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Thread: Starscream's transformation log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    So I'm starting this thread to let people follow me in my journey to a better body! I have always been a "big kid". I can't remember exactly what my weight has been at various stages in my life but I do know the fat I have carried with me through it, is coming off. I have, at times masked my disappoint and self hatred by bullying or using my size to my advantage with sports like football. While I am carrying some extra body fat I am very active and in fairly good shape. I've been in the gym since my football coach had me start lifting in 7th grade. Keeping my size was important because I am a lineman... (Or at least that is what I fed myself) after highschool I moved away from home to go to school and football was gone. But my terrible eating habits followed me, in fact they probably got worse in college lifestyle. The year I graduated from tech school I was at my heaviest of 264lbs. Still using the highschool football excuse I played it off like it was good to be so fat "I needed the weight in highschool". Sounds ridiculous I know.. So fast forward a bit and I started playing semi pro football on a small regional league. Being a big guy, but not 300+ lineman big. I had my eyes opened a little, to see that I can be better than I am! So, I stepped up my efforts in the gym ten fold! Starting to lean out a bit and getting bigger and stronger feel awesome! But the diet still wasn't in the right place. Within the past year I have been focusing on my diet. Making BIG changes! I can remember in highschool having to clean all the Twinkie, Dingdong, Nuttybutter bar and potato chip wrappers out from behind my bed... These days (admitting my diet still isn't perfect) I have eliminated all the junk foods, no soda, as little sugar as possible and forged my diet around a macro routine. And just this week, now implementing Austinite's fat loss protocol.

    So here we go! I'm setting a 13 week period for myself to bust ass and cut this fat forever!

    I am going to be uploading progress pics as well as updating stats. I would love to have you all help push me through or just sit back and watch it happen! Either way I am going to be here sharing.

    Here are my current stats:

    26 yrs old
    247 lbs
    5'10" tall
    22%bf (I only have access to a digital scale that does bf and a caliper so I'm not sure how accurate my bf is)

    I have started my macro spread at a 40/40/20 split and I will post some daily food logs later.

    I am open to suggestions along the way so pleas feel free to comment, criticize and critique any aspect of my routine.
    Last edited by starscream; 09-17-2013 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    So here are some photos from about 1 year ago. I was at 265ish in these.. in fact I have it posted on my profile that I was 268 in the photo in my football uniform.

    I am going to take a few pics here in just a bit and post them shortly.

    also if we have any BF% guess gurus i'd love to have your estimate for these and the next pics

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Okay here are some current ones. as I mentioned in the OP i am currently at 247-250lbs and from the measurements with my caliper and scale I am right around 22% BF but I would like some second opinions on the BF%

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Been keeping my diet in line! Had a cheat day Sunday at the state fair.. But didn't go too crazy.

    Training is going great!! I have lots of energy at the gym and I've been feeling very motivated! Hit a personal record dead lift last night at 455lbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Her is a little update! I have been on austinite's fat loss protocol for 3 weeks. I'm down 6 lbs.. off to a good start

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    what does your weekly training look like?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Monday: Chest/triceps then cardio

    Tuesday: Back/biceps then cardio

    Wednesday: Rest day

    Thursday: Shoulders/core then cardio

    Friday: Legs

    Saturday: Light full body and tabata strength training

    Sunday: more full body but focused more on cardio

    My rest day varies if my schedule needs it to.

    Also Saturdayand Sunday are sort of "free days" if I feel like my arms, traps, back need work I focus on that more. Usually try to do lots of light weight high rep sets with little rest between.

    That is a basic schedule.. I'm on my phone so I'm not going to list specific exercises but I can tonight if you want. They vary quite a bit.. I try not to get too repetitive.

    I typically spend about an hour on weight training then do a half hour on the treadmill at about 6mph jumping up to 9 or so as I can take it. Keeping my heart rate fairly high. Finally I finish off with a 4 minute tabata style workout (20sec on 10 off) (hiit style if you want to call it) I like dead landmines cause its a full body workout, but sometimes i'll do dumbbell sets like seated curls/shoulder press/pushup/jumping jacks.. I like to get creative with it.

    Edit: I mention the dead landmines a lot so I thought I'd share this incase some of you don't know what I'm talking about
    Last edited by starscream; 09-17-2013 at 01:38 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Those dead landmines are new to me!

    Just see how you fair in two weeks and if your not seeing any change, time to reassess.

    As long as your making progress, stay the course!

    Consistency and diet consistency are the real keys to this!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    Those dead landmines are new to me!

    Just see how you fair in two weeks and if your not seeing any change, time to reassess.

    As long as your making progress, stay the course!

    Consistency and diet consistency are the real keys to this!
    Thanks for the input man! I will stick with what I'm doing. Its just hard to be patient once you start seeing those results haha

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    So I weighed in yesterday morning not expecting to see any loss (it was a rough week for my diet, my best bud got married and we ate and drank way more than I should have) but!! My anxiety was short lived when I saw I was another 2lbs lighter!

    Haven't done any measurements yet but I will tonight. Also I'm going to try this 7 point caliper test rather than the 3 point I have been using. Hopefully I will see good results in the body fat dropping.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    We all have little bumps in the road but just get back to what you are doing and you'll be fine.

    Keep up the hard work!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Hahaha, you are right!
    Last edited by RaginCajun; 09-24-2013 at 06:10 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Cajun, I feel like you might have meant to post that on your thread.. haha

    Either way, it's welcome here!
    I'll just go with it ;-)

    Solid work bro! Making me hungry talking about food!

    it's just about 5:30am where I'm at. I just did my morning pushups and situps. Now a quick shower before I cook breakfast.
    2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 4oz turkey sausage.

    By the way I recommend the "just 6 weeks app" kinda cool, basically just helps you work your way up 100 pushups a day. And 200 situps.. also has challenges for dips squats and pullups but I haven't tried those.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by starscream
    Cajun, I feel like you might have meant to post that on your thread.. haha Either way, it's welcome here! I'll just go with it ;-) Solid work bro! Making me hungry talking about food! it's just about 5:30am where I'm at. I just did my morning pushups and situps. Now a quick shower before I cook breakfast. 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 4oz turkey sausage. By the way I recommend the "just 6 weeks app" kinda cool, basically just helps you work your way up 100 pushups a day. And 200 situps.. also has challenges for dips squats and pullups but I haven't tried those.

    You should taste the deer spaghetti I cooked Sunday!

    Cooking some speckled trout tonite!

    I don't play when it comes to food!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post


    You should taste the deer spaghetti I cooked Sunday!

    Cooking some speckled trout tonite!

    I don't play when it comes to food!
    Damn! Sounds good! I'm not a big fish fan but i try to have some salmon a couple times a week.
    Venison is always good! I've got a freezer packed with elk and deer meat.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Down to 240lbs today. Just ran out of a month's worth of chromium and egcg it's ordered and should be here in the next few days.
    I have been getting a lot of complements! Everyone seems to be noticing my improvements. Hoping to get my body fat as low as I can over this coming winter to get looking lean next summer.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by starscream
    Down to 240lbs today. Just ran out of a month's worth of chromium and egcg it's ordered and should be here in the next few days. I have been getting a lot of complements! Everyone seems to be noticing my improvements. Hoping to get my body fat as low as I can over this coming winter to get looking lean next summer.
    Compliments are always great to hear, and you know it's working!

    Just stay the course!

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