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Thread: Fat/Weight loss help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New Jersey

    Fat/Weight loss help...

    I was a wrestler in high school and weighed 160 in March of 2000, now 3 years later I weigh 250. I am only 5' 8" and am unsure of my bodyfat but I know it is very high. I feel that I can never get back to 160 because I have put on some muscle since then and I was extremely "sucked out" at that weight but I would like to get back into the 1's (under 200). I am looking for tips on a way to diet and workout to lose a lot of body weight. I want to lift light to keep muscle and stay in shape. Any help would be necessary. I also am curious if any supplements would effectively aid in this process. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Do a search there is tons of diet and cardio advice here.


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