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Thread: teens and stupid low calouries

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    teens and stupid low calouries

    Okay this is hypothetical but i'm super curious
    On gear I've seen logs with guys with stupid low caloric intake dropping percentages of bf yet they maintain muscle and sometimes put on up to 6 pounds in muscle...blows my mind
    Anyway my question is since everyone's all 19 year olds have stupid amounts of test without roads wouldn't teens also be able to have stupid low calouries and cut weight without being scared of muscle loss?
    Like i am not an expert on nutrition in any means haha when PL i did the see food diet haha

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    No. Teens don't have "crazy high test levels". It just seems that way because testosterone is new to them and they are experiencing hormonal fluctuations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Agreed with bonaparte, they are just in most cases in the mid to upper scale of optimal range ( no different than a low dose trt patient in some cases)

    most cycles base with at least 350-500mg ew of synthetic test which is more than double even triple or what a natural teen would produce naturally in terms of ng/dl

    on a side note, being thier active life style and their test levels in the area they are they should have no problems making great gains or even cutting and preserving LBM as long as diet is in check we all can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    IMO, a teen that's interested in bodybuilding would be unlikely to have the need to cut to begin with. i.e. he probably will have been following a fairly 'healthy' eating regimen to begin with, unless it's your random 'woke up one morning and decided to pursue an IFBB pro card' type of teen. Point being most teens shouldn't need to go extremely hypocaloric, instead focusing on building a muscle base.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I think you also forget that extremely low calorie diets can negatively impact hormone levels. And since the teen is producing their own hormones, not taking exogenous test, then they will suffer. Take home from it is don't do a stupid low calorie diet. In fact in most cases I don't think youth should be dieting, and just eating healthy instead, and splurging here and there is fine.

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