Hi there guys im 19 im 5'6" 162 lbs 12%bf. Ive been working out on anda off over 3 years, and in this períod of time i ve learned to understand a little better my body. I know that the way that my body reacts to calories is that if i dont give a minimum of a calorie surplus, In the gym i ll just maintain. What i mean is that ill not grow. But if increase my calorie surplus and my calorie allowance up to 3000 (from my current 2500) ill just get stronger by there daily. Like it ll seem that im on juice just of the heavy weight that im put in up for a guy of my frame. The thing is that when i do this i would bulk out but only on my stomach.my veins from my arms will still be there my striations on my shoulders. Is weird... I ask u guys help to try to help me out to set up a new diet plan with a new calorie allowance and a new ratio of macronutrients that can allow me to pump some heqvier iron every week in the gym without getting too floopy. Ill appreciate any feedback. Thank you.