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Thread: Need some help from the best please just want to stick with something that works!!!!

  1. #1

    Need some help from the best please just want to stick with something that works!!!!

    So everyone has been telling me different diets to get to the shredded dry look. I was always naturally a ripped guy up until about a year ago i took the wrong supplement and got rather bulky. lately, i have been trying different diets some work and i will get results but feel like shit some just don't. Everyone is telling me no crabs no crabs so i was doing that for a while. Now i am bulky looking but my muscle and vascularity is still there. i want to get back to my old hard muscle lean self! Not to mention before when i was ripped i was eating what ever i wanted. What do i do i know cardio is in the picture but how should i eat i want my hard muscles back!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    Just gotta keep ur diet clean. Tbh. I mean it sounds more like u feel you've softened up when bulked or could be holding to much water. Just drop any sodium. Salt etc from being added to ur meals. Eat ur green veg. Chicken breast. Turkey breast. N bit of sweet potato/brown rice etc. Use water instead of milks for protein shakes. Its easy man. Just try a few things. Work out ur current macros. Weigh out some portions. Loads of ways to do that. So u can weigh up or know roughly the weight of a potato or chicken breast etc. Save u weighing every meal

  3. #3
    Yeah, I agree...can't half-ass your diet and give it semi-attention. Write it out, figure out what you're really eating on an average day. Get rid of the crap. Calculate your calories and stick to it. Half-measures won't get ya far IMO.

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