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Thread: bf% estimates?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I've been using an electronic scale with a bf reading and a 3 point caliper measurement, which I know aren't very accurate.
    I was hoping someone could give me an estimate.
    Scale says around 21-22
    Caliper 19 or so

    Both pictures I am sucking in my gut a bit... I do have a bit of a gut which is one reason I feel like I am much more than what the tools I'm using say. I am pretty lean on my shoulders and arms, quads are fairly lean too. But that gut and my ass have to account for quite a bit haha

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  2. #2
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    30 or so. here is a chart,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Star id put u around 25ish

    Why not find a bod pod in ur area and go..

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    30 or so. here is a chart,
    Thanks! I've looked at the chart before, I just feel like it's hard to tell because I am as big as the biggest guys on there but I feel like I have a lot more muscle mass.

    Maybe in just trying to make excuses haha

    Also maybe I should have added this..
    26yrs old

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Star id put u around 25ish

    Why not find a bod pod in ur area and go..
    I've tried I don't have one close :-\ 300 miles or so.. Next time I make a trip to salt lake city I might try to schedule one

  6. #6
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    Agreed 25-30 ( slightly hard to tell )

    either way you have alot of LBM under there and would look pretty good cut up

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Agreed 25-30 ( slightly hard to tell )

    either way you have alot of LBM under there and would look pretty good cut up
    Thanks man! The kind words always help! I'm working on it! Been on austinite's fat loss protocol for about a week and a half now..
    I've had to adjust my macros a couple times in the past few months. But I'm down almost 30lbs from my heaviest a year ago

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    whats your current diet? Np man. you got a good base, hit up a nice cutter diet and youll be lookn great in no time!

    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    Thanks man! The kind words always help! I'm working on it! Been on austinite's fat loss protocol for about a week and a half now..
    I've had to adjust my macros a couple times in the past few months. But I'm down almost 30lbs from my heaviest a year ago

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    whats your current diet? Np man. you got a good base, hit up a nice cutter diet and youll be lookn great in no time!
    Currently I'm doing 256g protein 160g carb and 99g fat for 2558 total calories

  11. #11
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    Sep 2007
    Are you making progress with that current macro? if so do you have an est on how much weight per week loss?

    keep in mind 2500 cals is pretty close to your maintenance cals, You wont loose fat very fast staying at those cals.

    You possible could be recomping slowly depending on cardio level but I would suggest doing a full cutter.

    Are you on AAS? I would hope not but it would help me know for the direction I would suggest.

    All this is assuming you want to lean out? Or am i wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    Currently I'm doing 256g protein 160g carb and 99g fat for 2558 total calories

  12. #12
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Are you making progress with that current macro? if so do you have an est on how much weight per week loss?

    keep in mind 2500 cals is pretty close to your maintenance cals, You wont loose fat very fast staying at those cals.

    You possible could be recomping slowly depending on cardio level but I would suggest doing a full cutter.

    Are you on AAS? I would hope not but it would help me know for the direction I would suggest.

    All this is assuming you want to lean out? Or am i wrong?
    No AAS yet.. You are correct that I am wanting to lean out before starting a cycle.

    As for the results in not seeing GREAT results but I'm noticing a leaner look..
    The scale shows roughly 1 or 2 lbs a week dropped but I have been struggling with my diet on weekends so it's realistically closer to 1lb a week. It's kinda hard to say because I had gotten pretty bad with my diet over the summer. Things are going pretty well now though so in another couple of weeks I'll have a better idea

    I train hard 6 days a week including 30-45 minutes of cardio 4 of those days (usually 30 minutes of moderate paced walking followed by dead landmines tabata style or HIIT on the elliptical)
    This is fairly new though (2 weeks) .. I use to do only 10 minutes of cardio maybe twice a week.

    I'm open to suggestions for sure

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by starscream

    No AAS yet.. You are correct that I am wanting to lean out before starting a cycle.

