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Thread: Help with a diet plan. , for t3 and clen cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Age :23
    Height : 6ft 3
    Weight : 13 stone 9
    BF% : Approx 17% ( last checked 2 weeks)

    Cycles : Never touched AAS ( Obviously) or stuff mentioned in title

    Experience : Cardio 15 miles rowing 3 / week , alternatimg cardio every 6 weeks .

    Goal : Want to get rid of a very stubborn inch of fat on stomache and love handels - get to 10% bf approx , then bulk clean natty for a year or two while throwing in cutting cycles.

    'You dont need clen or t3 , you just need to diet ' : Im very aware of this but I just want to give it a shot and get some fast results

    Help I need : Want to reduce feeling fatigue , and have a baseline of cals to consume , I will be eating very clean whole foods, and ideally go with just a protein and veg style diet .

    Also is adding L Arginine (1000 mg)and L Carnitine (2500 mg) too much for this cycle ?
    Last edited by Reiid13; 12-02-2013 at 05:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Going from 17% to 10% is not something I would call "get rid of stubborn fat on stomach and love handles" it simply means your diet is not in check. Post complete diet and forget about Clean and T3 for now because using that at this time would be just dumb!


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
    Follow my personal story here: Anabolic Steroids - Forums - An honest journey - Blogs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Going from 17% to 10% is not something I would call "get rid of stubborn fat on stomach and love handles" it simply means your diet is not in check. Post complete diet and forget about Clean and T3 for now because using that at this time would be just dumb!


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
    Follow my personal story here: Anabolic Steroids - Forums - An honest journey - Blogs
    Well I had my BMI done at my local gym , aswell as my BF% , by the people who work there , when I pinch my stomache / love handels its not alot at all , id say maybe more like 1 and a half inch , when I finish work ill post a pic prehaps.

    Also my BMI is 23.87 , classed as 'normal' (20-25)
    Bf% 17.34...
    Last edited by Reiid13; 12-03-2013 at 04:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    BMI is irrelevant mate. To those that exercise at least.

    A pic would help enormously. As would details of how many times a week you lift and do cardio, both now and when you anticipate starting.

    No T3 though. You will piss away muscle which has a knock on effect when you end your 'cycle'.

    You can add arginine any time you want but can you be more specific why you want to use it and where in your day? You're probably gonna need to triple the amount stated though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Going to start after crimbo
    Will Do 2 weeks natty 4 times a week , going to be focusing on reps and sets rather than low reps massive weights.
    3 Days on the weights , 1 day rowing and jogging every morning 2 miles 6 days a week .

    When I start 'cycle' ( didnt know what else to call it lol )
    Will be focusing more on crossfit / circuits twice a week , and 2 days rowing . While maintaining jogging every morning.

    The T3 ! : I was only planning on using this for 3 weeks just to peak my metabolism , 50 mg ED to maximise the 'cycle' ( what you think ?!)

    L- C & L-A : I have only read Aust's thread and thought it would be good aminos to throw in , have no idea about when to take

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I would still focus on hypertrophy workouts. What built the muscle will help to retain the muscle.

    In reality, lifting 4 x per week and cardio the same, combined with a good diet plan should help you achieve 10-12% without the need for anything else but let's see a pic and see where your bodyfat is right now.

    Ditch the T3 until such time that you run a cycle.

    Why don't you start cutting now?

    How long, in time, are your rowing and running workouts?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    You know what its like , the festive season and all , on night shifts aswell as of next week till jan 2nd .

    I row for approx a hour sometimes hour 20 , on intensity 10 - concept 2 rowing machine

    I can only run on the streets ( hate treads ) and its just 2 miles a morning to get body functioning and to wake up , I often add a little HIIT into it aswell

    Ill stay clear of t3 then , but really wanna give clen a shot as you know.

    Any suggestions on L-a and L-c when to use ?!

    Cheers mate

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Christmas is coming yes. And, as boring an old fart as I may sound, if cutting is your goal then 3 weeks now can make up for the debauchery of the season. Being prepared is key to results in this game. Plan your meals and cook in advance where necessary and carry them with you.

    I take 3G arginine pre lifting. I think carnitine is much more effective when used as an injectable but hurts like a bitch, so I hear. Are either going to be a huge help? No. Will they hurt? No.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Cheers bro , this is why your my Go-To man haha !

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What is your diet plan to cut? Is I anything like

    Protein 230g
    Fats 60-70g
    Carbs 220g


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