Looking for any suggestions and tweaks/opinions in my cutting diet. Thanks in advanced!
I was in really good shape in my first years of university then diet and exercise went to sh*t. so here i am trying to get back into shape again! I gain weight very very easily but still have a quite a bit of muscle. If I were to guess I would say my body fat is low to mid 20's
age - 23
height - 5 foot 10 inches
weight - 194 lb
workout - 4 days/week, with basketball for cardio on these days after my workout
meal 1
eggwhites 50/0/0
2 cups oatmeal with water and splenda 12/56/6
meal 2
protein shake 50/0/0
rice cakes 8/64/4
meal 3
chicken breast 50/0/6
white rice 0/70/0
1 tbsp butter 4/3/8
meal 4
protein shake 50/0/0
1 tbsp peanut butter 4/3/8
meal 5
tuna 42/0/0
half an avocado 2/9/15
meal 6
tuna 42/0/0
half an avocado 2/9/15
protein total = 316 g * 4 = 1264 cal (47%)
carbs total = 214 g * 4 = 856 cal (31%)
fat = 62 g * 9 = 558 cal (22%)
2678 calories total