake and go from there.
    Last edited by Indymuscleguy; 08-07-2013 at 07:40 AM.

  4. #4
    That's the thing, I want to start getting into diet and am tottally clueless about the technical stuff I deffinently need guidance

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    In the bushes
    Hello there Rmaxey, there are numerous threads in this nutrition and lifting section of this forum. Take some time to ponder and go from there. Plenty of wisdom from all the knowledgeable members here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Write down everything you eat today and post it on here. Expect some people to flame on you in here, just ignore them. Here is a few items to note:

    1. Protein intake. I try to get at least 0.8 to 1.0 gram's of protein per lb bodyweight. i.e. if you weigh 150 you should try to reach 150 grams of protien per DAY. Most people get 25-40 per day.
    2. Do research on high GI carbs and low GI carbs. Low GI carbs are what you want. (GI =Glycemic Index)
    3. Green vegitables are going to be your new best friend as you can eat as much of those as you want

    Do a search on this site on "Cutting Diet" and you will get a lot of good information there. READ, READ, and READ. Don't expect to understand it all at once.

    And finally, eat smart. You cannot workout a crappy diet in the gym. If you eat like crap, don't expect results in the gym...they go hand-in-hand

  7. #7
    Thank you so much I will research and follow up, currently I'm just trying to stay away from fast food as I work 50-60 hours and have a 1 1/2 yr old son so the fast food was just a easy. 830 am Eating a banana and a shake 40g protein with peanut butter, lunch ill normally have grilled chicken green beans and brown rice and dinner would be the same or beef with carrots potatoes onions ad celery in a slow cooker...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    In the bushes
    Quote Originally Posted by Rmaxey View Post
    Thank you so much I will research and follow up, currently I'm just trying to stay away from fast food as I work 50-60 hours and have a 1 1/2 yr old son so the fast food was just a easy.
    The temptations may be hard for fast food, but the end result will be well worth it. fast food has no place in bodybuilding; although, some may indulge in a cheeseburger, but rarely!

  9. #9
    Not sure if this is right but my tdee is 2439 so how would I go about finding my macros if this is correct

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    A typical macro split would be 40% of calories from carbs / 40 % of calories from protein / 20% of calories from fat. This "split" is not etched in stone - it is merely a starting point as is your total daily caloric intake. Diets need to be somewhat tailored to the individual - if its not working after 3 weeks - change it ! The diet forum here is an amazing resource in helping you come up with or adjust your diet - use it!

    Carbohydrates and proteins are 4 calories / gram , fats are 9 calories /gram

  11. #11
    After dieting research I found out that my bmr is 2063 and my TDEE is 2475 due to me not hitting the gym ATM please feel free to correct me 205lbs 68 in tall age 21. So if that is correct I have 43 lbs of fat and 162 lean muscle mass? So to create a diet I need to stay above bmr and below tdee? So around 2000 calories a day...

  12. #12
    Here is a sample diet based off of one day of research, please someone take time to help me out, 2000 calories, 200g pro, 200g carbs, 44 grams of fat was my findings after calculating BMR and TDEE

    21 male 205 lbs 21% bf
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