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Thread: Cutting Diet Tell Me What You Think

  1. #1

    Cutting Diet Tell Me What You Think

    Looking for any suggestions and tweaks/opinions in my cutting diet. Thanks in advanced!
    I was in really good shape in my first years of university then diet and exercise went to sh*t . so here i am trying to get back into shape again! I gain weight very very easily but still have a quite a bit of muscle. If I were to guess I would say my body fat is low to mid 20's .

    age - 23
    height - 5 foot 10 inches
    weight - 194 lb
    workout - 4 days/week, with basketball for cardio on these days after my workout


    meal 1
    eggwhites 50/0/0
    2 cups oatmeal with water and splenda 12/56/6


    meal 2
    protein shake 50/0/0
    rice cakes 8/64/4

    meal 3
    chicken breast 50/0/6
    white rice 0/70/0
    1 tbsp butter 4/3/8

    meal 4
    protein shake 50/0/0
    1 tbsp peanut butter 4/3/8

    meal 5
    tuna 42/0/0
    half an avocado 2/9/15

    meal 6
    tuna 42/0/0
    half an avocado 2/9/15

    protein total = 316 g * 4 = 1264 cal (47%)
    carbs total = 214 g * 4 = 856 cal (31%)
    fat = 62 g * 9 = 558 cal (22%)

    2678 calories total

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section
    Okay bro so I'm assuming your bf is at 22-23% half way between what you said!

    Now, your eating too many cals!

    194 x .77 = 149.38 LBM
    LBM x 15 = ~ 2250 maintenance

    That's a goo place to begin! Macro split is up to you I'd recommend at least a 40/40/20 split! You could in crease protein or fat and drop carbs!

    Food choices look good to me!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by -KJ- View Post
    Okay bro so I'm assuming your bf is at 22-23% half way between what you said!

    Now, your eating too many cals!

    194 x .77 = 149.38 LBM
    LBM x 15 = ~ 2250 maintenance

    That's a goo place to begin! Macro split is up to you I'd recommend at least a 40/40/20 split! You could in crease protein or fat and drop carbs!

    Food choices look good to me!
    hey, thx for the reply. what caloric intake should i aim for under the maintenance that you mentioned? i gain weight really easily. also was wondering if 'white rice' was okay?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section
    Well I tend to start at maintenance and run it for two weeks. (Because you cant tell from 1 week due to water weight).
    If weight is dropping stay there and reassess after 3-4 days. If not then drop the cals and reassess after 3-4 days also.

    White rice is fine IMO if your worried about it switch it up for brown rice/ sweet potato etc

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by -KJ- View Post
    Well I tend to start at maintenance and run it for two weeks. (Because you cant tell from 1 week due to water weight).
    If weight is dropping stay there and reassess after 3-4 days. If not then drop the cals and reassess after 3-4 days also.

    White rice is fine IMO if your worried about it switch it up for brown rice/ sweet potato etc
    Thx for the reply! I was wondering how you came up with the figure for maintainance caloric expenditure. As well as your thoughts on doing a 45/15/20 split protein/carb/fat vs 40/40/20 split with the same calories. How does the differences in splits of macro change the diet with the calorie intake remaining the same. Thx!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section
    Your maintenance was found by LBM x 15 cals.

    Macros won't make a huge difference consistence is more important and hard training and cardio!

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