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Thread: body opus calculations ? correct?

  1. #1

    body opus calculations ? correct?

    I want to see if my calculations are right to start the diet on sunday night.... im 171 pounds(78Kg) with 11.5 BF%. My lean body mass is 150 pounds (68Kg). now if i do my math right on a 75% fat and 25% protein my calculations come out to be right at 1,399 calories of fat throughout the day wich if u divide that by 9calories/gram it equals 155 now divide that for 4 meals a day and u get 39 grams of fat per meal is this part right?? now i did the same math for protein, but instead of 9calories/gram i used 4calories/gram and came out with 29 grams of protein per meal is this one right too?? feel free to correct me on any of this or what u guys think my calculations should be based on my stats

  2. #2
    Your calculations seem fine to me, though I wouldn't worry so much about the ratios. You won't be getting enough protein like that.

    Is this based on your maintenance calories? How much of a caloric deficit are you taking?

    What I recommend is that you first shoot for .9 grams of protein per lbs of lean body weight (your actual body weight would be fine. Let’s say for argument that we'll base it on your current weight of 171.

    171*.9=153.9 grams protein.

    So you should shoot for around 150 grams of protein a day (a little more or a little less won't matter, the body is great at making adjustments to small changes).

    Now you take your maintenance calories, for argument we'll say its 2000/day, and subtract the protein.

    2000 Calories-(150 grams protein*4 calories)= 1400.

    You'll need to make up 1400 calories from fat. Now if you need to make a caloric reduction you have two choices. You can take it away from the fat calories (don't sacrifice the protein) or you can add cardio.

    The Body Opus is great and was ahead of it's time when it came out, but that was something like 10 years ago. I've done this diet many times and this is the approach that I took this year. I've been able to get much leaner and keep more mass this time around.

    Don't be obsessed with the ratio, if you're getting in your required protein (not an excess), and the rest from fat you'll hit ketosis. Too much protein can be converted to glucose so don't go protein crazy. I find that most people end up at a 60-40 or 50-50 fat protein ratio.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    60/40 or 50/50 will not let you into ketosis, from my experience not a chance, you will need to have at least 70% of ur calories coming from fat that is the key. If you are in ketosis you wont burn muscle, if you are trying to get into ketosis and eating say 60/40 or 50/50 concentrating on your protein intake you will possibly be also using it as energy, as when you are not in ketosis your main source of fuel without carbs is going to be protein(muscle). You can read in many places and lyle mcd says "those who are worried about taking in to much fat, do so at your own peril" or words to that effect, i think this is the key most people miss!


  4. #4
    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    You can read in many places and lyle mcd says "those who are worried about taking in to much fat, do so at your own peril" or words to that effect, i think this is the key most people miss!

    The above formula was posted by Lyle McDonald in (you can find it in sometime last fall. You can google it there. His thoughts now are that Ketosis is simply not necessary for fat loss and that you shouldn't sacrifice protein for the sake of maintaining your fat ratio.

    Lyle posted that his previous posts on ketosis were old and out dated and wrong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    SO that would render most of the boards knowledge or thought of diet useless? Also the fact that the body uses muscle before fat when varbs are not present is old news?

    What I am trying to say is that if you are not in ketosis which with me from experience is not attainable without the right amount of fat, then what are you using for fuel? when you are not taking carbs??

    this would mean anyone can go low carb/no carb, not get into ketosis stay low fat and just simply burn off pure pounds? sorry that theory simply doesnt wash, i am not sure where we are going wrong here but those statements contradict everything i have ever learned


  6. #6
    Lyle was questioned about this by various posters in and he simply stated that he's entitled to learn and change his point of view.

    He's stated many times that Ketosis isn't necessary for fat burning, he's also stated many times that you can eat up to 100 grams of carbs a day and stay in ketosis provided you only eat carbs pre and post workouts. His TKD diet allows for pre and post workout carbs.

    He also stated that the Body Opus works just fine. Just because he feels that something else is better doesn't make the Opus less valid, just older and out of date (in Lyle's opinion).

    Feel free to browse It's a great resource. You can even go back a number of years on google and read posts by Dan Duchaine, posts about Lyle's DNP experiment, posts by Patrick Arnond (Mr. Andro).

    Lyle was posting under "The Ghost of Lyle McDonald" last year. I haven't frequented the news group in some time so I couldn't begin to tell you what he's been posting lately. Maybe he's recanted.

  7. #7
    From the man himself

    The complete thread

    Last edited by demetri; 05-29-2003 at 09:10 PM.

  8. #8
    Ok jason i got a question is the ratios im useing fine and if soo are my calculations on fat and protein right far as the right amount of calories ? or does anyone know the answer to my question??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    personally i spread it out more, i have about hmmm cant remember 6 meals per day maybe, i work out my cals by bodyweight x 10 or lbw x 12 , thats up to you , i do bodyweight x 10. then i have maintenance from there i work out my totals and start making up some meals i try to keep each meal balanced if possible but usuually end up somewhere where i want to be, if you mail me i can send u an excel of some stuff i worked out


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