So I'm starting this thread to let people follow me in my journey to a better body! I have always been a "big kid". I can't remember exactly what my weight has been at various stages in my life but I do know the fat I have carried with me through it, is coming off. I have, at times masked my disappoint and self hatred by bullying or using my size to my advantage with sports like football. While I am carrying some extra body fat I am very active and in fairly good shape. I've been in the gym since my football coach had me start lifting in 7th grade. Keeping my size was important because I am a lineman... (Or at least that is what I fed myself) after highschool I moved away from home to go to school and football was gone. But my terrible eating habits followed me, in fact they probably got worse in college lifestyle. The year I graduated from tech school I was at my heaviest of 264lbs. Still using the highschool football excuse I played it off like it was good to be so fat "I needed the weight in highschool". Sounds ridiculous I know.. So fast forward a bit and I started playing semi pro football on a small regional league. Being a big guy, but not 300+ lineman big. I had my eyes opened a little, to see that I can be better than I am! So, I stepped up my efforts in the gym ten fold! Starting to lean out a bit and getting bigger and stronger feel awesome! But the diet still wasn't in the right place. Within the past year I have been focusing on my diet. Making BIG changes! I can remember in highschool having to clean all the Twinkie, Dingdong, Nuttybutter bar and potato chip wrappers out from behind my bed... These days (admitting my diet still isn't perfect) I have eliminated all the junk foods, no soda, as little sugar as possible and forged my diet around a macro routine. And just this week, now implementing Austinite's fat loss protocol.
So here we go! I'm setting a 13 week period for myself to bust ass and cut this fat forever!
I am going to be uploading progress pics as well as updating stats. I would love to have you all help push me through or just sit back and watch it happen! Either way I am going to be here sharing.
Here are my current stats:
26 yrs old
247 lbs
5'10" tall
22%bf (I only have access to a digital scale that does bf and a caliper so I'm not sure how accurate my bf is)
I have started my macro spread at a 40/40/20 split and I will post some daily food logs later.
I am open to suggestions along the way so pleas feel free to comment, criticize and critique any aspect of my routine.