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Thread: Moe's (basically a chipoltle) ok for bulking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Moe's (basically a chipoltle) ok for bulking?

    They just recently opened a Moe's near my work and I have been going there the past couple days for lunch because I have gotten a little lazy and have not cooked. But it really doesnt seem like too bad of a meal. I usually get a burrito bowl with rice, beans, double steak, cheese, and (yes I know this is bad) sour cream. But they claim there is no added salt, and there steak is grass fed angus. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    here is an average chipotle bowl with steak, rice, beans, sour cream, cheese is around 775 calories. 31.5 grams fat, 68 gram carbs, and 52 grams protein. with double steak its 965 calories. 38 grams fat, 70 grams carbs, 82 gram protein.

    pretty high in fat for one meal. if bulking not bad every once in awhile. if you take out the sour cream and cheese you drop around 20 grams of fat. if you drop one or the other you drop around 10 grams of fat. now if i was on growth and gear bulking this is a sweet little treat. but overall not that good because of high fat and carbs, maybe drop the fats and dont eat all the rice/beans or ask for half the amount. then its not to bad besides high cholesterol and sodium.
    Last edited by Ctits23; 11-20-2013 at 03:49 PM.

  3. #3
    and the biggest question i forgot ask you. are you runnin any gear or other hormones? then its different story

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Not on anything at the moment... Even though my body fat isnt low (around maybe 15%) I dont put on weight very easily so I feel as though the extra fat isnt too much of a concern.

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