    As for the results in not seeing GREAT results but I'm noticing a leaner look..
    The scale shows roughly 1 or 2 lbs a week dropped but I have been struggling with my diet on weekends so it's realistically closer to 1lb a week. It's kinda hard to say because I had gotten pretty bad with my diet over the summer. Things are going pretty well now though so in another couple of weeks I'll have a better idea

    I train hard 6 days a week including 30-45 minutes of cardio 4 of those days (usually 30 minutes of moderate paced walking followed by dead landmines tabata style or HIIT on the elliptical)
    This is fairly new though (2 weeks) .. I use to do only 10 minutes of cardio maybe twice a week.

    I'm open to suggestions for sure
    What are you trying to do?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post

    What are you trying to do?
    I'm not really sure how to answer this question...

    To answer generally... Be as big and lean as I possibly can! 2030 Mr. Olympia ;-) haha

    More specifically, and generally short(er) term.. I want to get down to around 10%bf and continue pushing my limits from there.. More muscle, less fat.

    It crossed my mind that you might be asking about competing in sports? I do play semi pro football but I'm not into power lifting (competitively anyway) nothing wrong with shooting huge personal records.

  15. #15
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    New Jersey
    I think 25% is pretty accurate. Nice size though... there's a lot of muscle hiding under there, no doubt.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2007
    I would pull the macros to a 50/30/20 if you are carb sensitive ( guessing by how low your carbs were)

    fat is quite high in that macro, maybe you reacted well to this?

    I would aim for a lower cal intake, 2200, 2300 to start ( normally id go even slightly lower but if your already loosing 1lb e/w no need)

    Set your self goals in order to give yourself a cheat if you have to on weekends but only one day, 1 sunday or sat every 2 weeks for a refeed day( double carbs from a normal day)

    on non workout days pull some carbs maybe 20-30 grams do this maybe 2-3 days a week if you can?

    Just my suggestions.

    also 6 days a week might be a tad harsh. maybe shoot for 5 ( cardio 4 is okay)

    for me HIT doesnt work well. I do moderate pace( slow run 35-45min 6.5mph ish) and hold it, dont bounce from machine to machine just pick one and do it.

    10 mins cardio is useless.

    just eating better and not parting so much on the weekend will make great changes alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    No AAS yet.. You are correct that I am wanting to lean out before starting a cycle.

    As for the results in not seeing GREAT results but I'm noticing a leaner look..
    The scale shows roughly 1 or 2 lbs a week dropped but I have been struggling with my diet on weekends so it's realistically closer to 1lb a week. It's kinda hard to say because I had gotten pretty bad with my diet over the summer. Things are going pretty well now though so in another couple of weeks I'll have a better idea

    I train hard 6 days a week including 30-45 minutes of cardio 4 of those days (usually 30 minutes of moderate paced walking followed by dead landmines tabata style or HIIT on the elliptical)
    This is fairly new though (2 weeks) .. I use to do only 10 minutes of cardio maybe twice a week.

    I'm open to suggestions for sure
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 09-04-2013 at 02:38 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    Currently I'm doing 256g protein 160g carb and 99g fat for 2558 total calories
    hou look good already even if you're not cut.. i personally prefer having the bigger look...but i dont have as much mass as you so a cut look would be very small

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    I would pull the macros to a 50/30/20 if you are carb sensitive ( guessing by how low your carbs were)

    fat is quite high in that macro, you reacted well to this?

    I would aim for a lower cal intake, 2200, 2300 to start ( normally id go even slightly lower but if your already loosing 1lb e/w no need)

    Set your self goals in order to give yourself a cheat if you have to on weekends but only one day, 1 sunday or sat every 2 weeks for a refeed day( double carbs from a normal day)

    on non workout days pull some carbs maybe 20-30 grams do this maybe 2-3 days a week if you can?

    Just my suggestions.

    also 6 days a week might be a tad harsh. maybe shoot for 5 ( cardio 4 is okay)

    for me HIT doesnt work well. I do moderate pace( slow run 35-45min 6.5mph ish) and hold it, dont bounce from machine to machine just pick one and do it.

    10 mins cardio is useless.

    just eating better and not parting so much on the weekend will make great changes alone.
    I agree with you on pretty much everything you said.. I think my biggest problem is that I've been making adjustments too frequently and not giving myself enough time to see what works.. For now I want to give what I've been doing a good solid 3 weeks (so one more full) to see how it is really working for me.

    If I'm not down more than 3lbs I will lower the calories to maybe 2200 or even 2100 as it is I almost feel like it's hard to eat as much as I am.. I'm rarely ever feeling hungry.

    As far as the 6.5mph cardio haha I feel like 5.5 is damn near a sprint haha I usually walk at 3.8 or 4. I can only hold around 5mph for a minute or so :-(

    My macros are set at that because that is what set me at haha. Like I said I haven't really given one set of macros a chance long enough to assess the results. Until now..

    I appreciate the advice bro! I will be interested to see what happens at the end of my 3 week trial and make adjustments accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    hou look good already even if you're not cut.. i personally prefer having the bigger look...but i dont have as much mass as you so a cut look would be very small
    Thanks a lot man! It's positive feedback like this that helps keep me motivated to improve!

  19. #19
    Man Continue good the good work once you will melt you felt so happy that you'll wont believe it i've passed from 36 to 32 jeans it feels ****ing good

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    I've been busy and haven't been very active on the forum much lately.. some updates are much due. I will try to post some new pics tonight. I'm down to 240 right now but I got sick last week and didn't hit hardly any cardio.. still kinda climbing out of a little slump I got myself into but I'm ready to go back to the routine now

    I'm planning on putting the hammer down the next 2 weeks and hitting it hard! Bought groceries last night. Chicken, salmon, eggs, broccoli, asparagus, almond milk, and a box of go lean crunch.
    I always train like an animal, it's my diet that sets me back once in a while. But I'm feeling good and ready to kill!

    I have my yearly wellness exam with my doc coming up and I'm going to talk to him about getting some blood work done to test for low T. It could be just a case if internet self diagnosis since I think I'm a bit young (26) to have low test, but I am showing a lot of signs.. practically NO labido, depression, tired all the time just to name a few. So we will see what he says.
    Anyway! I'm ready to get my ass back in gear and I will try to get some new progress pics up tonight.

  22. #22
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    well long over due!! I have been busy, had a lot of stuff come up and got off of my diet for a while.

    I got diagnosed with low-T and have since been put on TRT at 200mg test-C every other week.. I have gotten back on my diet, and I ma training my ass off! cardio twice a day every day with weight training 5 out of 7 days a week.

    So far I am losing weight again! While I was away I managed to get back up to 252lbs. A month long "dirty bulk" had me feeling fat and strong but it was time to cut it back down, and then some!

    starting on monday January 6th I began my NEW transformation and it is going excellent! due to the shock of the extremely strict diet as well as doubling my cardio I managed to drop 7lbs in the first week. on sunday the 12th I was at 245lbs.

    so that is where I have been, and what has been going on!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    well long over due!! I have been busy, had a lot of stuff come up and got off of my diet for a while.

    I got diagnosed with low-T and have since been put on TRT at 200mg test-C every other week.. I have gotten back on my diet, and I ma training my ass off! cardio twice a day every day with weight training 5 out of 7 days a week.

    So far I am losing weight again! While I was away I managed to get back up to 252lbs. A month long "dirty bulk" had me feeling fat and strong but it was time to cut it back down, and then some!

    starting on monday January 6th I began my NEW transformation and it is going excellent! due to the shock of the extremely strict diet as well as doubling my cardio I managed to drop 7lbs in the first week. on sunday the 12th I was at 245lbs.

    so that is where I have been, and what has been going on!
    They put you on a terrible TRT protocol, first it's too high, second your administration is too far apart. I'm on my smartphone and will explain more later. I'm sure pros will chime in soon.

  24. #24
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    Dammit why do doctors prescribe every 14 days? That's ridiculous. Yoyo protocol. Grrr. You should be doing 50mg every 4-5 days imo. That would keep your levels stable for cypionate. It's a sightly longer ester than enanthate so I think there about would get you off the rollercoaster your doc has you riding currently. It's completely out of your system after 10 days and now that you've been injecting exo. test. You are in complete shutdown meaning no test at all. Do you feel ok for the entire 2 weeks between injections?

    Your back is thick as hell. I'm a little Jealous haha.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Yoyo protocol
    I like what you called, its official.

  26. #26
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    i can understand the reasoning behind the yoyo trt protocol. most people (non roid users) hate injections. the reason why esters are created is to hold the test in depo over as long a period as possible so that the frequency of injection is low. an extreme example would be Nebido, which last for 3 months per pin. patient's fear, anxiety and pain is decreased and compliance is higher.

    but for members on this board, where eod and ed pins are very common, of course the fortnightly pins will sound like a big joke

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    i can understand the reasoning behind the yoyo trt protocol. most people (non roid users) hate injections. the reason why esters are created is to hold the test in depo over as long a period as possible so that the frequency of injection is low. an extreme example would be Nebido, which last for 3 months per pin. patient's fear, anxiety and pain is decreased and compliance is higher.

    but for members on this board, where eod and ed pins are very common, of course the fortnightly pins will sound like a big joke
    Lol true about this board and injections. I actually kind of like doing it.

    I understand the reason for esters but cyp half life is about 5 days I think. Enanthate is about 4. 2 weeks is way too long of a time frame betwixt (i've always wanted to use that word in a real sentence!)

    I'd like to see his bloodwork at 4 days p.i., then again at 12 days.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    i can understand the reasoning behind the yoyo trt protocol. most people (non roid users) hate injections. the reason why esters are created is to hold the test in depo over as long a period as possible so that the frequency of injection is low. an extreme example would be Nebido, which last for 3 months per pin. patient's fear, anxiety and pain is decreased and compliance is higher.

    but for members on this board, where eod and ed pins are very common, of course the fortnightly pins will sound like a big joke
    ^^^ This bi weekly trt injections are very common and 200 eow is a pretty standard starting point for most endo dr's. Most the time when they retest serum levels you come back low after 14 days and they adjust from there.

  29. #29
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    according to the product info leaflet from pfizer, who makes depo-test (testC), the half-life is about eight days.

    i quote:

    "For replacement in the hypogonadal male, 50-400 mg should be administered every two to four weeks."

    sounds crazy. but i think every 7 days should be fine, since the half-life is 8days.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    according to the product info leaflet from pfizer, who makes depo-test (testC), the half-life is about eight days.

    i quote:

    "For replacement in the hypogonadal male, 50-400 mg should be administered every two to four weeks."

    sounds crazy. but i think every 7 days should be fine, since the half-life is 8days.
    yea but who wants to get to half life level anyway! we all want more stable high end "normal"

  31. #31
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    All i can say for sure is that blood level charts show that with enanthate, levels drop dramatically on the 4th day. I wouldn't want to be at half, quarter, or eighth levels. The half life of c is longer than I thought though. I wouldn't do e2w injections based on what I have seen but I'm an obstinate a hole who doesn't trust anyone or anything I read if it is connected on any way to the drug company because its all written by lawyers to protect the manufacturer.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    according to the product info leaflet from pfizer, who makes depo-test (testC), the half-life is about eight days.

    i quote:

    "For replacement in the hypogonadal male, 50-400 mg should be administered every two to four weeks."

    sounds crazy. but i think every 7 days should be fine, since the half-life is 8days.
    Yes I'd feel comfortable with that. Not 14 days. I don't think 7 days sounds crazy given an elimination half life of 8 days. I thought it was 5 for c but that's wrong. I just think with 14 day intervals the blood levels would look like a sine wave.

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